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==Steam release==
===[https://forum.thd.vg/threads/build-2760-balance-tweaks-recognition-maps-and-modding-enhancements.27873/ Build 2760 (07/11/2018)] <span id="2760"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/31467356434/ Build 514] (13/September/2012) <span id="489"></span>==
Changes from build 2731 to 2760:
Changes from build 507 to 514:
:* Misc
:: [added] knight cursor charge sprite (thanks Andresian!)
:: [modified] extra no build 1 tile lower as result of #democracy vote (Wiki note - #democracy text/chat channel in the official Discord server)
:: [modified] dinghy cost (thanks Shy)
:: [added] registration time to player delta, so it's accessible on both server and client (thanks Furai/MM for bouncing ideas)
:: [added] Galen head (<3)
:: [removed] leftover debug print in votecore (thanks Potatobird for the report)
:: [added] chickens can be stored in inventory (thanks Blubahub)
:*menus for muting/ignoring
:* Accolades
:: [added] accolade-alike badge rendering in scoreboard, based on registration time
:: [added] new accolades (thanks bunnie)
:: [added] blue_tiger head, updated homek head
:: [added] notes for adding accolades to cfg file
:: [fixed] a few inconsistencies in the accolade data file
:: [added] new accolades badges
:: [renamed] Medals_.png -> Badges.png
:*rcon commands:
:* Maps
:**/listmutes - list the players muted on the server
:: [modified] gamblersden map; smaller gambling area, less arrow-spam friendly
:**/mute [name] [minutes] - mute the player for the given time (default is 15 mins, use -1 for permanent).
:: [removed] 4 ctf maps (thanks potatobird)
:**/muteid [id] [minutes] - mute the player by id
::: - monsterictf1
:**/unmute [name] - unmute the player
::: - monsterictf2
:**/unmuteid [id] - unmute the player by id
::: - punk123_cryingdemon
:*The following commands are clientside only (so don’t use /rcon):
::: - ej_bluesunset
:**/listignores - list the players you are ignoring
:**/ignore [name] [minutes] - ignore the player for the given time (default is 15 mins, use -1 for permanent).
:**/ignoreid [id] [minutes] - ignore the player by id
:**/unignore [name] - unignore the player
:**/unignoreid [id] - unignore the player by id
:*Other changes:
:**Permanban option added to admin menu
:**Autoupdate path is now hardcoded
:**Changing any server browser filter will exit the ‘beginner’ sort (some people were getting confused why there were so few servers)
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/31060362244/ Build 507] (07/September/2012) <span id="507"></span>==
:* Modding
:: [modified] contributing help docs, a little extra info/formatting
:: [added] issues and pull request templates (thanks vik)
:: [added] code of conduct (thanks vik)
:: [added] scriptrender transform functions and backface cull functions
:: [updated] scriptrenderexample with screenspace example and docs for transform functions
:: [fixed] missing AK_EAT bind
:: [modified] time functions take/give signed int now (avoids overflow surprises)
:: [added] input-time versions of time_month/year/monthdate/yeardate
Changes from build 489 to 507:
:* Translations
:*[#708] Fixed username bans not working
:: [added] steam store content file for translators (thanks Diprog for nagging)
:*Autobalance is back, now with three new vars to control it:
:: [updated] russian translation (thanks Diprog)
:**do_ingame_autobalance - should the teams be balanced other than on join?
::: Update steam_content_ru.txt
:**autobalance_tolerance - the tolerance of the autobalance
::: Russian: translated Steam content.
:**red_team_size_ratio - how much larger red team is meant to be
::: Russian: emotes, edits, removed duplicates.
:*support_factor variable added, scales how far all blocks can go horizontally (default is 24) - I’ll be adding more variables to control this per-block but it lets you allow some skybridging if that’s your thing.
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/29760752657/ Build 489] (19/August/2012) <span id="489"></span>==
===[https://forum.thd.vg/threads/build-2536-pickup-changes-and-optimisations-tdm-mapcycle-60fps-by-default-modder-additions.27642/ Build 2536 (28/04/2018)] <span id="2536"></span>===
Changes from build 488 to 489:
Changes from build 2509 to 2536:
:*Fixed Solo not working
:* Maps
:*(hopefully) fixed #700 zombies not working
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] maps folder name
:*Fixed Flag “passing” to people
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] TDM -3 maps, +1 map
:* Localisation
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] support for votekick menu translation
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] translation capability and a few minor fixes/improvements to spectator help
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] placeholder translations to russian translation file for testing gamemode list translation + login window translation
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] support for esc menu translation
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] support for translating login window and gamemodes list in server browser
:* Misc
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] death zoom faster/less obnoxious with new interpolation
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] highlighting for useful class items on [C]
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] Rename uncapped framerate option to capped framerate
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] Improve pickup priorities
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] AFK vote-kick renamed to non-participation (we already have automatic afk kick)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] climbing pass-through structures (such as enemy trapblocks)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] endless tth games due to teams not capping halls
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] properly handle ties in TTH (when neither teams cap a hall)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] climbing pass-through structures (such as enemy trapblocks)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] slightly optimized pickup logic
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] more precise pickups when hovering items
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] pickup doesn't depend on left/right player facing
::: [<span style="color:red">removed</span>] "recently picked up" lists, which led to accidents/items "ignoring" pickups
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] reworked pickup priorities
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] removing items from inventories didn't always call hooks properly, leading to incorrectly full inventories
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] clarified "All" -> "All Gamemodes" in server browser
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] config version for updating any defaults in future
:* Modding
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] net property fused mutator-accessors for micro-optimisation/convenience
:::: full list: add_s8, sub_s8, add_s16, sub_s16, add_s32, sub_s32, add_u8, sub_u8, add_u16, sub_u16, add_u32, sub_u32, add_f32, sub_f32
===[https://forum.thd.vg/threads/build-2509-60fps-build-unlimited-render-framerate-optimisations-new-maps-and-more.27617/ Build 2509 (01/03/2018) <span id="2509"></span>]===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/29687105356/ Build 488] (18/August/2012) <span id="488"></span>==
Changes from build 2416 to 2509:
Changes from build 469 to 488:
:* 60FPS Related
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] uncapped framerate interpolates frames, allowing >30fps (thanks and congrats Asu)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] graphics flash updated on render, changed logic and new time param
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] interpolation support to many rendered objects
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] various script issues with >30fps
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] fps diagnostic graph for inspecting render deltatimes /v_deltatime_diag
:* Modding Related
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] getInterpolationFactor, getRenderDeltaTime, getRenderSmoothDeltaTime, getRenderExactDeltaTime, getRenderApproximateCorrectionFactor functions for enhanced >30fps support in scripts.
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] CCamera::getInterpolationOffset() bind (for fixing edge-case flickery world->screenspace conversions)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] anim_timer to CParticle (thanks Vamist and Mazey for being insistent)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] console print with color (thanks Asu and Eluded)
::: [<span style="color:red">removed</span>] tile noise variable (watch out tilemap modders)
:* Hosting Related
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] config variable for customising ban length if a player leaves while frozen (default 30, no ban if set to 0)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] disable file sending logs by default, can be changed with g_verbosefilesending
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] nolauncher option to the dedicatedserver.bat for windows
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] some hosting-related properties (port, slots, etc) are now constant at runtime and must be set in the config or command line arguments, to prevent abuse/price tier escalation at shared hosting.
:* Localisation related
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] changes required for server browser translation
:* Optimisation
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] significantly improved client performance with a lot of blobs
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] <cmap:update> subtasks are more accurate
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] optimized lighting code
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] inlined cmap stuff for performance
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] optimised flood layers (fire, water)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] optimised image files (thanks Terracraft)
:* Other
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] soft-crash when disabling smooth shader
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] tcpr calling hooks before connection authentication
::: [<span style="color:red">removed</span>] many of the Engine namespace functions (thanks for the reminder TFlippy)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] gramatically incorrect noswears correction (thanks for the reminder Paralogia)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] irc button goes to thd channel (discord is majority now though)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] bombs in inventory don't kill non-player objects (eg war boats, storages)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] updated TDM, CTF mapcycle.cfg (thanks Panky, Ni, Map Team, Map Authors)
::: [<span style="color:red">removed</span>] longboat challenge that caused crashes
*Added gamemode variables to gamemode.cfg
===[https://forum.thd.vg/threads/build-2416-many-fixes-improved-performance-new-emotes-can-be-bound.27471/ Build 2416 (28/11/2017)] <span id="2416"></span>===
:#can_shieldbash - exactly what it says on the tin (defaults to off)
:#can_glide_when_bombjumping - similarly, allows much further bombjumps (defaults to off)
:#bomb_jump_scale - scales the force of a bombjump. (defaults to 1.0)
Changes from build 2409 to 2416:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/28335618033/ Build 469] (30/July/2012) <span id="469"></span>==
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] blobs inside an inventory skip their scripted doesCollideWithBlob checks and don't collide
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] leak in minimap code + optimised minimap update on nextmap
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] crash with small maps with the minimap on
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] broken emoticon menu on nextmap if it was open
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] g_forceresolution to deal with bad resolution detection (thanks asu)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] fade area above map on "closed"/"cave" maps was incorrectly transparent
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] chests and spikes stopped loading from maps  (thanks asu)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] emote names for custom bindings + new emotes "work"
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] some mote emote changes based on feedback - still work to do though!
Changes from build 458 to 469:
===[https://forum.thd.vg/threads/build-2409-new-profiler-emotes-translations-fixes-and-more.27457/ Build 2409 (21/11/2017)] <span id="2409"></span>===
*Mostly fixed so that you can add extra classes without them defaulting to builder. Requires that you add an extra field to class config files called ‘tool’ that has the value ‘Knight’, ‘Archer’ or ‘Builder’. Name can be whatever you like now. Please try this out and report bugs with it (and any workarounds you find) because it hasn’t been tested very extensively.
Changes from build 2388 to 2409:
*Made guard color overrided by admin_color in all cases (previously wasn’t on player mouseover)
*Strip out multiple consecutive white space characters in chat, replace with one space
*/login and /logout restricted to serverside only
*Removed editor zoom help text as it is no longer available
*Class restrictions (feature = no_class_[classname] where [classname] is the name of the class)
*Team restrictions (feature = no_team_[teamname] where [teamname] is the name of the team)
*Admin menu re-org (Admin>Team>Player>Moderator Action) + hide actions based on seclev immunity
*Spectator team in admin menu
*Spectator chat grey
*Added autoconfig option to allow the seclev feature join_full to work, sv_enable_joinfull
*Reserved slots, set with sv_reservedslots (feature to use in seclevs: join_reserved)
*Spectator slots, set with sv_spectatorslots (if set to 0, spectators just use regular slots - if you want to remove spectators altogether, remove them from seclevs)
*Join as spectator button added to browser
*Allow /login to work with no password set
*Freeze immunity (feature = freeze_immunity)
*Speedhack kick immunity (feature = speedkick_immunity) (this is a temporary fix to work around modded servers that have speeded-up their classes in such a way that the speedhack detection gets false positives)
*Seclev muting (feature = muted)
*Deny access with deny_join (will also kick if done mid-game)
*Fixed ‘x has been voted to be kicked’ bug
*In-game seclev assignment through /rcon /assignseclev or admin menu
*Added LoadSeclevs(filename);
*Added /rcon /reloadseclevs [filename]
*Disabled same account connecting to a server multiple times
*New gamemode var: max_zoom_out. This can be 1/2/3 and defines how many levels of zoom there are.
*3 more gamemode vars: zoom_level_1, zoom_level_2, zoom_level_3. These set the cam distance at each of these zoom levels. These gamemode vars can also be added to class config files to override them for that class only.
*Non-fixed cam works at zoom level 1 now. Was forced to fixed previously.
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/27573532246/ Build 458] (19/July/2012) <span id="458"></span>==
:* Translations:
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] (work in progress) menu translation ability
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] AddGlobalMessageReplacement to handle serverside messages still needing translation clientside
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] significantly extended translation capability (Joint KAG dev and RU translation effort)
:::: - see the RU translation json for the probably-most-up-to-date strings
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] more RU translations (thanks Diprog + RU translation folks)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] more FR translations (thanks Asu)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] TTH TradeItem translation issues
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] linux dedicated server is forced to EN locale with a warning if it was something different.
:::: This means we can rely on translated strings from server still being in english for re-translation on client (eg descriptions).
:* Performance/Optimisation:
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] improved map loading performance (thanks Asu)
::: [<span style="color:red">removed</span>] irrlicht enums no one uses/should use anyway (thanks Asu)
::: [<span style="color:red">removed</span>] legacy map generation for smaller compiled size and fewer dependencies (thanks Asu)
:* Miscellaneous:
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] material script and config refactor (thanks Fuzzle)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] new profiler (thanks asu)
::: [<span style="color:#8b668b">updated</span>] cruxiat head
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] better/more consistent descriptions in some challenge missions
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] Similar matches are prioritized over soft matches (thanks Asu)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] precache and scripts force reload after disconnect (thanks MM)
::: [<span style="color:#abcdef">reverted</span>] verra's change from last build (sorry Verra)
:::: - people are suspicious of this change currently so we should run a week or two without it and see if the suspicions hold up.
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] new emotes to spritesheet (can be used through config file only at this stage, treat these as unfinished and might vanish)
::: [<span style="color:#8b668b">updated</span>] new discord link (thanks fuzzle, congrats discord folks)
:* Linux/OSX:
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] linux DLC heads and main menu background issues (thanks Asu)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] enabled SSE2 on mac and linux for performance (thanks Asu)
:* Modding Compatibility:
::: [<span style="color:#ff7500">important</span>] map loading changes are likely to bite anyone with a custom map loader if it's based on BasePNGLoader.
:::: Lowest effort fix would be getting the old BasePNGLoader from github, renaming it to OldPNGLoader and including it in your mod directly.
:::: Better fix would be observing the changes that have been made and applying them to your own loader
:::: PNGLoader::handlePixel's signature is the main change - contact Asu for help in discord if you need it!
:::: Anyone only using customblocks.as should be unaffected though, as nothing has changed there.
::: [<span style="color:#808080">minor</span>] new serialisation for TradeItem in TTH
:::: If you use/abuse the TTH trading system this is something to be careful of
:::: Check the changes to TradingCommon.as if you want the details.
Changes from build 428 to 458:
===[https://forum.thd.vg/threads/build-2388-github-takes-off-new-testing-arrangements.27415/ Build 2388 (01/11/2017)] <span id="2388"></span>===
*Added [[Security Levels|security levels]]
Changes from build 2374 to 2388:
*Moved location of securitysetup.cfg to Base/Security
*Moved white/blacklists to their own files (paths defined in securitysetup.cfg)
*Changed logging into rcon to use /rcon /login [password]
*Added /rcon /logout to logout of rcon
*Modified /reloadsecurity to reload seclevs in addition to black/whitelists
*Added /printseclevs for printing seclevs
*Fixed respawn timer behind chat window (#152)
*Potentially fixed memory leak with water
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/25429451699/ Build 428] (19/June/2012) <span id="428"></span>==
:* Performance:
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] improved mechanisms performance
:* Game:
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] pickup priority tweaks, material stack pick-up priority (thanks tru0067)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] separate filled bucket to builder shop (costs 10 coin as well as the 10 wood)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] builder and vehicle shop buttons re-arranged for neatness and no gaps
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] chat filter uses a config file (thanks asu)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] platform HP decreased
:* Translation:
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] rewritten and edited almost all strings in Russian locale (gamemode, tut) (thanks Diprog, Basea, Voxez, Grey Guard)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] translation support to most script-side logic (thanks diprog)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] translation in client_addToChat & some net events (thanks asu)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] proper utf string conversion for cbutton and cgridmenu caption + automatic translation for rendering
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] rules global message is automatically translated for rendering
:* Maps:
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] Passfest map tent placement (thanks punk123)
:* Fixes:
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] issue #37 on github, only add no build zone to solid tiles below the hall (prevents doorways from being 1 tile offset plus issues with invulnerable doors/traps/etc)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] KickAFK issue with chat (thanks fuzzle)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] tutorial and other challenges lighting
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] tutorial mapcycle issue
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] save the princess mode double first map
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] bucket splash spam = laggy server (spammed buckets reduce their own splash counts on each hit) (thanks to discord folks for the report)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] linux DLC heads and main menu background (thanks asu)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] client_AddToChat unicode support (thanks asu)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] entity lifetimes code cleaned up (thanks verra)
:* Modding:
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] descriptions.as - descriptions are separate variables rather than an array (thanks diprog), inside their own namespace
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] costs.as - one-stop-shop for all costs with loading from-config and default values (thanks diprog)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] AddSectorOnTiles.as - rudimentary code for adding sectors over solid tiles, with boilerplate to help with adding sectors over other types of tile
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] overriding CGridButton size passed to AddButton no longer has minimum of icon size (ie can force bigger icon into smaller button) - default-sized buttons are still icon-sized)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] interface listing can dump constructor names (thanks asu)
Changes from build 420 to 428:
===[https://forum.thd.vg/threads/build-2374-new-maps-and-more-contributions.27360/ Build 2374 (17/10/2017)] <span id="2374"></span>===
*fixed rcon admins/guards crash on certain collapses #267, #469
Changes from build 2367 to 2374:
*fixed unable to join busy server (lots of objects)
*fixed crash on camera shake (sometimes)
*Removed use of in-game browser, links now open in normal external browsers
*pressing enter in the username box at login now submits the form
*slight changes to how ping timing works in the browser, might yield more correct results
*Adds client/server understanding of a ‘maintenance mode’ for the KAG API
*general error message improvement around certain API calls
*Fixes #606
*join-related API calls in the client and server now use persistent connections; server joins should be noticeably faster
*fixes a regression from the #606 fix above, this will be addressed more next week
*Server browser favorites now work again
*Quickjoin revamped.
