Template:Current Events

From King Arthur's Gold Wiki
Revision as of 01:37, 12 April 2012 by ParaLogia (Talk | contribs)

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  • April 09, 2012  Linux Fix
    Fix for Linux Users.
  • April 02, 2012  Security Breach Hoax
    Considering a lot of you are taking it very seriously, the security breach thing was a hoax...

Older Events

This page is up-to-date.

  • March 18, 2012  Guards vs The World
    A promotional event where guards face off premium players...
  • March 16, 2012  Current Direction
    News update on progress of game development after GDC...

  • February 24, 2012  A word from Geti
    The necessary fixes contributing to delay of the new release.
  • February 11, 2012  Day 1 Testing
    Quotes from how the current testing is going.
  • February 03, 2012  Zombies Soon!
    Soon you'll fighting zombies as a team!
  • February 01, 2012  KAG wins JiG 2011
    KAG has won the "Jay is Games" award for best casual indie game 2011 in the category "Strategy or Role-Playing"!

  • January 23, 2012  BRRAAIIINNNSS
    Updates on the zombie progress.
  • January 19, 2012  Wang tiles
    With the upcoming zombies patch, it seems randomly generated castles are in the works.
  • January 17, 2012  News Roundup
    KAG has been making a splash in a lot of places lately!
  • January 5, 2012  BUILD 262-263 RELEASED!
    A new workshop system and many fixes in preparation for zombies and war.

  • December 24, 2011  Merry Xmas!
    Christmas greetings and IndieDB editor's choice award.
  • December 14, 2011  Lighting!
    About the upcoming lighting system.
  • December 12, 2011  New map format
    An improved map format is being created by MM. On other news: 2500 full version sales crossed!
  • December 4, 2011  Mac version en route!
    A Mac OSX version of KAG is coming soon; a test build probably within 24 hours!
  • December 2, 2011  Build 228! Finally!
    The new build comes with better in-game menus, a quick-join feature, in-game access to the manual and other pages, and much much more.

  • November 28, 2011  Oh So Close
    Geti tells us that the test build is nearly out! Only minor fixes need to be made.
  • November 13, 2011  Some updates!
    Geti mentions the user spike after the feature in TotalBiscuits web show. Also some information about servers.
  • November 10, 2011  This Blog post only contained of a picture of the apple logo.
  • November 9, 2011  Hello new players!
    MM introduces the game to the new players and gives a brief outlook on what is to come. There is also a mention of the official IRC channel (#kag on quakenet or join instantly by click here).
  • November 2, 2011  KAG on IGF 2012 !
    KAG was entered into the official competition of the Independent Games Festival 2012.

  • October 23, 2011  Server Issues
    Geti apologizes for the broken master server.
  • October 22, 2011  Testing testing 2
    MM is polishing the new build a lot, public release is imminent.
  • October 14, 2011  Testing testing
    Use the test client to test out new pie menus with MM and Geti.
  • October 5, 2011  Just a heads up:
    Geti invites to the test build with a draft implementation of workshops.
  • October 4, 2011  A new engine
    MM works on a complete rebuild of the current engine.

  • September 30, 2011  Go Vote!
    Support the game.
  • September 26, 2011  Call to arms!
    Red, and blue, the biggest recorded single battle ever yet.
  • September 15, 2011  Alpha Funding on Desura!
    King Arthur’s Gold is now officially part of the alphafunding program on the games distribution channel Desura.
  • September 11, 2011  What’s next
    Announcement for the bomb workshop and other new stuff.
  • September 1, 2011  Server issues & Attention server owners
    The master server has been transferred and the address has changed. Issues with master server login and server downloading.

  • July 31, 2011  Graphics overhaul + tutorial
    MM talks about the next build which will basically be a graphics overhaul, they will also add a tutorial.
  • July 25, 2011  About lag & a video
    The video shows a KAG timelapse by Snoopicus, while the blog post informs server owners to set the player limit lower to prevent lags.
  • July 22, 2011  Rendering code
    Hiding in grass will become possible soon.
  • July 21, 2011  Mumble crash
    Mumble crashes the KAG client for unknown reasons.
  • July 15, 2011  DB digs KAG
    KAG's current popularity rank on ModDB: 2 of 4116.
  • July 11, 2011  This week
    Overview about goals this week.