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These commands can be used inside the command console ([Home]-key).

Rcon commands

Command Usage Description
echo echo [string]. Ex. echo echo! This command echoes the given string to console.
help help This command returns the list of available commands with their usage.
list list [command]. Ex. list cls Return the list of available commands.
quit quit Quit the game.
cls cls Clears the console messages.
v_restart v_restart Restarts the video engine.
rcon rcon [console_command] Remote console to game server. Dispatch server console commands with /rcon prefix.
login login [password] Login to remote console.
logout logout Logout of remote console.
netobjects netobjects Prints all netobjects.
netobjects2 netobjects2 Prints all historical netobjects.
restartmap restartmap Restarts the current map or generates a new map.
nextmap nextmap Starts the next map in mapcycle.
kick kick [player name] Kicks a player.
kickid kickid [player id] Kicks a player by ID. Use /players for ID's list.
kickhid kickhid [player hid] Kicks a player by HID. (Very unreliable)
kickhost kickhost [host number] Kicks a player by host number.
players players Lists all players with ID's.
assignseclev assignseclev [player name] [seclev ID] Assign a seclev to a player by name. Use /printseclevs to see seclev IDs.
assignseclevid assignseclevid [player ID] [seclev ID] Assign a seclev to a player by ID. Use /printseclevs to see seclev IDs.
reloadseclevs reloadseclevs Reloads the seclevs file, so security levels added outside of the game can be loaded.
reloadsecurity reloadsecurity Reloads the security file, so bans and security levels added outside of the game can be loaded.
printseclevs printseclevs Prints the security levels currently in effect.
listbans listbans List all currently active bans with reasons.
ban ban [player name] [minutes] [reason] Bans player by username and host if they are currently ingame for specified duration. If none specified, default is 15 minutes. The reason will appear in blacklist.txt, for example Hacking.
banid ban [player id] [minutes] Bans player by player ID and host if they are currently ingame for specified duration. If none specified, default is 15 minutes. Use /players for ID list
banhost ban [player host] [minutes] Bans player by host if they are currently ingame for specified duration. If none specified, default is 15 minutes.
unbanhost unbanhost [player host] Unbans player host/IP by player host.
unban unban [player name] Unbans player host/IP by player name.
freezeid freezeid [player id] Freezes a player by ID. Use /players for ID's list.
unfreezeid unfreezeid [player id] Unfreezes a player by ID. Use /players for ID's list.
msg msg [text] Send message to all players.
loadmap loadmap [Maps/path/name] Loads the map from the folder Maps/Path/name.png or Maps/Path/name.kag.
savemap savemap [name] Saves the map into a file in the folder Maps/[name].kag. (Currently broken)
restartserver restartserver Shuts down and runs dedicated server again.
swapid swapid [player id] Swaps the player's team. Use /players for ID's list.
listmutes listmutes List all currently active mutes with reasons.
mute mute [player name] [minutes] Mutes player by username for 15 minutes, or the time specified.
muteid muteid [player id] [minutes] Mutes player by id if they are currently ingame for 15 minutes, or the time specified. Use /players for ID's list.
unmute unmute [player name] Unmutes player by username.
unmuteid unmuteid [player id] Unmutes player by id if they are currently ingame. Use /players for ID's list.
listignores listignores List all currently active ignores with reasons.
ignore ignore [player name] [minutes] ignores player by username for 15 minutes, or the time specified.
ignoreid ignoreid [player id] [minutes] ignores player by id if they are currently ingame for 15 minutes, or the time specified. Use /players for ID's list.
unignore unignore [player name] Unignores player by username.
unignoreid unignoreid [player id] Unignores player by id if they are currently ingame. Use /players for ID's list.
rebuild rebuild Unlike the other comands here 'rebuild' does not have a '/' prefix. It is used simply as '/rcon rebuild'. Re-loads the scripts running on the server, when running the gametype locally.

Rest of the commands (may need cleanup/updating)

