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Revision as of 17:04, 22 August 2012 by Shadlington (Talk | contribs)

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Draws an icon from the given file.

As this is GUI-related this is client only - it should be wrapped in "if ( getNet().isClient( ))" or in a client-only script.

There are 4 variants of this method.

void DrawIcon( const string &textureFilename, int iconFrame, dimension2di frameDimension, position2di pos )
void DrawIcon( const string &textureFilename, int iconFrame, dimension2di frameDimension, position2di pos, f32 scale )
void DrawIcon( const string &textureFilename, position2di pos )
void DrawIcon( const string &textureFilename, position2di pos, f32 scale )

Example from Entities/Workshops/Scripts/DrawTasks.as:

if ((getControls().getMouseScreenPos() - pos2d).getLength() < 2*this.getBlob().getRadius())
  CProperties @prop = this.getBlob().getProperties();
  int tasksCount = prop.getScriptObjectGroupSize( "running_tasks" );
  for (int i = 0; i < tasksCount; i++)
    WorkshopTask @task = cast<WorkshopTask@>(prop.getScriptObject( "running_tasks", i));
    int width = 92;
    int height = 32;
    int top = pos2d.Y - this.getBlob().getHeight();
    int margin = 4;
    recti rect( position2di(pos2d.X-width/2, top-height - i*height),
    position2di(pos2d.X+width/2, top - i*height) );
    f32 progress = float(task.timeCurrent) / float(task.timeEnd);
    GUI::DrawSunkenPane( rect );
    GUI::DrawProgressBar( recti( position2di(rect.UpperLeftCorner.X+margin, rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y+margin),
      position2di(rect.LowerRightCorner.X-32-margin, rect.LowerRightCorner.Y-margin) ), progress );
    GUI::DrawIcon( task.iconName, position2di(rect.LowerRightCorner.X-36, rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y) );  }		