*Fixed (workaround) sv_goldonly spam in server console in non-gold servers as well as the issue with wood blocks showing up for builders in non-gold servers.
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/24880927357/faster-server-browser-released Build 420] (11/June/2012) <span id="420"></span>==
:* Maps:
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] CTF mapcycle changes: (big thanks to the maps team!)
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] Asu_DeadPlateau, Mcrifel_Fish, SJD360_Stampede, 8x_Pass_Fest, Skinney_Glitch, SJD360_Paradox, PUNK123_BlockCity
::: [<span style="color:red">removed</span>] Cerbero's Rift, ffsff_ClassicWar2,  ffsff_SecludedForest, ffsff_UnderhangPit2, Lavaguy678_Meadow, Mazey_Rioter, Potatobird_SharkRomance, Punk123_MemoryLane, Punk123_Hillo, Punk123_AntKing, Punk123_AlienFrogAssault, SJD360_Overdose2, an_obamanation_AlientAntAssault, Punk123_toothgrinderx2, 8x_Fest_Pass, 8x_BBiscuit, Trekobius_DragonsLair, Joiken_CTF2
:* Game:
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] [experimental] buckets start filled so they can be used for fire fighting
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] KickAFK moves kick-immune players to spectator if they are detected afk (thanks mazey)
:* Translations:
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] WIP Russian translation (thanks diprog!)
:* Fixes and Tweaks:
::: [<span style="color:green">added</span>] script interface dumps individual objects into Objects/ (thanks asu)
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] incredibly long standing minimap bug
:* (rendered overlapping the top edge of the border, offset when fully viewed)
:* (this affected modders more than vanilla - thanks GoldenGuy for the tip off)
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] TheDirtySwine head changed to Cruxiat head at mutal request.
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] locale selection centred and extended to allow for longer locale labels if needed
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] some "broken" heads in settings menu
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] tips not showing properly (thanks asu)
Changes from build 415 to 420:
===[https://forum.thd.vg/threads/build-2311-new-maps.27151/ Build 2311 (15/08/2017)] <span id="2311"></span>===
*server browser now uses API and threaded calls
Changes from build 2303 to 2311:
*more colors in server preview minimap in server browser
*many server browser bugs fixed
*made arrows not damage at minimum velocity under water
*made arrows skip higher
*dirt no longer created for infinite support
*fixed dropping mats working always -> allowing inf mats on startup
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/24549096067/ Build 415](06/June/2012) <span id="415"></span>==
::: [<span style="color:#fa8072">merged</span>] PRs [https://github.com/transhumandesign/kag-base/pull/14 #14] and [https://github.com/transhumandesign/kag-base/pull/15 #15] from github; accepted community maps + mapcycle updates
::: [<span style="color:#FFD700">modified</span>] fixed underground grass in 8x_grounds and ffsff_underhangpit2 maps
::: [<span style="color:purple">fixed</span>] CTF crashing after a bad map is loaded (still causes other huge problems of course)
Changes from build 394 to 415:
* fixed zombies squeezing through solid walls (although this makes it harder for them to climb some notched)
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/74706910673/build-1013 Build 1013] (27/Jan/2014) <span id="1013"></span>===
* added list of players to the stats.txt output
* shield bash changes
* Shield bash re-implemented for runners, needs testing and suggestions from players
* added stun and max cap vel to bash
* Shieldbash vars: shieldbash_push_factor,max_shieldbash_push,min_shieldbash_horiz_vel
* added clientside shieldbash variable
* Added Map Water
* Shield bash blobs
* added water variables to map generator
* Added Wooden Structures
* fixed grass appearing under bloody spike
* grass dissapears under room construction
* added shieldbash vars to ctf rules
* removed cc align from config.gm again
* added up/side ratio for shieldbashing
* added knockdown for sheildbashing
* particle fall in water effect
* added runner-block blob collisions
* added genericblock blob
* finished block 2 block collisions
* made blocks ridable
* added block crushing
* added warning output to some GM commands when not executed serverside (rather than failing silently).
* dropped blocks snap to grid
* added ball_hit_momentum variable to blobs to control knockback power
* fixed items that are not onground cant be picked up with key tap
* blocks can be attached to backgrounds
* fixed collider-runner collisions
* added Door Block destruction anims
* added pulley
* only moving blocks hurt runners
* added attachment component
* attachment component loads from config
* fixed building tiles over blob blocks
* made wood blocks auto-tile properly
* added wood blocks to minimap render
* added wood blocks give mats back on destruction
* changed splash effect
* added warmup arrows for archer in ctf
* synced water height (not tested)
* fixed extra qualification in DrawRope
* added drowning and gasp sounds
* fixed missing casts on min, swapped to maths function for good measure and compile time safety with vs
* added wood tiles to png map format
* fixed blob components not being deleted
* fixed building solid blocks above head
* moved autostart.gm to OS/package *had to copy it into each folder separately, didn't put it in linux_dedicated
* made it easier to get out of water
* fixed sunlight not entering from out of screen areas
* fixed crash on joining server without build blocks config
* fixed linux server not defaulting build blocks
* fixed getting coins while drowning from hitting self
* fixed screen getting darker with henry drowning
* fixed some retarded superbouncing particles thing
* light passed through destroyed wood back
* fixed colored pixels?
* fixed cursor changed when hitting R whenever. {{Bug|ID=0000395}}
* fixed wraith particles going nuts when unlocked
* changed order of rcon dumping to help protect server passwords from guards
* logical error with last fix, should be actually fixed now..
* added a space and comma into formatting in packet handling (useless output otherwise)
* removed debug defines in director
* fixed migrant names bug
* skeletons destroy wood
* only wood on start of zf
* fixed migrant names bugimproved zombie movement on ladders, walls and Notches
* skeletons only attack doors and wood when stuck or angry
* skeletons attack doors and wood when angry too
* fixed holes not working
* disabled caves if cave_thickness == 0
* disabled gold protection for debug build
* added generator_ctf_lake
* fixed corpse carry crash (on getCarryBlobPlace)
* added conditions to prevent crash on 0 teams
* runner corpse appears in front when carried
* greg has half less health
* fixed bedrock sparks not appearing
* wood blocks can be upgraded to stone
* stone back wall cant be downgraded to wood
* white block cursor only appears when destroying (RMB) or when block can be placed
* reworked support code to support different materials
* added creak sound when cant build with enough support
* fixed wood blocks cannot be repaired
* fixed cannot actually build stone block over wood blocks
* added start of enemy radius "cannot build" zone
* hearts are now above head
* hearts and name on mouse hover slowly fade out
* hud elements scroll out instead of fading out
* added air bubbles
* classes have different air time
* fixed explosions not dying underwater
* bubbles show until air restored
* everything can skip on water
* catapultshot=false always in water
* fixed spikes giving support
* fixed spikes with background not giving support
* spikes can be only placed next to solid blocks
* fixed the merge
* fixed gold bullion gives +10 per hit. {{Bug|ID=0000504}}
* fixed merged issues
* fixed splashing when spawned in water
* new Creak sound
* water is lit by daylight/night
* hitting tree once gives 6 wood
* materials fall out on digging as eggs
* fixed materials not joining in places
* fixed wrong sound being played on material join
* water sound effects play if listener is in water
* fixed material collect sound played multiple times
* materials have more gravity
* materials have different sizes depending on amount of resources stored
* fixed mat particles making egg mat
* world.png work *wood is much more visible (still need to change dirt backwall)
* added water_suddendeath and water_raise_time variables to game rules
* fixed autotiling of wood against ground back
* fixed stub giving -1 wood (1 commit earlier)
* added rotation method for CAnimSprite
* material eggs position from ground
* water level can also lower
* added water sudden death
* removed unused LootGive function from runner
* fixed stone mat pickup icon
* added floating mat amount picked up
* only builder can put mat into resources
* removed moving away carried thing from other things
* above head hearts are scaled 2x
* added frames to above head hearts
* remaining hud elements scaled 2x
* fixed not being able to put block without support near inbetween blocks
* tweaked resource number color
* fixed hanging spikes on collapse
* smaller names font
* can drop mats during warmup
* finished updating curl on mac
* war map cycle addition
* warmup materials appear next to tent
* grass removed from tent front
* removed option to add resource using C (can only carry in hand)
* cant move tent materials
* runners squeeze through window
* added server script function waterLevel( tile_height );
* timers are reset on join and pickup of materials to prevent timing out
* no non-classic blocks can be used on non-gold servers
* tweaked arrow water skipping
* grass is destroyed if tile beneath is destroyed
* fixed mats going crazy on pickup
* fixed travel tunnels working for both teams
* splash effects are made now before modifying velocity (for mightier splashes)
* fixed bomb gravity
* fixed picking mats immediately after dropping
* fixed squeeze and building collisions
* fixed teleporting into blocks (removed Geti's stuck "fix")
* fixed not resources from mining
* bridges cant be built against backgrounds
* temp fix for pickup bomb crash (no icon will show up in menu for timed bomb)
* fixed no wood blocks on clients
* materials.png tweak for bombs
* added temporary workshop build item spam prevention
* increased min_shieldbash_horiz_vel
* fixed pink pixels on collapsing wood from world.png
* reduced vertical speed limit when slashing to prevent getting stunned because of it.
* made it so that shield-bashing counts as your kill (I think)
* shieldbash tweaks from testing
* fixed bridge castle back support bug
* Added wood_warmup, stone_warmup, gold_warmup, arrows_warmup, bombs_warmup to team *sets materials at tent on start
* Added weapon_clash variable to gamemode.cfg
* synced egg health over net
* catapult_shot = true only set if launched from cata
* fixed cata not destroying wood
* fixed spikes hanging after collapse on client
* removed mat pickup sound if smaller than 10
* water is not rendered if 0 height
* water level change happens faster now (was incorrectly calced)
* fixed water level rising on sudden death after map change
* fixed seeing other peoples mat counters
* shield bash sound plays only at higher velocity than bash
* lowered default shield bash velocity
* stomm stun doesn't happen for team mates
* throwing objects more smooth on network
* fixed mats not dying
* added decay to materials, after 30seconds
* water level can rise only when game has started
* added new workshops to full ctf
* added static material count to CTF
* if workshop has bomb to build and upgrade *tapping E will make bomb
* added upgradable rooms to FullCTF
* removed cata from full CTF to prevent base camping while there aren't boats
* added stone_amount and related vars to team configs for on-start mats
* fixed infmats pickup
* tweaked generator_ctf_lake.cfg
* added generator_ctf_twolakes.cfg
* added missing file
* constrained arrow skipping to 10degrees.
* reduced arrow skipping velocity because it was a bit mad
* removed endmatch on everybody drowned (too buggy)
* fixed materials dropping during break
* fixed water level changing before map starts
* player light decreased in Full CTF
* removed mat points appearing above head
* fixed picking up invisile other team heart
* hud scrolls only on zoom out button
* fixed FullCTF folder in team1.cfg
* fixed splash when throwing out something picked up from water
* fixed material wrapping to 65k
* fixed mats given on tent when warmup amount = 0
* less pause when trying to build unbuildable area
* slowed down underwater bubbles
* can regain air more easily if head above water and standing on solid or ladder
* added tunnels to FullCTF
* fixed tunnels in FullCTF
* added armoury/archer range, made tunnel more expensive
* fixed issue with team2 config (classes in different order)
* fixed some server-side commands possible to launch on client
* forced water sync every now and then
* removed old/unused code
* edited help texts in workshops
* fixed pickup help text at tent with resources
* increased arrow draw time and made sound reflect it
* added show/hide hud tutorial text
* fixed tapping class workshop
* quarters can change to builder in FullCTF
* fixed no cursor when hud scrolled out
* renamed zoom out for archer as AIM MODE
* hud scroll out acts as soldat style aim
Changes from build 984 to 1013:
==Build 394 (15/May/2012) <span id="394"></span>==
:* Knight Shield Stacking
::: This is now a physical thing - you need to actually jump onto the guy shielding you. It looks quite funny, like a frantic scramble to get over a wall. This should fix the people shield-flying over the red barrier as well, as they should not be able to jump on top of each other ;^)
:* TDM Spawns
::: TDM now works with multiple spawn markers. Players will randomly spawn at either of the possible spawns, for a more diverse TDM experience. We’re looking for some nice maps to add to the pool, drop them in the thread if you want them looked at :^)
:* Documentation work
::: There’s been more work done documenting the CBlob class at http://doc.kag2d.com/ - the docs there are almost complete, we’ll be covering the sprite class next. It’s a very slow and exhausting job, so hopefully someone is getting some use out of it! Please leave feedback on what you like, what you don’t, and what you’d like to see, we’re kind of shooting in the dark here.
:* Community Sourced Fixes
::: This build has two community sourced fixes and improvements, one from Verra expanding the timer.as functionality, and one from norill fixing mines “randomly” exploding your demolition shop. Thanks guys!
:* Misc Fixes
::: I’ve also fixed a few miscellaneous bugs, including the misleading join message, which used to read “<Nickname> has joined as <Username>” - it now shows the correct “<Username> has joined as <Nickname>”. Sorry to anyone accused of impersonating as a result of this, I know I have a few times!
Changes from build 393 to 394:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/72958462072/build-998-modding-fixes-spec-cam-improvements Build 998] (11/Jan/2014) <span id="998"></span>===
* fixed bomb timers counting down too fast randomly
Changes from build 984 to 998:
* fixed falling too fast
* fixed coins duplicating
* autoupdate issue resolved
:* [fixed] soft file-matcher taking similar files from Mods instead of Base
:* [scripting][modified] sounds and textures aren't loaded randomly with filematcher by default
:* [scripting][added] Sprite.PlayRandomSound(filename) for loading random sounds
:* [fixed] crashrpt not attaching logs
:* [added] last script calls to crashrpt
:* [fixed] death cam being too sudden and jerky (Verra's updated PlayerCamera.as)
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/23060197691/ Build 393] (14/May/2012} <span id="393"></span>==
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/70893630551/build-980-admin-functionality-and-christmas-hats Build 980] (23/Dec/2013) <span id="980"></span>===
Changes from build 371 to 393:
Changes from build 977 to 980:
* u_shownames now uses new player name style instead of big stupid one
:* [added] lavalordtdm2 map
* Spectators with u_shownames see all player names
:* [added] security_banflags and security_strictflags to autoconfig, determines what global user flags to ban per server. defaults to griefing, abuse and impersonation for banflags (ie flags that expire) and hacking for strictflags (zero tolerance)
* Spectators now see unit counters
:* [script][added] void CNet::checkPlayerBanflags( const string &in username, const string &in banflags, const string &in strictflags ) for checking ban flags from the API
* Fixed single character player names no longer crash the server (and are therefore allowed) {{Bug|ID=0000327}}
:* [added] Christmas Hats
* Fixed full name not showing on linux/mac when someone changes teams {{Bug|ID=0000151}}
:* [added] u_shownames is default now (show all team names without needing hover)
* Fixed username is not cased correctly after successful authentication. {{Bug|ID=0000237}}
:* [fixed] hover names relying on ismod rather than seclevs
* Dropped the materials counter delay
:* [added] name_mouseover_spectator seclev (on for all default seclevs by default)
* The blinks still take a while to go away but the counter is always up to date
:* [fixed] spawning on team change (thanks Norill)
* Fixed broken Connect To... {{Bug|ID=0000148}} & {{Bug|ID=0000001}}
:* [modified] 40% votes required for a conclusive votekick
* Fixed Looks like red builder is going to build blue tiles {{Bug|ID=0000254}}
:* [removed] builder "stunlock" when building with enemies nearby
* Fixed breaking a shop that is on background tile doesn’t give mats {{Bug|ID=0000253}}
:* [fixed] unfortunate greg scribble
* Fixed setting high duration results in ban for 0 seconds {{Bug|ID=0000266}}
:* [added] show team names option to GUI
* Large bans (longer than 2 years) and bans with -1 time now result in permbans.
