Thick Rock

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This page might not be up-to-date (build 360).
Thick Rock
Thickrockblock1.png Thickrockblock2.png
Breaking yields 36 RockItemMini.png (6 per hit)
Hits to break 6 hits, then becomes Rock 16px.png
(with 5 hits instead of 6)

Thick Rock is one of the natural blocks. It can be mined by Builders or Knights, providing 4 stone resource per hit. After 6 hits the block turns into slightly damaged Rock, which yields 2 Stone for up to only 5 hits (opposed to 6 hits if you mine a natural Rock). The whole block of Thick Rock (including the slightly damaged Rock) provides 34 stone (24 + 12 - 2).

Every hit (as a builder) will also gain you one Coin. Knights won't receive any coins for hitting thick rock.
