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Revision as of 06:39, 28 August 2014 by Kaizokuroof (Talk | contribs)
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These commands can be used inside the command console ([Home]-key).
Rcon commands
Command | Usage | Description |
echo | echo [string]. Ex. echo echo! | This command echoes the given string to console. |
help | help | This command returns the list of available commands with their usage. |
list | list [command]. Ex. list cls | Return the list of available commands. |
quit | quit | Quit the game. |
cls | cls | Clears the console messages. |
v_restart | v_restart | Restarts the video engine. |
rcon | rcon [console_command] | Remote console to game server. Dispatch server console commands with /rcon prefix. |
login | login [password] | Login to remote console. |
logout | logout | Logout of remote console. |
netobjects | netobjects | Prints all netobjects. |
netobjects2 | netobjects2 | Prints all historical netobjects. |
restartmap | restartmap | Restarts the current map or generates a new map. |
nextmap | nextmap | Starts the next map in mapcycle. |
kick | kick [player name] | Kicks a player. |
kickid | kickid [player id] | Kicks a player by ID. Use /players for ID's list. |
kickhid | kickhid [player hid] | Kicks a player by HID. (Very unreliable) |
kickhost | kickhost [host number] | Kicks a player by host number. |
players | players | Lists all players with ID's. |
assignseclev | assignseclev [player name] [seclev ID] | Assign a seclev to a player by name. Use /printseclevs to see seclev IDs. |
assignseclevid | assignseclevid [player ID] [seclev ID] | Assign a seclev to a player by ID. Use /printseclevs to see seclev IDs. |
reloadseclevs | reloadseclevs | Reloads the seclevs file, so security levels added outside of the game can be loaded. |
reloadsecurity | reloadsecurity | Reloads the security file, so bans and security levels added outside of the game can be loaded. |
printseclevs | printseclevs | Prints the security levels currently in effect. |
listbans | listbans | List all currently active bans with reasons. |
ban | ban [player name] [minutes] [reason] | Bans player by username and host if they are currently ingame for specified duration. If none specified, default is 15 minutes. The reason will appear in blacklist.txt, for example Hacking. |
banid | ban [player id] [minutes] | Bans player by player ID and host if they are currently ingame for specified duration. If none specified, default is 15 minutes. Use /players for ID list |
banhost | ban [player host] [minutes] | Bans player by host if they are currently ingame for specified duration. If none specified, default is 15 minutes. |
unbanhost | unbanhost [player host] | Unbans player host/IP by player host. |
unban | unban [player name] | Unbans player host/IP by player name. |
freezeid | freezeid [player id] | Freezes a player by ID. Use /players for ID's list. |
unfreezeid | unfreezeid [player id] | Unfreezes a player by ID. Use /players for ID's list. |
msg | msg [text] | Send message to all players. |
loadmap | loadmap [Maps/path/name] | Loads the map from the folder Maps/Path/name.png or Maps/Path/name.kag. |
savemap | savemap [name] | Saves the map into a file in the folder Maps/[name].kag. (Currently broken) |
restartserver | restartserver | Shuts down and runs dedicated server again. |