Command Usage
auth_autologin auth_autologin [0/1] (e.g. auth_autologin 1)
auth_key auth_key
auth_login auth_login [string] (e.g. auth_login myloginname)
auth_password auth_password [string] (e.g. auth_password myauthpassword)
c_bgcolor c_bgcolor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] (e.g. c_bgcolor 255 0 0 0)
c_bgshow c_showbg [0/1] (e.g. c_showbg 1)
c_dimension_x c_dimension_x [0.0-1.0] (e.g. c_dimension_x 1.0)
c_dimension_y c_dimension_y [0.0-1.0] (e.g. c_dimension_y 0.66)
c_fontcolor c_fontcolor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] (e.g. c_fontcolor 255 250 250 250)
c_fontfile c_fontfile [filename] (e.g. c_fontfile Fonts/commodore.png)
c_halign c_halign [0-2] (e.g. c_halign 2)
c_history_size c_history_size [num] (e.g. c_history_size 10)
c_indent c_indent [pixels] (e.g. c_indent 1)
c_key c_key [keycode] (e.g. c_key 0xc0)
c_linespacing c_linespacing [pixels] (e.g. c_linespacing 1)
c_prompt c_prompt [text] (e.g. c_prompt admin)
c_valign c_valign [0-2] (e.g. c_valign 2)
cc_bgcolor cc_bgcolor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] (e.g. cc_bgcolor 255 0 0 0)
cc_bgshow cc_showbg [0/1] (e.g: cc_showbg 1)
cc_channelkey cc_channelkey [keycode] (e.g. cc_channelkey 0xA3)
cc_dimension_x cc_dimension_x [0.0-1.0] (e.g. cc_dimension_x 1.0)
cc_dimension_y cc_dimension_y [0.0-1.0] (e.g. cc_dimension_y 0.66)
cc_fontfile cc_fontfile [filename] (e.g. cc_fontfile Fonts/pixel.png)
cc_halign cc_halign [0-2] (e.g. cc_halign 2)
cc_history_size cc_history_size [num] (e.g. cc_history_size 10)
cc_indent cc_indent [pixels] (e.g. cc_indent 1)
cc_key cc_key [keycode] (e.g. cc_key 0x0D)
cc_linespacing cc_linespacing [pixels] (e.g. cc_linespacing 1)
cc_valign cc_valign [0-2] (e.g. cc_valign 2)
cl_classnum cl_classnum [classnum] (e.g. cl_classnum 1)
cl_joinaddress cl_joinaddress [ip:port] (e.g. cl_joinaddress
cl_name cl_name [name] (e.g. cl_name myname)
cl_password cl_password [string] (e.g. cl_password mypassword)
cl_port cl_port [1-65000] (e.g. cl_port 50328)
cl_team cl_team [teamnum] (e.g. cl_team 1)
g_debug g_debug [0/1] (e.g. g_debug 1)
g_kickvote_bantime g_kickvote_bantime [minutes] (e.g. g_kickvote_bantime 15)
g_kickvote_percent g_kickvote_percent [0-100] (e.g. g_kickvote_percent 50)
g_mapvote_percent g_mapvote_percent [0-100] (e.g. g_mapvote_percent 50)
g_playerlistkey g_playerlistkey [keycode] (e.g. g_playerlistkey 9)
g_precache g_precache [0/1] (e.g. g_precache 1)
g_reportbugkey g_reportbugkey [keycode] (e.g. g_reportbugkey 9)
g_screenshotkey g_screenshotkey [keycode] (e.g. g_screenshotkey 9)
g_tutorialkey g_tutorialkey [keycode] (e.g. g_tutorialkey 9)
g_vote_time g_vote_time [secs] (e.g. g_vote_time 60)
k_rendersync k_rendersync [0/1] (e.g. k_rendersync 1)
m_generator m_generator [filename] (e.g. m_generator Scripts/generator.cfg)
m_height m_height [integer] (e.g. m_height 128)
m_seed m_seed [integer] (e.g. m_seed 5345
m_width m_width [integer] (e.g. m_width 128)
n_disconnectwait n_disconnectwait [ms] (e.g. n_disconnectwait 1000)
n_filechunk n_filechunk [bytes] (e.g. n_filechunk 8192)
n_graph n_graph [0/1] (e.g. n_graph 1)
n_log n_log [0/1] (e.g. n_log 1)
n_master_ip n_master_ip [x.x.x.x] (e.g. n_master_ip
n_master_port n_master_port [1-65000] (e.g. n_master_port 51308)
players2 players2
s_effects s_effects [0/1] (e.g. s_effects 1)
s_soundon s_soundon [0/1] (e.g. s_soundon 1)
s_system s_system [0-7] (e.g. s_system 1)
s_volume s_volume [0.0-1.0] (e.g. s_volume 1.0)
sv_alloweditor allow_editor [0/1] (e.g. allow_editor 1)
sv_info sv_info [string] (e.g. sv_info This server is hosted by the blablabla)
sv_ip sv_port [0/] (e.g. sv_ip
sv_maxhack_warnings sv_maxhack_warnings [ms] (e.g. sv_maxhack_warnings 10)
sv_maxping sv_maxping [ms] (e.g. sv_maxping 500)
sv_maxping_warnings sv_maxping_warnings [ms] (e.g. sv_maxping_warnings 50)
sv_maxplayers sv_maxplayers [1-255] (e.g. sv_maxplayers 32)
sv_name sv_name [string] (e.g. sv_name My little server)
sv_password sv_password [name] (e.g. sv_password myserverpassword)
sv_port sv_port [1-65000] (e.g. sv_port 50301)
sv_rconpassword sv_rconpassword [password] (e.g. sv_rconpassword myrconpassword)
u_guiconfig u_guiconfig [filename] (e.g. u_guiconfig GUI/gui.cfg)
u_shownames u_shownames [0-1] (e.g. u_shownames 1)
u_showtutorial u_showtutorial [0-1] (e.g. u_showtutorial 1)
u_transparency u_transparency [0-255] (e.g. u_transparency 255)
v_bpp v_bpp [16/32] (e.g. v_bpp 32)
v_driver v_driver [0-4]. (e.g. v_driver 1)
v_fullscreen v_fullscreen [0/1] (e.g. v_fullscreen 1)
v_height v_height [pixels] (e.g. v_height 480)
v_screenshotquality Screenshot JPEG quality [0-100] (e.g. screenshotquality 100)
v_showfps v_showfps [0/1] (e.g. v_showfps 1)
v_showminimap v_showminimap [0/1] (e.g. v_showminimap 1)
v_smoothmap smoothMap [0-1] (e.g. smoothMap 1)
v_smoothsprites v_smoothsprites [0-1] (e.g. v_smoothsprites 1)
v_vsync v_vsync [0/1] (e.g. v_vsync 1)
v_width v_width [pixels] (e.g. v_width 640)
w_camera_poslag w_camera_poslag [real] (e.g. w_camera_poslag 3.0)