:* [added] show minimap button to settings
* Added expiry time to listbans
* Made bans case-insensitive
* changed/improved/added server side logging of game/player events
* Fixed - Archers deal massive damage to team catapults {{Bug|ID=0000271}}
* really fixed trap door+back wall = free money (removed hack) {{Bug|ID=0000198}}
* Fixed lost stone on removing trapbridge on background {{Bug|ID=0000258}}
* Fixed GOALTICKS independent ticktime mod operation in director.cpp
* Fixed Knights attack catapults when they use it {{Bug|ID=0000081}}
* Fixed various potential server crashes while fixing {{Bug|ID=0000327}}
* Various tweaks that may fix small bugs/instability - fixed
* KAG crash when closing KAG with server browser open {{Bug|ID=0000333}}
* addressed chat box/minibox background hardcoded, now takes center pixel colour. {{Bug|ID=0000157}}
* Fixed the listPlayers() script
* fixed abusable bug where spectators can block map start {{Bug|ID=0000305}}
* fixed more meaningful autoupdate failure messages for libcurl {{Bug|ID=0000306}}
* fixed the launcher menu text for the various sites sucked and fixed some of the URLs
* fixed can repair trap bridges with backwall {{Bug|ID=0000205}}
* fixed can repair other team’s door to be your own (only works blue->red) {{Bug|ID=0000076}}
* fixed about 3 related bugs/exploits
* fixed can’t slash shielded target sometimes {{Bug|ID=0000276}}
* fixed jumping on someone and slashing hurts you {{Bug|ID=0000309}}
* stomping does less damage to the stomper
* Fixed quarters don’t heal when there’s less than 0.5 hearts to heal {{Bug|ID=0000353}}
* fixed door breaking/fixing {{Bug|ID=0000204}}
* updates to how paper rendering works
* Fixed catapults dont hurt backwall enough, though haven’t done bridges etc yet (likely related to arrows) {{Bug|ID=0000331}}
* owered chat spam timer and inserted anti-spam message if you exceed it rather than failing silently
* Added sandbox room and tweaked sandbox to include it
* sandbox now has free items and shops.
* fixed server segfault due to API error conditions
* fixed quarters light not acting like a light
* fixed chests giving light by default
* bomb in zombie fortress costs 10 coins (was 20)
* more probability of zombie having coin
* disconnect issue should be fixed, please playtest for a while and see
* fixed client-side light in blob
* added constructor to APIPlayer, too much non-initialized vars bugs
* fixed free full version access
* bots attack dead zombies
* removed buildnum from launcher caption to avoid confusion
* collapse anti-grief doesn’t work for outposts
* fixed charged arrows dealing no damage when shot through bridge {{Bug|ID=0000321}}
* fixed knights don’t stop when ordered to go to zombies
* destroying castle blocks in zombie fortress doesn’t remove coins
* bots try to jump over kegs
* fixed bots not following orders when faced with zombies
* fixed throwing kegs into walls
* removed “buying” zombies from Portal
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/70572441601/build-977-admin-aid-scoreboard-improvements-script Build 977] (20/Dec/2013) <span id="977"></span>===
==Build 371 (23/April/2012) <span id="371"></span>==
Changes from build 963 to 977:
Changes from build 370 to 371:
:* [fixed] can't rebind some keys ("black hole" keys on keyboard, particularly R, sorry Ej)
:* [added] clear which keys aren't used any more
:* [added] class icons to scoreboard
:* [script][added] CBlob::SetScoreboardVars(texture, frame, framesize) and CBlob::UnsetScoreboardVars()
:* [added] scripts documentation start (see KAG/Docs/index.html)
:* [modified] doors won't collapse after becoming "stable"
:* [added] added name/username sections to scoreboard
:* [fixed] some console messages with () when same username as character name
:* [script][fixed] CPlayer::isMod() not taking into account red rcon admins
:* [script][added] seclev functions (check Manual/interface/Objects.txt for list)
:* [fixed] server browser game mode list having unaccesible items
:* [fixed] server browser game modes list having empty items
:* [added] seclev aware votekick
:* [added] Quick-Ban feature - hold B and tap F3 over a frozen player to quickly ban them for 24 hours. This is most useful in combination with quick-freeze (F3).
:* [added] new spectator camera (thanks Verra!)
:* [fixed] guard head not showing
* re-disabled jab stun as default in Rules
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/69167793125/build-963-crash-fix-anti-doorspam-helpful-tips Build 963] (06/Dec/2013) <span id="963"></span>===
* changed freq of slide sounds
* added sv_fastdeltas flag (1 means less CPU intensive but more bandwidth intensive)
* fixed full servers not showing map preview
* fixed fall damage screaming happening at wrong time
* fixed bump sound when climbing steps
* fixed too loud sounds issues
* fixed big bounce from shield
* made bash damage dependent on air time to avoid gibbing against wall
Changes from build 954 to 963:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/21638541083/ Build 370] (23/April/2012) <span id="370"></span>==
:* [fixed] saw button not always popping up
:* [modified] potential fix for bug #1213 Lines or "Strokes" in the water - vertex coordinates are offset a little to compensate for ugly scaling/rounding on some graphics cards
:* [fixed] 1303: +1 username bug removing "s" on names
:* [added] Ej "Rasmus" head, congrats
:* [fixed] mook heads are wrong
:* [modified] doors require adjacent solid tile or they collapse in 10 seconds (anti door spam)
:* [added] per-tile description of tiles in builder inventory
:* [modified] saw costs 100 stone as well as the wood cost
:* [added] keys cannot be overlapped and cannot use system keys (tab,chat,function,home)
:* [fixed] debug video recording not saving report after exitting game
:* [fixed] crash in map lighting
:* [fixed] cc_key being overwritten on game start
Changes from build 360 to 370:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/68357117199/build-954-new-tdm-maps-waterfalls-and-more Build 954] (28/Nov/2013) <span id="954"></span>===
* fixed builders pick up catapult stone in mid air {{Bug|ID=0000250}}
Changes from build 947 to 954:
* add per-gamemode modding of archer variables
* fixed crash where lightmap was null
* fixed some hud readout bugs (thick stone)
* fixed some issues with {{Bug|ID=0000164}}'s fix and tree chopping
* fixed trees heal when reaching the bottom of the trunk {{Bug|ID=0000164}}
* fixed crash in menu when no player exists
* backspace menu when not playing game is the same as when playing game
* Added previous bitstream compatibility through *force_bool methods
* fixed zombie mode order crash
* fixed no spawn as zombie when changed team to red
* fixed disconnecting from server when launched server browser
* singleplayer gamemodes get paused when in ESC menu
* fixed crash after launching zombie mode after deathmatch mode
* zombie/migrant bodies collide in air with players and hurt them
* added sound when zombies fall or hit walls
* added random pitch variation for most sounds
* added resource drop amount on hud
* fixed migrant-player colliding
* fixed big particles not spawned when in solid block
* tweaked zombie network syncing
* added spectator mode
* fixed bot archers not shooting arrows
* fixed wraith explosion on net
* fixed wall hugging on ladder
* added "killed by zombie message"
* builder only stays close to buddy and defends himself from zombies
* synced migrant bubbles on net
* creative/Sandbox servers are also add to beginner servers now
* fixed disconnecting player message
* fixed crash when closed ingame browser at a wrong time
* fixed zoom out from editor affecting other games {{Bug|ID=0000246}}
* fixed arrows going through walls {{Bug|ID=0000125}}
* workshop blocks cost 2 wood now
* all CTF workshops cost 50 wood (no stone required) (+30 gold siege workshop)
* migrants now say hello on network
* backwall on spikes gives materials resolved {{Bug|ID=0000208}}
* moved body throw offset a bit to avoid self collision
* archer can't hurt others when stomping
* fixed shield adding velocity on ground
* made inventory counters 50x more awesome (and they read the correct numbers for more cases too)
* fixed coins from frozen players
* dropped amount of coins from shooting catas (IRC request)
* fixed custom heads for non-admins
* made guard hat only apply to builder head and class default head
* added custom head check in player (checks if name matches a custom head player or if is guard or admin)
* added class modding to CTF rules
* bound runner variables to rules
* added falldamage vars to rules config (-> balancing ahoy)
* fixed crash in starter caused by autoupdate not initialised
* nerfed sheild push to help with desync and wall damage
* fixed wall sliding + fixed notch jumping (related)
* added server_setup_info.txt and readme.txt
* modified readme.txt and server_setup_info.txt for nicer formatting
* added stats format info to server_setup_info.txt
* added /listbans function to list all currently active bans
* fixed bug in bans (time was in seconds not minutes)
* made bans more user friendly with their output
* stats updated to more easily parsable format
* fixed typo in tutorial {{Bug|ID=0000197}}
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/20926147839/ Build 360] (12/April/2012) <span id="360"></span>==
:* [fixed] held non-constructed blocks protecting builder
:* [modified] ignore damage actually ignores all damage now
:* [removed] all old generator files to avoid confusion (+ they dont work)
:* [modified] updated existing tdm maps
:* [added] tdm map from extra/ , The Couldron
:* [added] Bleak Arena map
:* [added] Cramped Castle map
:* [added] MonsteriTDM1 and 2 maps (gratz)
:* [added] upgrade to CrashRpt 1402
:* [added] 30 sec video recording of crashes (run debug.bat on Windows)
:* [added] jackitch and contrary heads, congrats!
:* [modified] renamed 'modded' button to Non-Vanilla
:* [added] popup informing about non-vanilla disabled
:* [modified] Monsteri boat balance changes - longboat costs less for early rushing, warboat only costs (lots of) coin
:* [added] LavalordTDM1 map
:* [fixed] sounds still being calculated and played when volume is set to zero
:* [fixed] loadmap looking for strange files (should work more or less as expected now)
:* [modified] made it clear that loadbitmap shouldn't be used any more
:* [modified] water has nicer edge appearance now, imroves flooding and "waterfalls"
:* [added] pop wheels off catapult or ballista once it's in place
:* [removed] packing catapult into crate
:* [fixed] joining with scripts from previous server
Changes from build 359 to 360:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/67649727875/build-947-fixes-and-improvements Build 947] (21/Nov/2013) <span id="947"></span>===
*fixed shield jump not working
Changes from build 939 to 947:
*fixed coins from destroying bodies
*fixed builder not being able to pickup rubble {{Bug|ID=0000235}}
*fixed bodies not affecting playerpos (too much bugs)
*fixed admin/guard heads
*fixed colon typing on Mac {{Bug|ID=0000143}}
:* [modified] votekicking kicks for 30 minutes
:* [fixed] extra spawn immunity when changing class (now it's static spawn immune time, no extension)
:* [modified] RNG only on legolas shot for archers, do normal shots for accuracy.
:* [fixed] freeze continuously gibbing stuff
:* [script][added] void RemoveSectorsAtPosition( Vec2f position, const string& name, const u16 id ) for removing sectors only with specific id
:* [fixed] tree removes flag base no build zone
:* [fixed] too much coins on client (server_DropCoins could be run by client)
:* [dev] removed drop peer dbg msgs
:* [dev] additional move files works on steam only now
:* [modified] potential fix for "ghost" colliding arrows
:* [fixed] under raid war boats and ballistae included in spawn list
:* [dev] more fixes for arrows
:* [modified] flag base puts down bedrock underneath itself
:* [modified] all classes can arrow climb
:* [modified] arrow climb only when holding up, destroys arrows, gives extra jump
:* [modified] very slightly increased archer stun arrow range
:* [fixed] fire arrow not put out by water bomb/arrow
:* [fixed] Space flags (hopefully)
:* [modified] stomp doesn't stun or hurt the stomper
:* [added] boards layer to tunnel
:* [fixed] archer grapple staying attached through tunnel when attached to doors
:* [modified] if someone leaves while getting vote-kicked, they're banned for 30 minutes (as if they were successfully booted)
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/20910101971/ Build 359] (11/April/2012) <span id="359"></span>==
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/66774187668/build-939-partial-unicode-support-water-and-saw Build 939] (12/Nov/2013) <span id="939"></span>===
Changes from build 353 to 359:
Changes from build 935 to 939:
* fixed linux and mac “Connect to…” not working {{Bug|ID=0000001}}
:* [modified] FPS will be higher without uncapped framerate setting
* fixed player lag issue
:* [added] rcon admins have red name in players list
* fixed loud sound glitch on Mac and Linux
:* [fixed] LAN client not authed as admins on join
* fixed permastun when fallen on somebody
:* [fixed] kick not banning for 5 mins
* new body pickup icon
:* [added] if you rejoin within 2 mins on a server your stats will be preserved
* added slight bump for players colliding in air to avoid dancing on head
:* [added] username and character name to votekick menu
* fixed building castle wall over trap bridge giving coins {{Bug|ID=0000198}}
:* [fixed] crash when trying to launch solo mode with dedi server running in back
* added “report bugs” links to bug tracker in game launcher
:* [modified] lifted default ping kick threshold
* fixed manual link in game launcher
:* [fixed] saw graphical bugs
* fixed destroyed bridge turning to blue team and giving coin {{Bug|ID=0000229}}
:* [modified] saw turns off after killing teammate
* fixed large ban number crash {{Bug|ID=0000227}}
:* [removed] saw from world.png to prevent confusion
* updated all sprites to be arranged horizontally
:* [modified] removed a bunch of enet debugging prints that were confusing people (like enet_blah_blah: 15195)
* added a bounce on wall damage to prevent instant kill
:* [modified] fixed a small leak and a big crash in the servers browser + that annoying deprecated image complaint on opening it
* disabled gliding while bomb jumping/catapulting to balance horizontal power
:* [modified] buckets don't stun (about time)
* added a frame to knights for bomb jumping/catapulting
:* [modified] water bombs don't collide with team-mates
* made bomb knockback on standing targets smaller
:* [script][added] water_stun hitter, use water if you want to put out fire but not stun
* fixed flying into walls kills you {{Bug|ID=0000220}}
:* [added] removing redundant game files when launched from Steam
* too high ping ban time lowered to 5 mins
:* [fixed] being able to join server with client modified scripts
* move n_Graph to the left
:* [modified] changed words in new Steam player window
* if player not rcon and does rcon command it gets sent to guards as [RCON (name)] (trying to login…)
:* [fixed] buzzing sounds on Mac/Linux
* fixed gaining stone on repairing last castle block destruction block
:* [fixed] saw not showing gib effect on client when teammate sawed
* added sanity check for autoupdater to prevent downloading html error msgs
:* [added] confirmation dialogue to votekick
* fixed outposts: the perfect griefing tool {{Bug|ID=0000078}}
:* [fixed] script kicks not banning
* fixed archer can pick up rubble rocks as arrows
:* [reverted] the last uncapped framerate change
* fixed guard cannot be kicked by rcon
:* [fixed] singleplayer scripts being cleared and not running
* fixed shield stomp completely destroying
:* [modified] vote kick/nextmap has rudimentary anti-spam built in.
:* [removed] redundant sound effect on some sounds
:* [fixed] OSX/Linux crash on some sounds
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/66359607653/b935-ctf-tth-tutorials-added Build 935] (8/Nov/2013) <span id="935"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/20521450110/ Build 353] (05/April/2012) <span id="353"></span>==
Changes from build 932 to 935:
Changes from build 349 to 353:
* can carry corpses
:* [modified] saw doesn't kill team mates (too annoying!)
* corpses are gibbable
:* [fixed] can't hit constructed rooms in CTF as builder.
* corpses hurt others when thrown
:* [script][added] convenient builder_alwayshit_fragment array for partial name matches (eg "shop" for all shops)
* if there are lots of objects on the ground closest one will be picked up on tap [C]
:* [remove] far item destroy button
* fixed not being able to get out of catapult (use [E])
:* [removed] item arrows in workshops
* quick tap [E] on catapult does most obvious action (in order of priority: put item, load stone, mount yourself)
:* [fixed] texts appearing in front of research menu
* you can enter catapult firemode just by pressing fire on catapult
:* [modified] renamed peasant/migrant to worker wherever necessary
* you can now use bubbles, taunts, light bombs and fire stuff while in catapult
:* [fixed] crash in minimap on next map
* fixed not being able to get in catapult while holding something
:* [added] the much needed game mode tutorials for Capture the Flag and Take the Halls
* fixed disconnected payer IP in console showing as number
:* [fixed] Necromancer not appearing at final map
* fixed female heads invisible
* tweaked carry positions for objects
* fixed throwing issues
* catapult and outpost have more mass
* made keg collision circle smaller
* names in scoreboard have a shadow for better visibility
* only names are role colored
* fixed buttons clickable under full version banner
* added player left message on server
* collapse messages are sent to guards
* guards and admins get info on rcon commands
* fixed map border visibility
* fixed server message on vote kick spam
* fixed console crash
* fixed catapult taking stone when firing dude
* more descriptive catapult usage help
* hitting wall at large velocity takes health
* boulder doesnt hurt team players now
* corpses in air collide and hurt players
* both people that collide with each other are knocked out and hurt
* fixed out of screen corpses sent through network
* fixed +/- keys voting on Mac
* auth API fixes
* throw arrow appears on all objects
==Public Beta release==
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/20283884415/ Build 349] (01/April/2012) <span id="349"></span>==
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/66082938853/b932-hotfixes-for-steam Build 932] (5/Nov/2013) <span id="932"></span>===
Changes from build 346 to 349:
Changes from build 928 to 932:
* added Gregs (April Fools)
:* [removed] old manual link from launcher
:* [removed] this is beta red text
:* [removed] console when launching with noconsole command (win32)
:* [added] afk kick reason
:* [modified] votes have possible inconclusive outcome
:* (did not pass, did not fail, no action taken)
:* [fixed] can't click on last row of heads
:* [fixed] player name under hearts on HUD
:* [modified] login/passwords aligned to left in edit boxes
:* [removed] box2d limiter spam
:* [fixed] being able to imposter devs
:* [fixed] old files moved to Base/old
:* [added] message when not logged on Steam
:* [added] console logs for Steam errors
:* [added] materials decay much faster on crowded servers
:* [modified] closing servers browser brings you back to multiplayer tab
:* [fixed] custom heads in singleplayer
:* [added] spawn mats in sandbox
:* [modified] chat and scoreboard colors to less eye bleeding
:* [fixed] kill feed being very long (sometimes)
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/65686716135/build-928-pre-steam-cleanup-stuff-heads Build 928] (1/Nov/2013) <span id="928"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/20077027216/ Build 346] (28/March/2012) <span id="346"></span>==
Changes from build 926 to 928:
Changes from build 345 to 346:
:* CTF Shops now keep their menu open - this is for quick buying, its a bit buggy in how it renders, but you can click multiple times to get multiple bombs now, enjoy!
