Client Not Updating

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If your client is not updating (the build number does not match that which you know to be recent):

  • DO THIS FIRST: Open up your KAG directory (probably c:\KAG, c:\Documents and Settings\User\KAG, or c:\Users\youruser\KAG if using windows, and .\Applications\KAG if using OS X) and email (as attachments) your Logs/system.txt and Logs/app.txt files to (FliesLikeABrick). He is working on understanding why so many people are having update problems and NEED THESE FILES
  • Copy Logs/app.txt somewhere (yes, copy it somewhere, don't just open it - this is so you don't lose the current file the next time you run KAG). Open it up and look at the first 20 lines or so for the error relating to autoupdate. You can post your app.txt log file on the Help forum and someone can help you figure out what is wrong.
  • A quick possible fix is to delete App/version.txt and restart KAG
  • (Windows only) If your KAG is installed inside c:\Program Files\ or you installed it from Desura, this is possibly a permissions problem. Try installing KAG from the homepage download into the default location (It will install inside your profile under c:\Users\*)