swapid | swapid [player id] | Swaps the player's team. Use /players for ID's list. |
listmutes | listmutes | List all currently active mutes with reasons. |
mute | mute [player name] [minutes] | Mutes player by username for 15 minutes, or the time specified. |
muteid | muteid [player id] [minutes] | Mutes player by id if they are currently ingame for 15 minutes, or the time specified. Use /players for ID's list. |
unmute | unmute [player name] | Unmutes player by username. |
unmuteid | unmuteid [player id] | Unmutes player by id if they are currently ingame. Use /players for ID's list. |
listignores | listignores | List all currently active ignores with reasons. |
ignore | ignore [player name] [minutes] | ignores player by username for 15 minutes, or the time specified. |
ignoreid | ignoreid [player id] [minutes] | ignores player by id if they are currently ingame for 15 minutes, or the time specified. Use /players for ID's list. |
unignore | unignore [player name] | Unignores player by username. |
unignoreid | unignoreid [player id] | Unignores player by id if they are currently ingame. Use /players for ID's list. |
rebuild | rebuild | Unlike the other comands here 'rebuild' does not have a '/' prefix. It is used simply as '/rcon rebuild'. Re-loads the scripts running on the server, when running the gametype locally. |
Rest of the commands (may need cleanup/updating)
Command | Usage |
auth_autologin | auth_autologin [0/1] (e.g. auth_autologin 1) |
auth_key | auth_key |
auth_login | auth_login [string] (e.g. auth_login myloginname) |
auth_password | auth_password [string] (e.g. auth_password myauthpassword) |
c_bgcolor | c_bgcolor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] (e.g. c_bgcolor 255 0 0 0) |
c_bgshow | c_showbg [0/1] (e.g. c_showbg 1) |
c_dimension_x | c_dimension_x [0.0-1.0] (e.g. c_dimension_x 1.0) |
c_dimension_y | c_dimension_y [0.0-1.0] (e.g. c_dimension_y 0.66) |
c_fontcolor | c_fontcolor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] (e.g. c_fontcolor 255 250 250 250) |
c_fontfile | c_fontfile [filename] (e.g. c_fontfile Fonts/commodore.png) |
c_halign | c_halign [0-2] (e.g. c_halign 2) |
c_history_size | c_history_size [num] (e.g. c_history_size 10) |
c_indent | c_indent [pixels] (e.g. c_indent 1) |
c_key | c_key [keycode] (e.g. c_key 0xc0) |
c_linespacing | c_linespacing [pixels] (e.g. c_linespacing 1) |
c_prompt | c_prompt [text] (e.g. c_prompt admin) |
c_valign | c_valign [0-2] (e.g. c_valign 2) |
cc_bgcolor | cc_bgcolor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] (e.g. cc_bgcolor 255 0 0 0) |
cc_bgshow | cc_showbg [0/1] (e.g: cc_showbg 1) |
cc_channelkey | cc_channelkey [keycode] (e.g. cc_channelkey 0xA3) |
cc_dimension_x | cc_dimension_x [0.0-1.0] (e.g. cc_dimension_x 1.0) |
cc_dimension_y | cc_dimension_y [0.0-1.0] (e.g. cc_dimension_y 0.66) |
cc_fontfile | cc_fontfile [filename] (e.g. cc_fontfile Fonts/pixel.png) |
cc_halign | cc_halign [0-2] (e.g. cc_halign 2) |
cc_history_size | cc_history_size [num] (e.g. cc_history_size 10) |
cc_indent | cc_indent [pixels] (e.g. cc_indent 1) |
cc_key | cc_key [keycode] (e.g. cc_key 0x0D) |
cc_linespacing | cc_linespacing [pixels] (e.g. cc_linespacing 1) |
cc_valign | cc_valign [0-2] (e.g. cc_valign 2) |
cl_classnum | cl_classnum [classnum] (e.g. cl_classnum 1) |
cl_joinaddress | cl_joinaddress [ip:port] (e.g. cl_joinaddress |