:* Void Flag Fixed - no more void captures, naughty abusers.
:* Bashing Doors etc Fixed - No more bouncing off structures when shieldbashing.
:* Added Dwarf and Pirate heads - so you can be both kinds of gruff, hairy man, or strong independent woman ;^)
:* Fixed the HUD bug with the screen “freezing” on some computers - if you were plagued by that, enjoy!
:* Inaccesible steam fixes
* fixed crash on death message
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/65599423422/build-926-new-voting-steam-news-heads Build 926] (31/Oct/2013) <span id="926"></span>===
* fixed full version banner dissapearing too fast
* fixed player names not appearing above heads for normal players
* fixed server crash on ban
* fixed auto-picking materials
* fixed timestamp number padding
* fixed vote kicks not banning
Changes from build 921 to 926:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/20023926407/ Build 345] (27/March/2012) <span id="345"></span>==
:* [added] 6 new heads + updated some past heads
:* [modified] rearranged heads
:* [added] debug message "box2d limiter breach" to check if this is the source of warping through things
:* [modified] box2d iteration count increased (may have been source of warping through things
:* [modified] kick delay is lower
:* [script][added] binds for void KickPlayer(CPlayer@ player) and void BanPlayer(CPlayer@ player, int time_seconds) with obvious effects (automatically takes seclevs into account)
:* [modified] map files updated by jackitch
:* [added] script exceptions don't halt the engine (debugger removed in release/test)
:* [script][removed] unsafe function config.saveFile(); - use config.saveFile(filename) instead (only saves to KAG/Cache)
:* [modified] clearer mod downloading messages and colors in console
:* [fixed] modded include file scripts not loading properly after download
:* [fixed] /Mods scripts not updating ever again (there's still an issue because they will only update in memory not in the files)
:* [script][added] scripted main menu items
:* [removed] hardcoded vote kick + next map stuff
:* [added] lots of features to the vote nextmap stuff
:* [fixed] builder can build on himself (thanks Verra)
:* [modified] builder must be inside building frame to build new shop
:* [added] some flags to shop for banning building any more things - wip for fixing double-shops
:* [modified] buildings destroy if they are overlapping each other too much
:* [added] can't double build from the same building frame
:* [modified] spawn shield protects from knockback and lasts a little longer (not instantly cancelled)
:* [modified] progress bar is hard-capped to at least one percent to help prevent rendering bugs
:* [added] JTG and Monsteri Sol Badguy twins unique, congrats
:* [added] allowed to change character name with /cl_name in console
:* [modified] more space for player names in scoreboard
:* [fixed] not spawning when username empty and clicked offline
:* [fixed] challenges not progressing on time end
Changes from build 319 to 345:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/65046822217/build-921-heads-fixes-maps Build 921] (25/Oct/2013) <span id="921"></span>===
* authentication system now uses [[API_Overview|KAG API]]
Changes from build 919 to 921:
* fixed duplicate IP preventing from LAN play
* user roles separated (admin, guard, tester)
* added new default gamemode Rapid Team Deathmatch
* added default “Beginner” server filter
* default chat key is [T] or [ENTER]
* team chat is launched with [Y]
* vote keys on Mac OSX are [+] and [-]
* strings are loaded from .irrst files located in Base/StringTables
* fixed barrier dissapearing on client when match not started
* added random Lance bot to addBot command
* error message for duplicate master login
* fixed securitysetup using username instead of name
* fixed builder killing with hammer msg
* fixed couple of crash reasons
* fixed network clantag exploit
* fixed net logging of IPs
* added serverMessage(“message”); console/script command
* boulder multiplayer crash fixed
* fixed network connection memory leak
* added no GUI mode (F6)
* fixed squeezing
* fixed server console “CAN’T PICK’ spamming
* removed console “banned client trying to connect” msg
* ESCAPE also closes scoreboard
* added “Open external browser” button to awesomium browser
* server has chat texts logged in console
* random chests and lanterns are specified in the generator file
* all disconnection messages appear in popups
* fixed lantern and kegs in non-gold servers
* fixed launcher graphic flickering
* fixed connection messages error and returning to menu
* RCON users are now red in scoreboard
* fixed spikes spawning dummy blocks
* Ban system overhaul (\unban)
** unban works via username
** bans stored in securitysetup.cfg       
** ban player needs to take username param
* removed hwid related ban stuff
* removed bans on kick
* guards and admins can always see player labels on hover
* when someone marks for vote kicks server announces it
* fixed wrong rooms appearings in mods
* game launches from menu only after succesful connect
* fixed bad delta msgs on server on player join
:* [added] turning saws on and off
:* [modified] pickup priotities have a few per-class modifiers and de-prioritise corpses a lot
:* [modified] boulders are 35 stone
:* [modified] warboat costs 130 coins, not 150
:* [removed] rayne_liquidate and rayne_flarellbridge1 from default ctf cycle
:* [modified] removed koujimap from default map cycle
:* [added] 2 "templar" heads, one bucket, one egghead, both definitely badass.
:* [added] MonsteriCTF3 map
:* [added] NewTortuga map
:* [added] catapult and ballista convert instantly when sat into
:* [modified] idle/still siege engines don't collide with you
:* [modified] siege engines need a bit more speed before they hurt you
:* [modified] updated felleres map
::* named Fellere_FourRivers.png
::* hopefully less stalemate
:* [fixed] catapult "steals" kills of people shot out of it
:* [fixed] map key binding not visible
:* [fixed] music volume slider not adjusting in real time
:* [fixed] some sound functions still doing processing with zero volume
:* [fixed] wrong menu song used (cut out too early)
:* [script][added] hasTileSolidBlobsNoPlatforms function to omit platforms
:* [fixed] can't build backwall over platforms
::* note, this works like building stone "over" wood, the platforms still prevent building "through" them
:* [added] crate changes team when picked up
:* [fixed] egg makes chomp chomp noise when not eaten
:* [updated] kag icons on windows
:* [fixed] big leak when music slider set to zero, and awful sound when turned up again
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/18611784562/ Build 319] (2/March/2012) <span id="319"></span>==
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/64860386906/build-919-fixes-heads-balance-maps Build 919] (23/Oct/2013) <span id="919"></span>===
Changes from build 281 to 319:  
Changes from build 915 to 919:
* Single-player zombies added
:* [modified] JTG Map changes:
* '''"Nerfed"''' bomb jumping, forms of Bomb Jumping still exist.
::* boulder lake map has fewer boulders
* New lighting - castle interiors and caves are dark. You can hide in them.
::* removed bison from newgetisburgmines map
* Added lanterns in full version (will work fully next patch).
:* [modified] rearranged ctf mapcycle a little
* More workshops
:* [fixed] crash on null pointer in blobplacement script
* Added powder kegs
:* [modified] kaggen has caves and ruins
* Workshops have no castle background. This means they can fit anywhere and don’t cost stone.
:* [fixed] flagbase is not tagged invincible (may be causing it to die by other means)
* Many collision, networking, exploit and security fixes
:* [fixed] kaggen generates trees overlapping ruins
* Bot's AI have been improved so that it can fend for itself
:* [modified] updated fellere valley map
* Randomly generated dungeons and castles
:* [fixed] a few missing default variables in gamemode.cfg - caused crash on omission
* Added rubble from collapsed castles and in ruins
:* [modified] sandbox map is kaggen
* Player names on cursor show only when close and in full light (to allow hiding)
:* [added] player light radius (set in gamemode.cfg as player_light_radius) returned - default 32, limit 255
* Expanded bomb radius - no more bomberman explosions
:* [fixed] sound glitch on OSX when jumping
* Shopping in a workshop now opens up a radial menu
:* [added] fire extinguish sound
* Cost reduction on workshops - does not require stone anymore
:* [added] player_light_intensity to gamemode.cfg - range 0 to 255 , default 128
* New door textures
:* [added] kaggen ruins can have wood in them
:* [added] sandbox again
:* [fixed] wierd line through the sky in fast graphics mode
:* [modified] keg gets a team when picked up -> no more keg slashed off your back by friendly knights
:* [modified] coins for building wood blocks decreased to 1
:* [modified] coins for building stone blocks and structures increased to 4
:* [fixed] moving spectator camera uses keybinds for move left right up down instead of hardcoded WASD
:* [modified] floating islands now "allowed" at map design time
:* [added] sandbox uses default png loader
:* [modified] warboat has +50% hp
:* [added] 3 new heads - horse head, diving helmet, alchemist head
:* [added] JTF_FirstBadlands map
:* [added] undercooked egg to quarters for 30c
:* [modified] chicken breeding parameters a little
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/64391472329/build-915-more-optimisations-ctf-balance-tweaks Build 915] (18/Oct/2013) <span id="915"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/16463560525 Build 281] (25/January/2012) <span id="281"></span>==
Changes from build 912 to 915:
Changes from build 274 to 281:
:* [fixed] excessive particle spam from catapult rock
:* [add] coin from killing/hurting siege and vehicles
:* [modified] builder gets coin from building almost everything (ladders and backwall left out)
:* [modified] extra coin for building workshops
:* [modified] standard coin decrease during warmup (/3, rounded down)
:* [added] 2 more JTG maps
:* [modified] catapult can resist 1 bomb arrow (just)
:* [fixed] crash in server
:* [fixed] minimap crash
:* [fixed] nasty loadmap minimap bug
:* [modified] water doesn't treat the bottom of the map as solid - allows waterfalls if you're into that
:* [fixed] dirt backwall going missing sometimes (particularly bad on client!)
:* [added] chat console keeps last channel when you press enter - means you can hit Y once, and then use enter to team chat in the thick of battle
:* [modified] door sprite shows orientation a little better
:* [modified] more cata rock optimisations ... this shouldn't be so hard
:* [added] even fewer particle iterations and better cache performance
:* [modified] rock is even more optimised, avoids a lot of logic on client
* Mark-kicking now works again
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/64114793142/build-912-catapult-optimisations-and-changes Build 912] (15/Oct/2013) <span id="912"></span>===
* Net code should be a little smoother
* A few server browser bugs have been fixed
Changes from build 911 to 912:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/16002365889 Build 274] (17/January/2012) <span id="274"></span>==
:* [removed] hurt on collide etc from catapult rock
:* [modified] rock doesn't use collisions (wip)
:* [script][added] bind for Random::getSeed()
:* [script] major change to Vehicle scripts
:* [script] optimized vehicle script to use a structure isntead of properties
:* [fixed] fixed camera on gunner position
:* [modified] config files missing are warnings instead of errors
:* [fixed] chicken == flag mistake on JTG map
:* [modified] cata more effective on roof than wall, but doesn't "pierce" with normal rocks so much
Changes from build 265 to 274:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/64093501475/build-911-fixes-optimisations-and-heads Build 911] (15/Oct/2013) <span id="911"></span>===
* fixed “reason 5” players ban
Changes from build 909 to 911:
* fixed “COLLAPSED BY” console spam
* fixed giant holes in mountain maps
* fixed server browser crash after closing password box
* fixed server browser password box letters visible
* fixed / not working with autocomplete in console
* fixed some collision bugs
* ladder/tree climbing animation uses walk animation
* clients from server browser connect through sv_ip variable if specified
* fixed dedicated_server.sh being in DOS format
* fixed unit counter not appearing on first join
* removed adding 10 coins for placing gold bullion
:* [modified] snatchmark map
:* [fixed] JTG_NewGetisburgMines map not loading properly
:* [fixed] fake techs in CTF not cleared on next map (note: requires adding UseFakeTechs.as to gamemodes where fake techs are used)
:* [added] updated monsteri ctf 2 map
:* [fixed] opening and closing door visually hiding the damage
:* [added] builder cant break door  backwall before breaking the door
:* [added] Verrazano unique head (congrats)
:* [added] owl head, dovahkiin helmet, animu ninja head, ushanka, and dragon skull helmet
:* [modified] heads settings box has 6 heads per row instead of 5
:* [modified] catapult cost increased to 80c
:* [modified] bomb arrow one hit kills catapult
:* [modified] no coins on map restart/join game of CTF
:* [modified] particle iterations drastically reduced
:* [modified] maximum particle count reduced
:* [modified] tweak in tutorial
:* [modified] performance optimizations to lighting
:* [modified] some optimizations in scripts
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/15401080122 Build 265] (06/January/2012) <span id="265"></span>==
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/63893805497/b909-balancing-fixes-upgrades-optimisation Build 909] (13/Oct/2013) <span id="909"></span>===
Changes from build 263 to 265:
Changes from build 907 to 909:
* fixed native resolution in fullscreen broken
:* [added] bomb arrow is rocket launcher - low damage vs actor (2.5 hearts on direct hit), high damage on buildings and vehicles, and explodes on impact - can be used to bomb jump!
* fixed map collisions (not climbing, corner jumping etc.)
:* [fixed] double hitting from bomb arrow explosion
* chat console is disabled if no players
:* [added] drill is much more effective against constructed blocks (heats much slower for castle and wood)
* unit counters changed to minimalistic numbers
:* [added] ladder has team (and sprite that shows it)
* chat moved to top
:* [fixed] runner can jump higher off ladders than ground
* gamemode descriptions support line break (new CTF description)
:* [fixed] scroll of midas (thanks norill)
* chat box position, transparency improvements
:* [modified] scroll of midas affects thick stone too
* chat box only displays under 140 chars
:* [modified] tunnel costs 100 stone 50 wood (no gold)
* fixed help texts not appearing during build time
:* [modified] 3 builder hits to break ladder
* fixed not being able to build sometimes at some spots
:* [modified] block placement is more tolerant
* fixed buying bomb by spamming with left over coins
:* [modified] builder aim hitting tiles is "no bullcrap" - will be ported to block placement soon
* fixed massive gold appearing under tent in older generator scripts
:* [fixed] chickens breeding infinitely in one space
* fixed hole in map generator causing tower
:* [added] spikes have team coloured layer so now you can tell what team they are on
* added flat map with hole in middle to deafult map cycle
:* [fixed] first sign in the tutorial not below the player
* fixed 2 players from the same IP being authenticated wrong on master server
:* [added] water arrows are 20 coins, fire arrows are 30
* Mac: fixed space appearing after pressing shift in chat
:* [modified] water arrows come in stack of 2
:* [added] wip "fake tech" system - allows techs in rules without any research system in place
:* [modified] pickup radius is a bit smaller
:* [removed] restartmap_onlastplayer_disconnect cause it causes crashed (will return once issue is resolved)
:* [added] requirements support "not tech" so that you can prevent double-buying upgrades at different shops
:* [modified] rock spams fewer particles
:* [added] JTG_NewGetisburgMines map
:* [removed] monsteri map 2 from the cycle til it's fixed
:* [added] 3 new maps from community - Fellere_newValleyMap, Skinney_Crypt, Skinney_Typhoon
:* [added] cheaper fake rolling script for applicable objects (only rotates one sprite, does no matrix multiplication)
:* [added] cheaper fake rolling to boulder
:* [added] more expensive fake rolling script only runs on server (rotation deltas are synced anyway)
:* [added] chat colour is from team .cfg file
:* [added] team chat gets asterixes around it  * team chat *
:* [modified] keg is 120 coins
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/63721903598/b907-chicken-update Build 907] (11/Oct/2013) <span id="907"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/15341998849 Build 263] (05/January/2012) <span id="263"></span>==
Changes from build 904 to 907:
Changes from build 262 to 263:
:* [added] zoom to cheat sheet
:* [removed] motion in fixed camera
:* [modified] keg doesn't take action 2 any more - allows shielding when holding keg.
