Team configs

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Team config files are CFG files that load specific settings for each team in KAG. They are usually named "team1.cfg" and "team2.cfg".

An example team1.cfg might look like this:

classes = Rules/CTF/builder.cfg; Rules/CTF/knight.cfg; Rules/CTF/archer.cfg
name = Blue Team
emblem = GUI/emblem1.png
teamcolor = 29; 133; 171
unit_count = 6     # units in team = unit_count * number of players; 0 one life; -1 unlimited
score_limit = 1    # score_limit; 0 no limit
spawn_type = 0
stone_warmup = 1500
wood_warmup = 2500
gold_warmup = 100
arrows_warmup = 500
bombs_warmup = 0
stone_amount = 150
wood_amount = 250
gold_amount = 10
arrows_amount = 40
bombs_amount = 0

This gives the Blue Team a normal lives limit, sets the score limit for the team to 1, gives them some resources during the warmup period, and then a default set of resources for each player on spawn.