cl_name | cl_name [name] (e.g. cl_name myname) |
cl_password | cl_password [string] (e.g. cl_password mypassword) |
cl_port | cl_port [1-65000] (e.g. cl_port 50328) |
cl_team | cl_team [teamnum] (e.g. cl_team 1) |
g_debug | g_debug [0/1] (e.g. g_debug 1) |
g_kickvote_bantime | g_kickvote_bantime [minutes] (e.g. g_kickvote_bantime 15) |
g_kickvote_percent | g_kickvote_percent [0-100] (e.g. g_kickvote_percent 50) |
g_mapvote_percent | g_mapvote_percent [0-100] (e.g. g_mapvote_percent 50) |
g_playerlistkey | g_playerlistkey [keycode] (e.g. g_playerlistkey 9) |
g_precache | g_precache [0/1] (e.g. g_precache 1) |
g_reportbugkey | g_reportbugkey [keycode] (e.g. g_reportbugkey 9) |
g_screenshotkey | g_screenshotkey [keycode] (e.g. g_screenshotkey 9) |
g_tutorialkey | g_tutorialkey [keycode] (e.g. g_tutorialkey 9) |
g_vote_time | g_vote_time [secs] (e.g. g_vote_time 60) |
k_rendersync | k_rendersync [0/1] (e.g. k_rendersync 1) |
m_generator | m_generator [filename] (e.g. m_generator Scripts/generator.cfg) |
m_height | m_height [integer] (e.g. m_height 128) |
m_seed | m_seed [integer] (e.g. m_seed 5345 |
m_width | m_width [integer] (e.g. m_width 128) |
n_disconnectwait | n_disconnectwait [ms] (e.g. n_disconnectwait 1000) |
n_filechunk | n_filechunk [bytes] (e.g. n_filechunk 8192) |
n_graph | n_graph [0/1] (e.g. n_graph 1) |
n_log | n_log [0/1] (e.g. n_log 1) |
n_master_ip | n_master_ip [x.x.x.x] (e.g. n_master_ip |
n_master_port | n_master_port [1-65000] (e.g. n_master_port 51308) |
players2 | players2 |
s_effects | s_effects [0/1] (e.g. s_effects 1) |
s_soundon | s_soundon [0/1] (e.g. s_soundon 1) |
s_system | s_system [0-7] (e.g. s_system 1) |
s_volume | s_volume [0.0-1.0] (e.g. s_volume 1.0) |
sv_alloweditor | allow_editor [0/1] (e.g. allow_editor 1) |
sv_info | sv_info [string] (e.g. sv_info This server is hosted by the blablabla) |
sv_ip | sv_port [0/] (e.g. sv_ip |
sv_maxhack_warnings | sv_maxhack_warnings [ms] (e.g. sv_maxhack_warnings 10) |
sv_maxping | sv_maxping [ms] (e.g. sv_maxping 500) |
sv_maxping_warnings | sv_maxping_warnings [ms] (e.g. sv_maxping_warnings 50) |
sv_maxplayers | sv_maxplayers [1-255] (e.g. sv_maxplayers 32) |
sv_name | sv_name [string] (e.g. sv_name My little server) |
sv_password | sv_password [name] (e.g. sv_password myserverpassword) |
sv_port | sv_port [1-65000] (e.g. sv_port 50301) |
sv_rconpassword | sv_rconpassword [password] (e.g. sv_rconpassword myrconpassword) |
u_guiconfig | u_guiconfig [filename] (e.g. u_guiconfig GUI/gui.cfg) |
u_shownames | u_shownames [0-1] (e.g. u_shownames 1) |
u_showtutorial | u_showtutorial [0-1] (e.g. u_showtutorial 1) |
u_transparency | u_transparency [0-255] (e.g. u_transparency 255) |
v_bpp | v_bpp [16/32] (e.g. v_bpp 32) |
v_driver | v_driver [0-4]. (e.g. v_driver 1) |
v_fullscreen | v_fullscreen [0/1] (e.g. v_fullscreen 1) |
v_height | v_height [pixels] (e.g. v_height 480) |
v_screenshotquality | Screenshot JPEG quality [0-100] (e.g. screenshotquality 100) |
v_showfps | v_showfps [0/1] (e.g. v_showfps 1) |
v_showminimap | v_showminimap [0/1] (e.g. v_showminimap 1) |
v_smoothmap | smoothMap [0-1] (e.g. smoothMap 1) |
v_smoothsprites | v_smoothsprites [0-1] (e.g. v_smoothsprites 1) |
v_vsync | v_vsync [0/1] (e.g. v_vsync 1) |
v_width | v_width [pixels] (e.g. v_width 640) |
w_camera_poslag | w_camera_poslag [real] (e.g. w_camera_poslag 3.0) |