:* [modified] only 50 coins and no carry over (by default) in CTF - see CTF_Trading.as for config options (should be moved to .cfg file tbh)
:* [added] both "rock" and "stone" are the same predefined gib
:* [added] warning for unknown "predefined" gibs
:* [added] dummy target practice to tutorials
:* [added] added chicken
:* [modified] tweaked parallax backgrounds
:* [modified] double slash is a bit easier to execute
:* [fixed] sign and fireplace in front of player
:* [added] mapcycle can use just directory instead of .cfg (sv_mapcycle = Maps/Challenge/Tutorials)
:* [added] new princess
:* [modified] archer cursor has one more frame (smoother animation) and a better indication of legolas shot ready
:* [modified] esc key icon is more legible (no overlapping glyphs)
:* [fixed] archer aiming cursor-arrow discrepancies
:* [modified] arrow launches slightly higher allowing to shoot easily over 1 block when standing next to it
:* [fixed] various fixes and improvements to tutorials
:* [fixed] typo in tutorials
* fixed kick and swap menus not scrolling
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/63482854560/b904-basics-tutorial-added Build 904] (8/Oct/2013) <span id="904"></span>===
* arrows don't stick to shields
* fixed unpredictable bomb throwing on high ping
* fixed unit_count=0 in gamemode.cfg (one life for all)
* fixed warmup counter display
* fixed quarters not healing if something in front of it
Changes from build 899 to 904:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/15341998849 Build 262] (05/January/2012) <span id="262"></span>==
:* [fixed] not loading mod downloaded scripts (still some issues)
:* [modified] tweaks to princess mode
:* [modified] improved bot difficulty
:* [added] shinier title
:* [added] 3 level basics tutorial
:* [fixed] research being in hall in Challenges
:* [added] archer charge cursor
Changes from build 228 to 262:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/62903717944/b899-fixes-and-eased-frustrations Build 899] (2/Oct/2013) <span id="899"></span>===
* Changed workshop building to an UPGRADE MECHANISM using USE KEY [E]
Changes from build 898 to 899:
* Outposts and catapults are built in the SIEGE WORKSHOP
* KAG map format which saves everything on the map (/loadmap /savemap commands eg. “/savemap plaza”)
* Faster network code. Many optimizations in this area you’ll notice a slightly lower ping.
* new Swordfight map
:* [fixed] can build on open doors
* fixed some collision bugs
:* [fixed] cant build on materials
* fixed tents spawning underground
:* [fixed] cant build on fired arrows
* map format changed to .KAG
:* [modified] knight can dig gold
* \loadmap \savemap - loads\saves .KAG files
:* [modified] knight digging dirt stone takes same hits as digging constructed wood
* \loadbitmap NAME - loads PNG map format from Maps/
:* [added] 6 stone from digging thick stone
* packet compression is back on
:* [script][added] bind for CMap::isTileThickStone
* arrows stick to bodies
:* [added] new sky gradient code - along with darker skyline overall for a little less "neon" and eye strain, and lighter night
* fixed rules time counter and display
:* [added] 15 minute day night cycle to default tth again
* changed to larger font for catapult health and blocks menu resources display
:* [fixed] archer rope sometimes renders off "to infinity"
* builder rectangle cursor doesn't appear if not buildable and not diggable
* fixed ping times in server browser
* fixed favorites in server browser
* fixed server browser password prompt display
* fixed sort types list box
* fixed most bottom blocks on map indestructible bug
* added speedhack detection and prevention
* units are decreased on spawn not death
* Mac: fixed ingame web browser
* Mac: fixed screen options not saving
* Mac: changed team chat switch to Ctrl
* Mac: improve graphic performance on
* Mac: fixed game crashing when window larger than desktop
* fixed authentication mix up when two players from same host connect
* improved network code - slightly lower pings
* added server check for knight slashing
* slash takes 5% longer
* sv_compression variable works again
* fixed throw sound being played if trying to drop materials during warmup
* fixed client crash on map restart
* fixed trying to connect to full server
* units aren't decreased in build time
* added \nextmap command (\restartmap works as it should now)
* Mac: fixed clipboard pasting Cmd+V
* Mac: fixed mouse button / shield problem
* fixed head config hack
* fixed bomb killing teammates
* improved offscreen objects netcode
* autoupdate can be canceled with ESC
* new linux dedicated executable works w/o batch file "./KAGdedi"
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/62816567820/build-898-fixes-changes-balance Build 898] (1/Oct/2013) <span id="898"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/13635081132 Build 228] (02/December/2011) <span id="228"></span>==
Changes from build 893 to 898:
Changes from build 203 to 228:
:* Kegs are more expensive in CTF but tear through structures doors, blocks, etc very effectively due to a few bugfixes there.
:* Fire spreads from doors and platform tiles. This means door cases around the flag are quite a bit less effective, at least with normal wood doors. Kegs are still the ultimate breaching solution though.
:* Knights take 3 hits to break wood tiles instead of 2. We’ll probably allow breaking other “natural” tiles as well, like gold and maybe thick stone, but with more hits and more feedback for each.
:* Archer bow rotates visually to give better indication of charge state. This should help with some of the difficulties people were/are having with the archer.
:* Fixed some camera bugs. There are still a few in, they’ll be fixed as soon as we can manage.
:* Added a ding when hitting something that cant be damaged. This still needs some more filtering added, there are a couple of outliers like seeds and hearts which still ding cheerfully with every hit. This will of course be patched soon.
* added pre-game launcher
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/62405742363/b893-automatic-mod-downloading Build 893] (27/Sep/2013) <span id="893"></span>===
* added (windows only for now) ingame web browser with links to: manual, wiki, IRC chat, creating account
* added server favorites
* added in-game Manual by SirSalami
* removed player name mouse hover chat
* clicked server in server browser updates ping meter icon
* improved first ping performance in server browser
* added double click join to server browser
* added building time/match started information in server preview
* added menu music
* changed collapse physics
* fixed ambient sounds
* fixed screenshot folder on Linux
* fixed crash in editor mode when jumping on bridge
* fixed builder can't pick 3rd heart
* fixed door pick sound being wood
* builder has to stand still to build
* autoupdater does not require restart
* console accepts \ and / for commands
* bridge takes 20 wood
* bridges and ladders can't be built only against dirt background
* optimized all game object collisions
* icons in scoreboard are double size
* class icons point in same direction and builder is distinguished from sword more
* can't shield against falling blocks
* can't destroy rooms after match has started (anti-griefing)
* fixed far view on fixed camera for lower resolutions
* added disclaimer after server startup for sv_allow_globals_mods variable
* rooms require 5 hits to destroy
* changed some HUD fonts (including above head chat)
* added command-line option to start server with specific ip,port,slots eg: ip port 50213 slots 32
* added break_time_static for a build time that doesn't change with number of players
Changes from build 890 to 893:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/12470011425 Build 203] (07/November/2011) <span id="203"></span>==
:* [added] automatic mod downloading on join server
:* [fixed] coin drop sounds
:* [script][added] MapFlags.as for convenient setting of tilemap flags from script
:* [fixed] wall run on doors and trap blocks
:* [fixed] archer continues to grapple after going through tunnel
:* [modified] smoothened the fixed camera very much
:* [fixed] bugs with flag base sector not being in the right place (doesn't vanish completely any more, but gets much smaller to prevent "flag cases" from being really hard to break)
:* [fixed] doors and trap doors wall running
:* [fixed] idle server pausing broken
Changes from build 200 to 203:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/62156090701/b890-tweak-a-doodle-doo Build 890] (24/Sep/2013) <span id="890"></span>===
* added server name and address in scoreboard
Changes from build 886 to 890:
* added class icons next to player names
* sword strike knockback is half power
* removed semi-stun from hit
* clash doesn’t work on slash
* less stun on fall
* game is not rendered after alt+tab
* unit_count can use floating point variables
* unit_count = 0 - no respawns; unit_count = -1 - unlimited respawns
* added \sv_deltacompression variable (set to 0 in dedicated_autoconfig.gm to improve performance at the cost of bandwidth)
* \sv_compression temporarily disabled (always true)
* limited CPU usage
:* [modified] more cache friendly particle update
:* [added] blob gibs have random timeout - means they vanish in sequence rather than all at once.
:* [added] new base png loader from jackitch
:* [added] some sync to coins drop
:* [fixed] minimap outlines
:* [modified] minimap uses 100% same code for creation and per tile update - fixes consistency issues
:* [modified] water and fire are overlayed on map, not 100% alpha
:* [fixed] water and fire minimap sync on net
:* [fixed] terms of use being tricky
:* [fixed] config files not saving properly (helps reduction broken)
:* [added] further optimizations for helps
:* [added] blinks for helps when they happen
:* [modified] knights can destroy all wood blocks
:* [modified] knight can chop through wood door faster
:* [modified] spikes are destructible by knight
:* [modified] a bit more aggressive beginner mooks
:* [added] reintroduced grain from grain plant as edible food
:* [modified] more respawn time in Princess mode
:* [added] princess mode: on next map you start as previous class
:* [modified] archer AI sometimes stops when retreating
:* [modified] polished the trap level in princess more
:* [fixed] last level of princess mode not appearing
:* [fixed] chat text on hover being unreadable
:* [added] more damage from catapult to stone doors
:* [fixed] fire arrows not showing in air
:* [fixed] camera scrolling when mouse of window
:* [added] kills and scores to challenge
:* [fixed] time highscores formatting in challenges
:* [fixed] slam dunk to saw captures (lol)
:* [added] archer grapple help icon
:* [fixed] fire arrow teleporting to 0,0 on client when hit door
:* [modified] tweaks to improve netcode
:* [fixed] competetive button not pressed from start
:* [added] chomp sound to shark
:* [fixed] password appearing way below browser
:* [added] fire arrow burn time is 5 secs
:* [added] ctf flag returns faster near teamies
:* [added] catapult rocks die from too much smashing
:* [fixed] archer can always get arrows from tent, even if he dies during resupply time
:* [fixed] archer "drops" an arrow at end of legolas
:* [fixed] wierd flag doesn't capture bug
:* [modified] new community maps
:* [added] 7 new heads
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/12344131523 Build 200] (04/November/2011) <span id="200"></span>==
:: [http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/62228595198/hotfix-for-b890 Hotfix]:
Changes from build 190 to 200:
:* [fixed] can select invisible heads
:* [fixed] princess03 map having wrongly placed end
:* [fixed] possibly the osx collapse crash
:* [modified] reduced fall damage by half
:* [modified] lowered wave respawn in TTH to 8
:* [added][server] sv_gamemode = TTH switches to WAR automatically
:* [added] specific crate unpack help
:* [added] help message for help messages :p
:* [removed] competetitive/cooperative buttons from servers browser
:* [added] sorting by player count as default in servers browser
* added female characters (player customization) ([BACKSPACE] in-game)
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/61765452322/build-886-ctf-and-back-to-basics Build 886] (20/Sep/2013) <span id="886"></span>===
* added head customizations ([BACKSPACE] in-game)
* Misc menu (backspace) doesn't require to hold key
* bridges are now two-way platforms (drop from them with down key [S])
* arrows go through bridges
* removed Advanced Movement tutorial
* fixed arched not falling from top tree
* all objects now fall through bottom of map (flag respawns after falling there)
* increased pick radius of pie menus
* pie menu items are also selected with left mouse click
* fixed collapsed blocks not disappearing at the bottom of the map
* fixed not being able to build castle background over spikes
* fixed spiked castle background not giving support
* catapult fire progress is always displayed when in fire mode
* fixed catapult not changing team on fire
* fixed shield ladder not working on ladders
* removed "test" name above head
* tweaked bomb throwing
* added throw direction arrow on HUD
* fixed bomb wall bounces
* fixes in fast moving player/map collision
* optimized map collision code
* misc menu (BACKSPACE) doesn't require holding the key
* fixed bridge open/close glitch
* rcon commands are logged in console ([RCON FROM PLAYER_NAME])
* admin/guard : [F3] key freezes [F2] key unfreezes player
* added "COLLAPSE by PLAYER_NAME" in console log
* can't switch to team with units depleted
* removed tutorial box and emoticons from tutorial display
* fixed joining game errors
* added fixed camera on/off option in main menu (Player tab)
* lowered bomb jump velocity
* bridges can be built on dirt background
* removed material dropping when overloaded
* hovering mouse on player and pressing chat adds his name to chat (works for chat menu too)
* tweaked jumping
* help UI improvements
* disabled game music (temporary)
* 30% of fallen coins is lost on death
* near spawn respawn multiplier multiplies half the time for outpost
* HUD doesn't fade out if typing in chat
* break time is now set based on a multiplier (players amount)
* unit counter is now set based on a multiplier (players amount)
* respawn counter can't go longer than number of players (in seconds)
* added 1 archer discharge frame
* fixed \loadmap [name] command - loads the map from the folder Maps/[name].png
* added sword blocks when hot other sword
* bomb sparks turn red when approaching explosion time
* you lose charge on being hit
* fixed slash on team player
* fixed knight hitting after being hit
* fixes in knight double slashes
* can't hit or shield for 0.5s after being hit
Changes from build 878 to 886:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/11905353945 Build 190] (25/October/2011) <span id="190"></span>==
:* CTF Mode
::: Obviously this is the big one. Capture the enemy’s flag, take it to one of yours, do that till the enemy is out of flags. Simple stuff. Lots of fun.
:* Coin Operated Workshops
::: Another big one that I know a lot of classic veterans have been holding out for - CTF sees the return of plinky plonky coins and all the bombs your money can buy. The coin gathering mechanics have changed slightly, but it’s more of the same.
:* KAGGen Map Generator
::: This was actually done as a demo of a procedural map, but turned out fun enough to include in the CTF map cycle. We’ll be adding more to the creatively-named KAGGen as time goes by, but for now it’s easy to configure, quick, and gives a good example of how to build a map with just code.
:* New Wall Run Controls
::: This new, easy to perform maneuver lets you get around terrain with much less frustration, while not giving builders as much of a headache and still leaving a lot of room for creative parkour. If you find yourself missing the easy (if counter-intuitive) notch running from classic, you’ll probably like the wall run.
