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    <allpages gapcontinue="Receiver" />
      <page pageid="1421" ns="0" title="ReadRequirement">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">&lt;onlyinclude&gt;
Reads requirements from the given [[CBitStream]] into variables you provide.

This is primarily for use in conjunction with other requirement-handling methods.
It can be used to check the requirements set by [[AddRequirement]].

The first parameter is the [[CBitStream]] you're reading the requirements from.
The requirement string is the type of requirement - the standard ones are &quot;blob&quot;, &quot;tech&quot;, &quot;coin&quot;, &quot;shop&quot; and &quot;time&quot;, though you can define your own.
The blobName string is the name of the blob that is required, if the requirement is for a kind of blob - it will be blank (&quot;&quot;) if it is not a kind of blob, for example if it is time.
The friendlyName string is what should be displayed to the player as text.

&lt;syntaxhighlight lang=&quot;cpp&quot;&gt;
void ReadRequirement( CBitStream@ bs, std::string &amp;requirement, std::string &amp;blobName, std::string &amp;friendlyName, u16 &amp;quantity)

Example from Entities/Workshops/Scripts/
&lt;syntaxhighlight lang=&quot;cpp&quot; highlight=&quot;7&quot;&gt;
void SetButtonRequirementsText( CGridButton @button, CBitStream@ bs, bool missing )
  string text, requiredType, name, friendlyName;
  u16 quantity = 0;					
  while (!bs.isBufferEnd())
    ReadRequirement( bs, requiredType, name, friendlyName, quantity );

    string quantityColor;
    if (missing)
      quantityColor = &quot;$RED$&quot;;
      quantityColor = &quot;$GREEN$&quot;;

    if (requiredType == &quot;blob&quot;)
      text += quantityColor;
      text += quantity;
      text += quantityColor;
      text += &quot; $&quot;; text += name; text += &quot;$&quot;;
      text += &quot; &quot;;
      text += quantityColor;
      text += friendlyName;
      text += quantityColor;
      text += &quot; required.\n\n&quot;;
    else if (requiredType == &quot;tech&quot;)
      text += &quot; $&quot;; text += name; text += &quot;$ &quot;;
      text += quantityColor;
      text += friendlyName;
      text += quantityColor;
      text += &quot; technology required.\n\n&quot;;									
    else if (requiredType == &quot;coin&quot;)
      text += quantity;					
      text += &quot; $coin$ required\n\n&quot;;
    else if (requiredType == &quot;shop&quot;)
    if (requiredType == &quot;time&quot;)
      text += &quot;$TIME$ &quot;;
      text += friendlyName;
      text += &quot; &quot;;
      text += quantityColor;
      text += quantity;
      text += quantityColor;
      text += &quot;\n\n&quot;;
button.SetHoverText( text );

[[Category:Global Functions]]</rev>
      <page pageid="13633" ns="0" title="Realm of Ninja Mystic Battle Unlimited Currency Generator Cheats 2024 (fresh strategy)">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">Unleash Your Inner Ninja with Realm of Ninja Mystic Battle Cheats!

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