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Revision as of 17:56, 20 November 2011

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Close as many unnecessary programs as possible if you experience crashes at the start of KAG. For further support report your problems at the forum.

Software incompatibilities

  • There's an incompatibility with Mumble at the moment. If you start the game while using the Mumble client it will crash for some unknown reason. Closing Mumble before playing KAG is the only known workaround currently.

Ingame problems

  • If the cursor of the builder (white square) is out of place, try running the game in fullscreen-mode ([ESC] --> Settings --> Video --> Fullscreen).
  • If you get stuck inside the terrain and are unable to suicide, disconnect from the server and join again or just reselect your team ([BackSpace] --> Team Change).
  • Blocks can't be destroyed sometimes.