Changes from build 158 to 190:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/61108820121/b878-new-cooperative-challenges Build 878] (13/Sep/2013) <span id="878"></span>===
* new controls and pie menus
Changes from build 872 to 878:
* added castle room: bomb workshop - for making bombs (press [E], costs coins)
* added castle room: arrows workshop
* added castle room: quarters - gradually heals you for coins
* added droppable coins
* added HUD resources blink when added/removed
* generated maps are mirrored by default (can be switched off in Rules/gamemode.cfg)
* CTF and Swordfight gamemode now have a default unit count limit
* map editor mode from menu uses Sandbox game rules
* mount bomb on catapult (light bomb with [F] and then put on catapult with menu [E])
* added shield down attack animation
* added "Quit Editor" main menu option
* added recent added/decreased resources display on HUD
* changed chat fonts to support european characters
* admin kick/swap menu is team sorted
* fixed knight shield not shielding teammates
* fixed time limit game rules setting
* fixed unit count game rules setting
* fixed doors not closing near tent and other objects
* fixed bomb bounce sounds
* fixed bots not respawning after map change
* fixed timed out rcon/mod players not disconnecting
* fixed help texts smooth rendered
* chat with 1 letter can be sent now
* bottom of map is a hole in which you die
* when team becomes unbalanced players with lowest score get switched
* each hit at stone gives 2 stone; thick stone 5; gold 2
* archer doesn't draw arrow if no arrows
* bombs are stronger and have larger kill radius
* tents and outposts don't heal
* wood, stone, gold is automatically picked up only by builder; arrows by archer; bombs by knight
* fixed class selection on custom class rules
* removed arrow added to player resources when arrow hit player
* fast arrow knockback is smaller
* bomb isn't dropped on knock back
* only 50% of arrows drop drom dead archer
* bomb can destroy dropped arrows
* bombs can launch knight from ground (with shield; greater velocity achieved from air)
* added 5s immunity on tent after respawn
* increased stomp damage velocity
* archers can climb trees
* archer has 3 firing options (indicated by cursor color): slow, normal and charged
* arrows are generally faster but have a lot more drag
* arrows damage is based on velocity (dragged/out of screen arrows are weaker)
* archer can cancel shot with [right mouse] click
* fixed arrows losing effectiveness when lobbying them
* archer stomp doesn't do damage
* archer charge cursor appears only after arrow is drawn
* fixed killed archer arrow not firing
* moved arrow origin 2 pixel higher
* knight double slash only works when actually hit somebody
* knight shield up works more like a ladder
* knights can glide on shield up (shield parachute)
* fixes to shield collision
* less knockback on sword hits
* catapult fires more sideways
* catapult uses 5 stone per shot
* catapult loads much longer
* catapult against catapult is more powerful
* catapults don't regenerate
* catapult rocks have more gravity
* destroyed catapult drops half loaded stone
* the more vertical the catapult rocks the less damage they do
* builder has 3 hearts
* builder can hurt knights
* changed scoreboard colors
* object/workshop usage help texts are always shown
* blocks without required resources are not drawn in block menu
* outpost shows health on mouse hover
* items fall out with greater velocity on death
* bubbles on minimap show only for own team
* stance animation changed when carrying something
* knight shield is unlagged
* ladders can't be placed far horizontally (they don't drop now)
* all player names show when waiting for respawn
* changed player label colors
* menu and prompt bubbles don't show on minimap
* added spawn immunity blink indicator
* trees regrow slower
* added smoke on catapult rocks hit stone
* above head chat messages background is transparent
* chat longer than 200 chars doesn't appear above head
* above head chat breaks into lines if long
* default above head chat color is white; team chat is team colored
* added addBotX command - addBotX( team, class, name ); eg. addBotX( 1, 0, "St. John" );
* added disable compression option sv_compression=0
* fixed \unban; \unbanhost; \unbanhid commands
<span id="190_hotfix"></span>Hotfix:
:* [modified] set default map cycle to mini challenges for Challenge
:* [modified] out of box config settings are that of Challenges
:* [fixed] unable to cap hall in Challenges
:* [fixed] server browser to use Challenges as coop
:* [removed] archer cam and slightly faster arrow
:* [fixed] arrows sticking to ceiling on Amarok
:* [dev] fixed various issues with loading non-default maps on network
:* [fixed] out of date menuhelp.png
:* [modified] grapple appearance
:* [fixed] builder building on self and teleporting
:* [added] grappling hook help
:* [added] button for Challenges in Solo menu
:* [modified] tweaks to princess mode meta
:* [modified] adjusted arrow speeds (slightly faster mid-pull; even faster load)
:* [added] default suicide icon for kill feed
:* [added] killing bots adds to scores
:* [added] /BaseJeep - an example of a full KAG modification
* fixed autobalance issue
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/60341462793/b872-nice-spectator-camera-arrows-lag-fix Build 872] (5/Sep/2013) <span id="872"></span>===
* fixed 3 heart archer
* fixed builder tutorial crash
* fixed outpost not being able to switch class
Changes from build 870 to 872:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/10598181702/build-158-released Build 158] (24/September/2011) <span id="158"></span>==
:* [removed] dinghy damage (again, hopefully correct)
:* [re-added] minimap (but wont show for maps smaller than 128 width)
:* [fixed] archer camera twitching on triple arrow shot
:* [modified] some significant delta sending changes/improvements/fixes
:* [modified] smoothed and fixed singelplayer issues
:* [modified] projectiles don't use box2d bullet physics
:* [fixed] camera not set in the middle on join game
:* [fixed] snapping when team member near edge of map
:* [removed] post processing with uncapped framerate (and fixed related bugs)
:* [added] smooth mouse scroll for spectator + swapping team mates RMB/LMB
:* [fixed] bots not doing anything unless they see enemy
:* [fixed] difficult bots double slashing badly
:* [fixed by Furai] typo in console logs when receiving server's list
:* [fixed] builder can't break own workbench
Changes from build 157 to 158:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/60146576333/b870-block-hitting-fixed-and-others Build 870] (2/Sep/2013) <span id="870"></span>===
* fixed not being able to connect to server after some time of server running
Changes from build 869 to 870:
:* [fixed] cannot "hit" map blobs with hitinfos
:* [fixed] knight can hit through doors, boats
:* [fixed] archer "jammed" shoot for a while after spawn
:* [fixed] type mismatch in vehicleconvert (spam in console property type wrong)
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/10518164845/build-157-released Build 157] (22/September/2011) <span id="157"></span>==
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/60078780175/b869-fixes-and-tweaks Build 869] (2/Sep/2013) <span id="869"></span>===
Changes from build 156 to 157:
Changes from build 866 to 869:
* added "nocollapsing_nearspawn" variable to game rules file (CTF/gamemode.cfg)
:* [fixed] archer can grapple into red barrier
* near spawn collapses prevention works for larger structures only (>15 blocks)
:* [added][script] red barrier makes a map sector for blobs to read
* fixed collapsing issues again
:* [fixed] knight (and others) hitting through tiles
* fixed unbuildable spots bugs
:* [fixed] archer stays in air when structure/tree collapsed
* fixed crash reason
:* [fixed] gibs load wrong sounds
* fixed not being able to return to menu after disconnect
:* [added] sound file not found warning
* knight image files height correction
:* [modified] archer charge times (a bit faster, but longer ready time)
:* [modified] archer doesn't decharge before legolas shot
:* [fixed] sparkly layer left over when someone dies with an overcharge left
:* [removed] voyager.png from TTH mapcycle by popular demand - maybe it'll be back with changes later.
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/59811114045/build-866-interim-patch-lots-of-changes Build 866] (30/Aug/2013) <span id="866"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/10480371812/build-156-released Build 156] (21/September/2011) <span id="156"></span>==
Changes from build 847 to 866:
Changes from build 154 to 156:
:* Archer changes:
::* Legolas shot, grapple hook, more fragile health among others! Pew pew, swing swing. It’s a whole new feel for the class, and it’s just getting started. We’ll continue tweaking and hopefully adding a bit of power after its had some more thorough public testing!
:* Boat changes:
::* No more bashing team-mates with stolen boats before they convert! Dinghies don’t crush stuff! All sorts of good things.
:* Hall Changes:
::* Halls can be flooded to turn them neutral again! We’re working on a way to work units into the mix, but it didn’t stand up to testing so at the moment it’s turned off.
:* Princess Mode:
::* Currently in a half-finished port between the old huge huge map and the new level format there are some bugs (scores dont save or display properly properly) and some annoying map layout issues that will be fixed asap. Fortunately once the bugs there are ironed out the co-op challenge mode will be ready to rock in multiplayer!
:* Death camera:
::* Also currently work in progress, MM didn’t quite complete it before he left :^( very sorry to those stuck looking at trees over the weekend! We’ll be evaluating weather to keep some form of this or not in the next few days, it will need a lot of changes if it’s to keep though.
:* Drill Changes:
::* Doesn’t work particularly well under water, cools a bit slower, still doesn’t heat up when actually digging materials. This is to encourage using it for breaching and gathering instead of digging under the map for 20 hours in waist high water.
:* Walljump Changes:
::* You can now wall run vertically for quite some distance, and only jump if you aren’t pressing towards the wall. This means overhangs are mandatory on any wall you dont want people getting over, and means getting out of pits and over ledges is much simpler. We’re considering making this a hold jump option (and will be toning down the height you can make with it).
:* Server Browser Changes:
::* The server browser has been pre-emptively split into co-coperative and competitive tabs that sort on gamemode. This will be more relevant once the challenge multiplayer is released.
:* Starter changes:
::* The starter now looks nicer and doesn’t have an inside-out twitter feed.
* unlimited resources on warmup removed (get 250 stone and 100 in tent)
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/58146819492/b847-shark-noms-balance-tweaks-map-changes Build 847] (13/Aug/2013) <span id="847"></span>===
* fixed creative/sandbox mode resources
* when max resource limit reached item falls out
* fixed picking resource item when full
* added circle on player when freezed
* fixed flag scored when touched on flag carrier
* fixed unsupported resolutions in fullscreen
* fixed frozen players dying
* fixed server browser sorting
* sort selection in browser is saved
* teams open doors can’t be destroy by team members
* fixed collapsing issues (floating blocks & not all blocks collapsing)
* fixed crash on start for old video cards
* fixed not being able to open servers browser after playing tutorial
Changes from build 844 to 847:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/10402397731/build-154-released Build 154] (19/September/2011) <span id="154"></span>==
:* [fixed] vaulting is broken
:* [modified] archer fletches 2 arrows from trees etc
:* [modified] moved warboat to its own folder in boats
:* [removed] satchel
:* [fixed] knight can cut tiles he shouldn't be able to
:* [modified] background image for installer
:* [modified] kag.ico has updated knight in it
:* [modified] bombs and water bombs change team when picked up - so you can toss bombs back and damage enemies
:* [fixed] getting out of water
:* [modified] changed jump anims a little
:* [modified] a bunch of war maps have more bedrock now as temp measure vs extremeterrain erosion
:* [modified] updated PNG loader to include everything again (thanks jackitch)
:* [modified] boats make much more damage when hitting enemies from all angles
:* [added] attached vehicles convert too on capture
:* [fixed] archer climbing trees newly grown trees on network
:* [modified] easier to get out of water against wall
:* [added] shield sliding (point mouse down and use shield while dropping at high speed)
:* [added] visual indicator of vehicle capture
:* [added] logs can be used as catapult ammo against infantry
:* [removed] debug mode from regular players
:* [fixed] crates not unpacking in water and on boats
:* [fixed] autoupdate_ignore_custom.cfg (1231)
:* [fixed] able to log into someone elses account on a shared PC (1232)
:* [fixed] mine goes through doors
:* [added] shark chomp anim
:* [added] getDistanceTo(CBlob@ other) in CBlob
Changes from build 151 to 154:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/57776830506/b844-cleaning-up-knight-digging-graphical-tweaks Build 844] (9/Aug/2013) <span id="844"></span>===
* added “Basics & Building” tutorial
Changes from build 840 to 844:
* added password prompt in server browser
* added moderator key [F3] to freeze a player
* fixed map tile desynchronization on game join
* fixed chat console not scrolling when joined game
* added infinite resources on warmup
* lowered amount of resources on round start (100 wood and stone)
* lowered amount of wood falling out of destroyed catapult or tent to 30
* builder automatically picks up stone and wood parts
* fixed castle background blocks requiring support
* fixed /kickid names display on Linux
* removed clantag brackets (default name separator is space; other chars can act as separator)
* cannot pull catapult while holding [F]
* fixed minimap dissapearing on death
* dedicated_autostart.cfg and mapcycle.cfg don’t get autoupdated
* fixed server map preview memory leak
<span id="154_hotfix"></span>Hotfix:
:* [fixed] trampoline not bouncing objects online
:* [fixed] server crash for real now
:* [fixed] possible to cross red barrier in vehicle
:* [fixed] chat colors in console
:* [fixed] hitinfos missing some times, need to optimise a lot though
:* [modified] trees no longer hurt players when they fall on them
:* [modified] trees hit ground earlier to prevent logs jammed in walls etc.
:* [added] tags for things that block knight attacks instead of some obscure check - fixed #1096
:* [modified] knights can break dirt without having cursor too close
:* [modified] back ladder zone on warboat is visible
:* [fixed] knight can attack through doors/traps
:* [modified] fixed water not going to the edge of the map
:* [modified] satchel sprite to be less like bread, needs complete overhaul
:* [added] behind when attached script for blobs to appear behind parent when attached
:* [modified] bomb, satchel, keg appear behind character at shoulder (like classic)
:* [modified] keg fuse is easier to see
:* [added] autoupdate_ignore_custom.cfg to default installation
:* [modified] water bomb behind when attached too
:* [added] more smoke effects when stone and wood destructed
:* [modified] pick spawn menu is in lower part of screen
:* [modified] pick spawn menu vanishes after clicking
:* [fixed] server LAG warnings not appearing in console
:* [modified] trampolines are much better for construction and still allow big jumps, might need TDM maps etc modified though.
:* [modified] trampolines have controlled height - press down for less bounce up for more.
:* [fixed] annoying knight bombs changing when you still have some of the currently selected one
:* [modified] chatcommon can summon scrolls with names that have spaces
:* [fixed] incorrectly handled non-truncated links from twitter - launcher bug
* fixed 4 crash reasons
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/57516061985/b840-new-maps-and-fixes Build 840] (6/Aug/2013) <span id="840"></span>===
Changes from build 837 to 840:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/10272479141/new-server-browser-build-released Build 151] (16/September/2011) <span id="151"></span>==
:* [fixed] trader material exchange
:* [modiifed] boats more reliably destruct doors
:* [fixed] spectator chat not being gray
:* [modified] blademire ridge has smaller distances between halls and is less jagged
:* [modified] more map tweaks and shortening
:* [modified] most maps have shorter water and distance to halls
:* [modified] shark and bison regens a bit longer
:* [added] EarthMoving WAR map
:* [modified] jungle map has lower halls, is smaller, has 2 underground halls (total 5)
:* [added] new map Voyager to WAR mapcycle
:* [added] first team hall added on WAR map has research
:* [fixed] reverted knight animation optimisation stuff, hopefully fixed "stuck" wallsliding anim
:* [fixed] infinite walljumping while shieldgliding
:* [modified] dinghy can be picked up when not on map if it's out of the water
:* [modified] cant pickup dinghy with someone in it
:* [modified] cant pickup dinghy unless its touching the map (ie at side of lake or on ground)
:* [modified] warboat ladder area now visible on sprite
:* [fixed] boulder breaking bedrock/other natural tiles
:* [modified] cant climb on held ladders (too many issues)
Changes from build 142 to 151:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/57227886431/b837-saturday-patch Build 837] (3/Aug/2013) <span id="837"></span>===
* new server browser
Changes from build 836 to 837:
* server pinging
* server minimap preview
* optimized GUI rendering
* max server name length added
* server info limited to 144 chars
* client disconnects with message when trying to enter full server
* autoupdater reads another download URL if first one fails
* precache.txt doesn't update in autoupdater
* block cursor always shows for archer & knight
* knight can't destroy team open door
* knight can destroy castle background only with slash
* changed default team switch button to ALT
:* [fixed] flooding in murkshire hills
:* [modified] autoupdate occurs before reading the news
:* [modified] knight super slash throws like regular slash
:* [modified] knight movement with sword is less slow (fixed old code)
:* [modified] double slash movement less restricted - allows lots of parkour
:* [modified] archers slightly faster while drawing arrow (0.7 slow instead of 0.6)
:* [removed] almost all slowness in air
:* [fixed] infinite walljumping
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/9918307987/build-142-released Build 142] (07/September/2011) <span id="142"></span>==
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/57164571075/b836-performance-improvements-movement-polish Build 836] (2/Aug/2013) <span id="836"></span>===
Changes from build 137 to 142:
Changes from build 835 to 836:
* fixed crash after too many objects
:* [modified] increase bomb tech time and decreased pyro tech time
* ladders and castle background need support when building horizontally
:* [modified] boats now have specific icons in minimap
* bombs just damage dirt blocks instead of destroying
:* [fixed] boat sprite goes skew when turning around and probably more related bugs
:* [fixed] fall damage and sounds
:* [fixed] stomping
:* [fixed] other issues because of getVelocity() fix in scripts
:* [added] keg explodes on impact when lit and launched from cata
:* [modified] lowered warmup mats a bit
:* [fixed] other builders not auto-picking dropped builder mats
:* [removed] trading mats for gold in TTH
:* [modified] boats dont collide with mats
:* [modified] faster decaying
:* LOTS of optimizations in scripts, physics and network code performance.
<span id="142_hotfix"></span>Hotfix:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/56966665736/b834-spikes-better-necromancer-and-lots-of-fixes Build 835] (1/Aug/2013) <span id="835"></span>===
* fixed emoticon bubbles not working on other players
Changes from build 834 to 835:
* fixed kill feed truncating names to 1 character
* fixed main menu disappearing on player death
* fixed server links authentication eg. kag://
:* [modified] necromancer orbs more dangerous
:* [modified] challenge level bugs fixed
:* [fixed] arrow does only 0.5 damage or sometimes none, and sometimes misses shield
:* [added] special case ignore parent facing code for layers that shouldn’t turn when parent sprite turns
:* [fixed] arrow turns wrong way when shot blob turns around
:* [modified] stun from arrows only when they’re full charge (less flinch from weak arrows)
:* [fixed] cata rocks doing piss weak damage
:* [fixed] workbench expiring in 2 seconds
:* [modified] trees dont clip tilemap so much (or at least look nicer while doing it, and provide more places to hide)
:* [fixed] walljump fumbling
:* [fixed] building spikes in no build zone
:* [script] fixed crash in sprite onTick when blob had an error
:* [modified] faster hall capture in single
:* [modified] hopefully better boat collisions
:* [added] easier access to warboat rear
:* [fixed] bomb destroying bedrock
:* [added] camera centers to middle ofmap on map change
:* [modified] reshuffled default map cycle
:* [fixed] unable to pack catapult
:* [modified] can’t pack catapult with ppl inside of it
:* [fixed] drill sound in inventory
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/9703482290/human-catapult-build-released Build 137] (02/September/2011) <span id="137"></span>==
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/56966665736/b834-spikes-better-necromancer-and-lots-of-fixes Build 834] (31/Jul/2013) <span id="834"></span>===
Changes from build 130 to 137:
Changes from build 830 to 834:
* added red screen blink on damage
:* [fixed] twitter feed messages ignoring escapes like &#39;
* added camera shake effects (on explosion & collapsing)
:* [fixed] spikes stacking
* added kill messages
:* [fixed] saw animation
* set console var \cc_killfeed 1 for kills to appear in chat console
:* [fixed] mounted bow cant shoot backwards on vehicle
* falling or dying on spikes adds a kill for attacker that did that
:* [modified] arrows smash into smaller gibs rather than big wood ones
* fixed sword killing through walls
:* [fixed] gib randomisation sucks
* fixed ladder giving 3 wood instead of 2
:* [fixed] mounted bow jitter in 2 high spaces
* fixed minimap overlapping map vote
:* [fixed] saw rotation inconsistencies
* added switch team chat console message
:* [added] way funnier princess name >:^)
* fixed support algorithm lag on server
:* [modified] warboat hp buffed +50%
* added micro-gibs
:* [modified] bombs can go through 1x1 holes again
* hud fades away completely on mouse near screen edge
:* [fixed] water bombs collide with people again
* added full map by pressing M
:* [fixed] bombs dont go through shielded enemies now (makes it easier to bombjump enemy bombs reactively)
* fixed minimap display on small maps
:* [modified] single player section quite a bit, necromancer section is a little harder but more straightforward
* stunned and dead players bounce off walls
:* [fixed] support issues when building on doors
* fixed corpses preventing doors from closing
:* [fixed] trap blocks not destructing when fallen on trap blocks
* added droppable & pickable materials
:* [added] trap block gibs
* arrow that hit player adds stays in player's arrow supply
:* [fixed] flying when suicide
* added man catapult launching
:* [removed] put in backpack help text
* fixed catapult launching itself bug
:* [fixed] help texts wrapping counter and showing again after some time
* resupplying works only 15 seconds after spawn and stops working after drop or throw bomb
:* [fixed] can’t destroy blocks where ladder is
* catapults can be destroyed by own team
:* [fixed] ladder water leak
* destroyed catapults & outposts leave wood material
:* [fixed] not being able to destroy block under ladder
* added temporary health indicator for catapult & outpost
:* [modified] hall class change and factory buttons are unavaiable unless you are inside the room
* more knock back on fast arrow
:* [fixed] can access hall inventory as other team
* more power on bomb knock back in air
:* [modified] hall buttons except research dont work from outside (so you can still vote when far away)
* bombs have more radius of kill but make less block damage
:* [modified] stronger longboat
* knight can carry max 3 bombs
:* [added] saw scroll to trader
* bombs explode from each other
:* [fixed] door collapses sometimes not happening
* bomb explosion doesn't work through walls
:* [fixed] spikes invisible bug
* optimized network bandwidth
:* [modified] spikes more visible when retracted
* tent resupplies automatically during warmup
:* [modified] spikes do 0.5 damage
* fixed console rendering under HUD
:* [modified] spikes auto-restab (dont get trapped in spike pit)
* fixed blocks falling when placed too fast
:* [modified] spikes have delay on their stab
* fixed bot kick crash
:* [modified] challenge map some more
* new knight & archer flash cursors
* changed name label font
* falling on someone causes damage; falling with shield 2x damage
* added falling on someone and hitting with shield sound
* flag is picked up automatically from ground
* fixed knock back network desync
* velocity push is stronger when throwing objects
* smaller small fall damage
* shield does not work on spikes
* fixed doors and bridges not working when open on join server
* bridge opens from below too
* fixed block menu resource text overlapping
* bodies block explosion from destroying wall
* archer has 12 arrows on spawn and takes 1 arrow from tree
* change catapult loading key to DROP [C]
* server shuts down if can't create UDP port listener
* unused hearts can be picked up with [E]
<span id="137_hotfix"></span>Hotfix:
===[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/56603730714/beta-is-out Build 830] (27/Jul/2013) <span id="830"></span>===
* fixed 6 crash reasons
:* First Public Beta release (build 830 made public)
* fixed blockmenu rendering on different resolutions
* fixed resupply not ending after time or drop
==Silent Beta release==
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/9422768382/build-130-released Build 130] (27/August/2011) <span id="130"></span>==
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-827.15105/ Build 830] (27/Jul/2013) <span id="830"></span>===
Changes from build 129 to 130:
Changes from build 827 to 830:
* added "small hud" option (mainmenu -> Options -> Player )
:* [fixed] game mode wierdness in browser
* added knight charge cursor over head also
:* [fixed] player chat not appearing when dead
* changed archer charge cursor
:* [fixed] chat text overlapping to the right
* minimap is smaller
:* [modified] ATTACK/DEFEND signs disappear after 10 secs after respawn
* HUD fade happens closer to screen edge; removed block menu fade
:* [fixed] knight shield not going down from mounted bow
* fixed password saving issue
:* [modified] bread to be a burger (graphic was too similar to satchel)
* fixed case sensitivity in master logins
:* [fixed] stuff falling our of corpses
* fixed some chat console color errors
:* [modified] keg can't be put into inventory
* fixed chat console overlapping text
:* [script] added shape.checkCollisionsAgain to check collisions once again - fixes corpses sticking and boulder traps not falling
* disabled team bridge opening with up/down
:* [modified] more burgers
* fixed playerslist staying scrolled after switching servers
:* [added] knights can damage doors and platforms
* no resupply happens only if left a certain distance from spawn location
:* [modified] wooden doors are a bit more resistant to bombs
:* [modified] new players join in nearest hall not at edge
:* [modified] improved knight dirt digging
:* [added] knight can destroy broken/cracked wood tiles
:* [modified] builder hitting is 200x better
:* [fixed] vehicle name always appearing when riding it
:* [fixed] anims getting frozen on (removed wallsliding anims)
:* [script][fixed] blob.setVelocity( blob.getVelocity() );
:* [fixed] drill can drill no build zone
:* [fixed] "minty" tears caused by wrong team specified for emote bubble sprite
:* [modified] saw has team colour
:* [added] saw is only pickable from underneath if you are enemy
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-827.15105/ Build 827] (24/Jul/2013) <span id="827"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/9375344917/new-hud-build-released Build 129] (26/August/2011) <span id="129"></span>==
Changes from build 825 to 827:
Changes from build 127 to 129:
:* [modified] renamed WAR to Take The Halls
:* [modified] halls take twice as long to capture
:* [added] very frequent supplies shipment during warmup
:* [modified] increased warmup to 4 mins
:* [added] game mode and server name display on join game
:* [removed] collision with platforms for boats
:* [fixed] trader buy help
:* [fixed] hall pick menu staying after team change
:* [fixed] menu windows title position
:* [fixed] modded and passworded buttons appearance in server browser
:* [removed] buggy migrant screaming
:* [fixed] 2 same types of help messages appearing
:* [modified] trader isn't invincible when not on post
:* [modified] can't build under trading post
:* [added] Q button to help image
* new HUD cursors
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-825.15079/ Build 825] (22/Jul/2013) <span id="825"></span>===
* new HUD chat window
* new HUD resources & health bar
* new minimap window
* added dust animation on big fall
* minimap player icons indicate team color
* added minimap ground edge shading
* added variable "v_drawhud" useful to disable HUD when making screenshots or recording videos
* chat colors are team colored
* new team colored gibs
* castle back wall uses 2 stone
* message boxes replaced with graphics
* new menu buttons
* fixed menu inverting on smooth shader
* help texts only show up when toggled with F1
* added wall hugging to prevent fall damage
* fixed smaller fall damage not working
* fixed infinite resources from collapse prevention
* fixed tree stumps in front of players
* name labels above head use premium & admin colors
Changes from build 813 to 825:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/9289802927/build-127-released Build 127] (23/August/2011) <span id="127"></span>==
:* DRM single player
:* lots of scripts optimizations to increase server performance
:* improved spikes collision
:* possible to avoid spikes retracting when moving very very slowly
:* trap blocks open trap blocks above them - eg. can build ceiling traps with boulder
:* fixed platforms and materials taking jab/slash damage
:* new help image in ESC menu
:* lots of tweaks to help messages (F1)
:* minimap dissapears on mouse hover
:* trader is invincible (just a temporary solution)
:* bison AI fixed a lot (he still jumps insanely though)
:* added health bars to shark and bison
:* boulder crushes when on top of player
Changes from build 126 to 127:
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-813.14894/ Build 813] (10/Jul/2013) <span id="813"></span>===
* fixed menu sound on Linux
Changes from build 808 to 813:
* fixed constructions not giving support
* new anti-griefing method: automatic collapse prevention in radius around tent/outpost
* fixed infinite tree chopping
* fixed point frame dissapearing when chat text above head
* added scoreboard scrolling
* fixed bot kicking from console
* new server commands:
** \kickhost [host] [minutes] - kicks and/or bans host (host number can be found in logs when player joins)
** \unbanhost [host]
** \swapid [player id] - swaps the players team
* fixed ground background tiles
* mods can freely change teams
* fixed player-bomb force when on ground
* possibly fixed other team spawning on captured outpost
:* can pick spawn point while waiting for respawn
:* fixed twitter feed in launcher
:* it says "no spawns available" available instead of "respawning in..." when no halls
:* fixed archer arrow selection
:* added fire emoticon
:* fixed duplicating wood on workshop build
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/9257552656/build-126-released Build 126] (22/August/2011) <span id="126"></span>==
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-808.14815/ Build 808] (5/Jul/2013) <span id="808"></span>===
Changes from build 124 to 126:
Changes from build 806 to 808:
* fixed game crash 1
:* [modified] factory can have tech set by anyone (really annoying when you're knight and builder didn't finish the job)
* fixed game crash 2
:* [fixed] a few issues with bomb arrow stick
* fixed editor not working
:* [fixed] pause in menu in singleplayer
* clouds don't render on "Less effects" option
:* [fixed] not able to build backwall on some objects
* fixed doors not opening on ladders
:* [added] bomb arrows stick in visually
* fixed bot kicking
:* [added] archer can detach bomb arrow with knife
* fixed player leave game message
:* [fixed] bomb arrow hitting bomb resets bomb timer
* support required on very high constructions (near high map border)
:* [modified] bomb only collides with shielding enemy knights, less "OMG" acciental griefing
* increased team unbalanced respawn time difference
:* [modified] can carry less ammo - especially for special ammos (spam/ammo hog reduction).
* increased crouched hitbox
:* [added] Arcrave's bombjumping
* fixed tents falling
:* [fixed] hilarious/idiot scoreboard getting frozen on screen then bugged gone forever
* fixed tree stub not regrowing
:* [fixed] mine doesn't collide with door
* fixed weird block behaviour on trees
:* [removed] underwater sound effects (lags for some ppl)
* fixed tree regrowing bugs
:* [added] keg explosion is thicker and meatier
* fixed shadows appearing on trees
:* [added] keg explosion dominates even stone doors
* added server variable "sv_deltapos_modifier"
:* [modified] drill is more expensive and less durable
** higher than 1.0 uses less bandwidth but game will be more laggy
:* [modified] trap is a bit more expensive
** less than 1.0 will use more but will be more accurate
:* [fixed] vehicles unpacking in the air
:* [modified] crises map a little
:* [fixed] knight firing bomb when something in hands and Space pressed
:* [modified] picking up bomb will set that for knight
:* [dev] tweaks to pickup
:* [fixed] warboat mast climbing
:* [added] corpses don't collide with arrows and dont interfer with building
:* [modified] tweaked priority pickups
:* [dev] cursors back in videorecording mode
:* [fixed] possible bug for workshops not producing on client
:* [added] scroll of carnage and drought to trader
:* [fixed] scroll with drill not working in hall
:* [fixed] hall helps overlapping GUI
:* [removed] factories from GUI
:* [added] missing derp and note emoticons
:* [modified] hall underwater captures fast
:* [added] bomb doesn't damage dirt tiles as much
:* [fixed] accidental archer
:* [fixed] dead migrant wasn't replaced until it gibs or decays (also known as lazy human resources department)
:* [modified] way ballista collides with map (no more warping through)
:* [fixed] red barrier after game end
:* [added] bomb kills you if it goes off in your pocket
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-806-tweaks-fixes-mad-ballistas-poll.14791/ Build 806] (3/Jul/2013) <span id="806"></span>===
==Build 124 (20/August/2011) <span id="124"></span>==
Changes from build 800 to 806:
Changes from build 123 to 124:
:* Red square
::* The fabled red square of yore is back to give some much needed breathing time at the start of matches. We know this will dampen the spirit of a few rushers, but we think most will agree that the game ending in the first 30 seconds due to a stray knight capturing the first hall is pretty annoying.​
:* Support is back
::* Hooray!​
::* Michal mentioned some changes to it so I'm not really sure what the skybridging situation will be, I'm sure it'll be better than wood tiles all the way across the sky though.​
::* We're looking into a system based on the thickness of the building as well, but it didn't get finished for tonight.​
:* Ballista changes
::* Ballista bolts do less damage now. Their collision with terrain is kinda janky, that will be fixed soon.​
::* Explosive bolts are more like a shaped charge than a mini keg.​
::* We're thinking about making them stationary when firing, so they'd either be a packed mobile spawnpoint or an unpacked spawn and artillery unit​
:* Spikes changes
::* Spikes will only retract if they're built on stone blocks. They're also more expensive. This should make them more of an asset and less of something you want to FILL THE FIELDS with, as well as much more expensive to maintain away from the base.​
:* Tech tree overhaul
::* Two separate branches with a few choices for simpler voting and display and less unpredictable meta​
::* Random weighting upon match start so the same items dont happen every single game - voting overrides this weighting so you still have control over what you research.​
:* Minimap Tweaks
::* Dead guys dont show up on the minimap.​
::* Out of screen halls have some special behaviour so you can see if its under raid.​
::* Out of screen unimportant entities dont stick to the edge of the minimap.​
::* Ballistae and War boats have a little flag icon on minimap. We might make specific icons for all vehicles in the future, for now just knowing where spawns are is important.​
::* Scripting API for the minimap stuff has got some more options now​
:* War boat tweaks
::* The inside of the warboat has a ladder now so you can get over the thing with 30 tries.​
:* Pointing animations and taunts
::* The pointing animations when performing emotes are back, with a slight twist​
::* The builder has flex taunts instead of points, so you can flex while you flex (or 2525).​
::* Archer has a pointing anim with a bit of camp flair. I think this will annoy some people, but I also think those people take themselves too seriously.​
::* Knight point anims are largely unchanged so you can still spin your sword right round baby right round.​
:* Misc Fixes and Tweaks
::* The game should have fewer script crashes, and a few minor gameplay things have happened.​
::* Something to note is a bomb in your pocket will now (rightly) kill you instead of helping you reach new heights. Be advised.​
* bridges require support
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-800-control-the-halls-no-osx-build-yet.14691/ Build 800] (28/Jun/2013) <span id="800"></span>===
* removed immunity on tent
* fixed premium ban spam on server
* Linux dedicated server performance version released
* Linux client version out
Changes from build 781 to 800:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/9136812191/eyecandy-build-released Build 123] (19/August/2011) <span id="123"></span>==
:* [fixed] vehicle layers do a wild flip the first frame after turning around
:* [modified] ballista is rather huge
:* [modified] ballista bolt sprite less ugly
:* [added] flag to ballista (same as war boat)
:* [added] ballista is spawn and change class
:* [modified] archer and arrow sprites - work in progress, will need tweaks :)
:* [fixed] migrant cant open door
:* [fixed] knight picks up burning satchel (hilarious bug)
:* [modified] moved crate up in pickup priority
:* [fixed] warboat missing from factory on some occasions and magic scroll in there
:* [fixed] arrows not colliding with mines
:* [modified] cheaper dinghy
:* [modified] first tech takes time
:* [modified] a bit faster mounted bow
:* [modified] menus close by default click outside window
:* [modified] drill can drill everything except team stuff
:* [modified] heart fall out probability is 3/4
:* [modified] if player has food/bread his heart doesn't fall out
:* [added] re-packing catapult into crate
:* [fixed] some research paths not searched
:* [modified] water doesn't stun team players
:* [fixed] annoying sound when someone else tries to build in no build zone
:* [fixed] research didn't care if it repeated items that weren't voted on.
:* [modified] satchel and fire arrows don't burn stuff near team buildings and doors
:* [modified] removed redundant scrolls from trader and rearranged a bit
:* [fixed] archer controls cancelling shots when they shouldn't
:* [modified] reduced burn time for players (not other objects)
:* [modified] tech tree
:* [added] clearer path indication in research
:* [added] hall capture point / spawn / class change / migrant dorm
:* [modified] added minimap / moved chat console
:* [added] neutral capturable hall
:* [fixed] fishy flipping being buggy/stupid (was annoying me)
:* [added] hall has storage and research
:* [modified] builder builds workshops not buildings
:* [added] new war hud
:* [added] water and fire to minimap
:* [modiifed] smoother catapult movement
:* [fixed] halls not sorted in hud
:* [fixed] research techs not working for items
:* [modified] chat console to the right
:* [modified] cata and ballista stronger
:* [fixed] arrows going thru cata and ballista
:* [fixed] hall taking damage
:* [modified] taking stuff out of inv goes into inv
:* [added] fade out on hover chat
:* [modified] enemies are visible on HUD unless hidden in darkness
:* [modified] enemy players dont appear on HUD
:* [modified] look of hover player text
:* [fixed] reusing scroll
:* [added] working hall capture win condition
:* [script] new onBlobChangeTeam onBlobDie rules hook
:* [fixed] scripts with errors having error even after recompiling on client
:* [added] hall gives spawn mats
:* [fixed] capture hall team change sync
:* [modified] better vehicle capture
:* [modified] ballista doesn't show change class near another spawn
:* [dev] neutral stuff doesn't show on minimap
:* [dev] M key is a toggle for minimap
:* [added] using team storage resources is explained in workbench
:* [modified] spawn time and shipment time are multiplied by player counts (less players - faster)
:* [added] inventory shows full sign
:* [modified] materials can stack
:* [dev] adjusted HUD to work with mat stacks
:* [modified] arrows destroy ladders
:* [modified] support requirement is practically removed
:* [modified] ladders are stronger
:* [fixed] door not opening bug?
:* [modified] mounted bow arrows are fast but desintegrate fast
:* [modified] mounted bow arrows knock knight shields
:* [modified] moved boulder into workbench
:* [added] retracting spike traps (!!!)
:* [added] hover message for stuff added to inventory and kills (thanks Splittingred)
:* [added] hall workers
:* [disabled] migrant collisions
:* [disabled] migrant brain
:* [added] factory powered by claimed migrants
:* [added] hall spawns migrants inside self
:* [added] migrants work in factories and are passed between factories when one is destroyed
:* [added] minimap appearance setup function for use in onInit
:* [added] MinimapIcons.png
:* [modified] minimap rendering system
:* [added] default icon for runner
:* [added] icon for hall
:* [fixed] offset issue in hud
:* [removed] all lame drowning stuff
:* [modified] bison is more aggressive
:* [modified] bison and shark regen slower
:* [added] not picking any block will remove build mode
:* [added] help lines for building
:* [added] if can't build on blob or sector it shows
:* [modified] builder help lines show only when pressed button
:* [added] saws destroy other saws (fixes multiple saws together causing crashes)
:* [added] migrants flee from factories and are properly "disowned" by their factories
:* [added] peasant says "hellow" on moving to factory - super important
:* [added] peasant decays when outside owner building and not static
:* [added] new hall capturing based on time + GUI for it
:* [fixed] migrants go completely awry when scared out of a factory
:* [fixed] annoying sound and red area shown when building back walls
:* [modified] teamless migrants don't do anything
:* [modified] converted migrants calm down
:* [fixed] factory startingproduction sound when no tech picked
:* [removed] builder cycling blocks with F
:* [fixed] starting with backwall as builder
:* [removed] stacking gold in trading shop
:* [fixed] spikes retracting on teamy
:* [dev] some build block req text fixes
:* [removed] migrant minimap icon
:* [fixed] migrants + saw = bad news, a bit of a hack though
:* [fixed] migrant forever stun
:* [fixed] migrant respawn too early - requires migrant to be calm for 10s
:* [fixed] migrants dont go back to factories after being spooked
:* [fixed] "this vel" spam in arrow
:* [added] WIP better help texts
:* [fixed] bugs in migrants updating at hall fix (order of operations...)
:* [added] migrant random facing
:* [fixed] potential divide by zero crash in juxta hud
:* [added] work to migrants to make them actually die instead of exploding to spontaneous meat
:* [fixed] migrant corpses count as "able workers"
:* [fixed] needs checking: worker-workshop double-claim issue
:* [modified] trampoline starts unpacked
:* [added] return of the kill log
:* [modified] on spawn you only get ammo if already made in workshop
:* [fixed] hall radius check being on some stupid gigantic distance
:* [removed] a lot of hall update logic on client
:* [added] neutral hall converts instantly
:* [fixed] cannot capture hall cause of migrants
:* [fixed] spawning in halls
:* [added] light to all buildings
:* [added] more self damage from bomb arrows
:* [added] health bar to vehicles
:* [modified] shipments only bring wood
:* [fixed] fix for large width blobs on client
:* [fixed] ammo not taken from factories on warboat
:* [added] better explanation of research
:* [fixed] migrants pickable when static/in hall
:* [fixed] migrants taking too long to go static or respawn (now 1 second)
:* [modified] improvements to tech tree + added temp bakery for healing / mil supplies = bomb + arrow
:* [added] migrants are scared of animals
:* [added] new nicer help msgs
:* [fixed] trampoline is 1px above ground
:* [modified] migrant will still show dead anim if frozen
:* [added] simple ATTACK/DEFEND tasks on Hall
:* [fixed] can't place block on workshop roof
:* [fixed] can get by tunnel to raided hall
:* [fixed] research notifications
:* [fixed] neon player board
:* [modified] drill fits in inventory
:* [modified] tweaks to tech tree
:* [modified] drill does NOT get hot when drilling stone or gold veins (allows collecting mats quickly)
:* [added] extended no build zone for the hall floor
:* [fixed] neutral hall researching
:* [modified] hovering on researched item doesn't highlight it
Changes from build 90 to 123:
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-781.14399/ Build 781] (11/Jun/2013) <span id="781"></span>===
* only builder has ground sight
Changes from build 780 to 781:
* new tree leaf sprites
* fixed leafs not appearing from non destructed trees
* new ground tile graphics
* gold blocks glitter
* added big dirt pieces fallout of dug ground
* fixed mapcycle maps loaded on load map in menu
* fixed floor in window castle tile
* door has floor if castle block underneath
* new castle background blocks look different in different context
* added castle top bricks ornamentation
* recoded tile rendering to use mesh buffers (much faster)
* fixed clantag bracket
* separated foreground from background map layer (trees, spikes, solid blocks etc. are drawn in front of players)
* added clouds
* HUD can now display names and health after death
* new minimap icons
* fixed minimap not appearing on zoomout
* fixed enemy outposts and flags not appearing on minimap
* fixed minimap out of border icon positions
* fixed infinite loop caused by setting score_limit to 0
* added possibilty to load gm script file in mapcycle (useful to change game rules or add entities)
* fixed multiple tents saved on map
* outposts, hearts and catapults are saved on savemap
* fixed hearts dissapearing if full health archer or builder pick them up
* game rules can now limit classes
* game rules now define default materials count on respawn
* added tree branch destroy effects
* trees properly drop
* added ambient sound
* added smoothness variables to map generator files which determine the steppiness of the map
* gold now concentrates in middle of map
* move map scripts to Maps folder
* added natural background dirt tiling
* added semi-procedural ambient piano music when lonely
* tree block takes 3 hits to chop
* new png map format colors
* unified minimap colors with png map
* added team colored bridges and door to minimap
* change door open mechanics (doors react to direction keys)
* power bar loads up/down continously
* power bar stays at maximum position longer
* knight can only jab or hit with full power
* knight power slash adds speeds
* added sword hit knock back
* improved actor sprites
* removed dead actor collisions
* charged arrows knock back
* louder charged "pop" sound
* knock down lasts until fallen on ground
* all players collide
* fixed team kills giving points
* changed screenshot format to .png
* screenshots can be taken with PRINT SCREEN button too
* archers can duck with crouch button to hide
* added damage heart indicators
* added bloodsplat on hit
* fixed bottom of map collision
* map cycle is reloaded every map (can be edited while server is running)
* block can be dropped by builder only while holding crouch
* fixed outpost giving 3 hearts
* added default fall damage
* temporary fix for camera going bananas
* players retrieve their points and statistics on rejoining a server
* even more votes needed for players with good score
* builder earns points only by placing similar blocks next to each other
* increased running speed
* archer releases arrow if killed
* added console variable /v_fastrender (set to 1 to increase FPS)
* new combat move: jumping on enemy stuns him; or shield down causes damage
* increased falling max speed
* fall damage has 3 stages depending on fall velocity: slight stun, 1 heart damage; death
* knight max charge time increased slightly
* knight slash takes 1.5 hearts
* added small blood splat for 1 heart damage; big blood splat for more damage
* new combat move: double slash
* out of screen sprites rendering optimization
* sprite depth sorting is based on y position
* spikes give more damage at fall damage velocity
* removed menu vote kick
* fixed spikes not spiking dead bodies
* added server variable \sv_gold_only (aka Gold Server; allow only premium account players to play)
* added server variable \sv_allow_globals_mods (i set to 1 global KAG moderators and admins can kick/ban players)
* added player colors in scoreboard (green - moderators; yellow - premium)
* tree gives 2 arrows now
* knockback makes you fall from ladder
* servers browser now shows gamemode, passworded and gold server info
* fixed server not loading next map in map cycle after round won
* fixed clients disconnecting while server map generation
* bridges don't open from beneath
* title image stretches on different resolutions
* ladders save from fall damage
* fixed blood particle steppy offsets
* fixed multiple resupplying on tent
* removed resupply timer / resupply only works until moved off tent / healing works always
* bomb is dropped on knockback
* fixing giving materials on tent/outpost
* outposts are 2x tougher
* added wall bump sounds
* no spawning on tent in capture
* shield pushes everyone not shielded
* pushing shield against enemy with high velocity causes knockback
* fixed gibs emitting blood
* added new main menu items:  
** [Video->Smooth shader] hq2x pixel smoother;
** [Video->Less effects] for faster backgrounds;
** [Sound->Volume] type the volume between 0.0 and 1.0 (sorry for not adding a gauge yet);
** [Sound->Ambient music] 
* added block labels in menu
* requirement for support while building removed
* fixed admin menu cmds on localhost
:* [fixed] player spawning elsewhere than at edge on join game
:* [modified] keg doesn't blast downwards
:* [fixed] ladder eating away mats when placing background wall
:* [added] time threshold for team balance (to prevent poor MM playing as builder from being balanced)
:* [modified] migrants won't spawn when there is a raid
:* [modified] dorm has twice less health
:* [modified] drowning doesn't force you down until the very very end; you can swim longer without speed penalty; dying is faster
:* [added] fire extinguish sounds for fire arrow extinguished
:* [modified] fire arrows bounce off shield
:* [added] knight can protect themselves from fire with shield
:* [fixed] can't unpack crate on no build zones
:* [added] cycling knight bombs with tapping F
:* [added] cycling building blocks with tapping F
:* [added] archer arrow cycling with F
:* [modified] bomb arrows deflect from shields
:* [removed] arrows sticking in shield
:* [modified] swapped barracks and military supplies tech
:* [modified] factory requires 1 dorm to work
:* [modified] mine can't be picked up by enemies; priming time lower
:* [fixed] dinghy, barracks tech requirement description
:* [fixed] sandbox fixed scrolls and research
:* [dev] better ladder fly bug hack fix
:* [added] fire anim to dorm
:* [added] female migrant
:* [fixed] fly ladder bug (hack)
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/7802736314/combat-build-90-released Build 90] (19/July/2011) <span id="90"></span>==
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-780-beta-remade.14373/ Build 780] (10/Jun/2013) <span id="780"></span>===
Changes from build 80 to 90:
Changes from build 762 to 780:
- added mandatory game accounts
:* Dorms
* player nickname is the same as account user name
::* are built for a migrant / worker to live in them. Migrants are now basically a resource which factories work on. One factory requires 2 dorms with migrants in them. Dorms are also spawns. So if you build a dorm on the frontline, somebody can spawn inside it. It has a limit to the number of spawns however, so you must build more for more people to spawn in the area. Dorms also heal like quarters in classic.
* added optional clantag in main menu Player settings
:* Research
::* there is one research room per-team. Defend it at all costs. Use [E] to vote on the techs you want to get. Not all of them will be research so make smart decisions! The progression of the tree is a WORK IN PROGRESS! It might change.
:* Factory
::* doesn't require scroll, it just needs tech unlocked in Research Room.
:* Trading posts
::* still remain on the map. You can still buy tech scrolls for gold and put them in research room. This is a secondary route you can take if your team didn't research a certain technology. Prices are much higher, but there is an additional possibility of exchanging wood/stone for gold
:* Warboat
::* is now a moving base. you can spawn in them and change class.
:* Win condition
::* a team loses if their population (migrants + players) goes down to zero and the enemy takes their land. You can see the population counter on HUD and "UNDER ATTACK" when they are on your land.
- Archer changes:
And many more changes for which there's no public changelog.
* offscreen arrows deal only half damage
* removed blocked jumping when bow fully charged
* added arrow ladders (archers can climb their own arrows on a wall)
* archer full charge is faster
* arrow gravity and maximum speed changed
* archer charge decharges when after reaching maximum point
* archer charge bar appears on mouse cursor
* arrow leaving archer is properly positioned
* added knockdown period for arrow hit
* arrow damage changed:
** slow arrow deals half heart damage
** charged/fast arrow deals 1.5 heart damage
- Knight changes:
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-762.13955/ Build 762] (24/May/2013) <span id="762"></span>===
* changed knight sword mechanics
* 2 hits available: quick jab (1 heart), charged swing (hold fire button; 2 hearts)
* hitting with charged swing stuns the opponent for a moment
* charged knight jumps lower
* knight has same movement speed as archer and builder
* new knight sword strike animations and sounds
* knight can only dig with fully charged swing
* shielded knights always pushes other players in the shield direction
* new ability to climb shielded upwards knight
- Builder changes:
* builders can't penetrate knight armor
* building is delayed and requires builder to stand still
* added possibilty for builder to drop castle block
* builder square cursor is always drawn
* added repairing destroyed parts (takes always half of full block materials)
* increased builder build radius
* builder sees more into the map
- new score system
Changes from build 758 to 762:
* earn points for: building, killing, capturing/returning flag
* lose points for: suicide, mining structures
* fixed resolution changing when desktop is the same size as window
:* [fixed] splashes not happening sometimes
* fixed wrong resolution ratio picked
:* [added] fast fatigue and drowning in water
* fixed resolution change offset bug 
:* [added] possibility to save drowners (touch->grab->bring to safety)
* improved open door/bridge mechanics
:* [modified] slower dinghy
* more dirt particles velocity
:* [added] not modded servers filter is on by default (for noobs)
* players have less acceleration on ground
:* [added] modded server filtering
* fixed background dirt bugs
:* [modified] defaulted file reloader vars are 0 by default (test if this affects performance)
* scores render over player labels
:* [fixed] dubstep longboat
* fixed trees not growing on right side of map
:* [modified] boat hit stuff force / also doesn't hit materials
* trees don't lose coronas when chopped
:* [modified] improved water splash effects
* fixed server disconnection errors
:* [fixed] workbench anti-spam bugs
* fixed collapsed blocks create random blocks
:* [fixed][script] some warnings in WAR.as and TDM.as
* fixed outpost not giving supplies on start
:* [fixed] 0001118: Take Stuff Out Of Storage From Far Away
* outpost during capture does not give out supplies
:* [fixed] 0001121: Game Crash when going from one crate to the other while holding C
* changed all damage using discrete values
:* [script] scripts cannot get any engine dead or net killed objects
* fixed grass appearing underground
:* [fixed] get inside icon not appearing on empty crate
* half hearts health are drawn on HUD
:* [fixed] boat hitting and hurting team players
* can't throw bomb while holding flag
:* [fixed] beep playing for all when anti-spam in workbench
* fixed player names appearing as one letter on Linux
:* [fixed] stone technology not being team based
* fixed spikes not collapsing
:* [fixed] shark being a feather and flying away on boat hit
* disabled periodic automap saving [temporary]
:* [fixed] cake not having cake icon
* fixed not able to join own team again if teams unbalanced
:* [modified] warmiddleisland map to have a proper big middle island
* added server variable "sv_require_auth" (default: yes; requires clients connecting to server be logged in master server)
:* [modified] WAR spawn times increase if killed near map edge
* optimized server tree storage
:* [modified] WAR spawn times increase if all barracks destroyed
* added sky gradient
:* [fixed] trader menus appearing empty sometimes on map change
* emoticons and point frame stay until key pressed or chat above head dissapears
:* [added] stone construction technology scroll for building stone stuff
* changed vote kicking mechanic (takes into account players time on server and score)
:* [fixed] empty strings going into chat/console history
* added server mapcycle (Base/Scripts/mapcycle.cfg)
:* [fixed] Siege Weaponry can be detached from boats (1105)
* two new map generator files added to mapcycle (generator_ctf_hole; generator_ctf_mountain)
:* [modified] kegs and bombs bounce less so they dont suck when throwing at a wall
* fixed png maps not saved or loaded on Linux server
:* [fixed] admin collapse messages
* fixed outpost color not changing after capture
:* [fixed] drill not assigning kills to owner
* added take screenshot sound (F4)
:* [fixed] buttons of destroyed objects still remaining (1049)
* flag carrier is slower by 10%
:* [fixed] able to team kill with boulders and dinghies
* fixed bomb-block damage miscalculation
:* [fixed] archers can't make arrows out of trees in certain positions (1091)
* lowered ping kick time to 15 minutes
:* [modified] less range for archer stab, slightly faster
* vote minimum time lowered to 3 minutes
:* [fixed] When scrolling down the disclaimer, the text will stop at "NO WARRANTY" (1110)
* fixed players not respawning after map change
:* [fixed] Trap blocks do not stop light (1113)
* removed bridge gibbing
:* [fixed] can ride shark while being in crate (1116)
* fixed catapult spawning at right map edge
:* [fixed] warboat water sounds and splashes
* main menu change : "Map editor" instead of "Start game"
:* [added] knight sword attack distance is dependent on speed and direction of jab/slash
* fixed ground and other blocks not appearing in editor block palette
:* [modified] can steer shark a bit while riding him
* fixed not being able to destroy blocks around tent
:* [added] riding shark onto surface will result in picking the shark in hands
* only main tent restores health
:* [added] action2 (RMB) cancels archer arrow charge
* fixed infinite outpost volcano
:* [fixed] vehicle bullets not counting as player kills
* fixed gold bullion not destructible by catapult
:* [added] bison
* fixed catapult ground collision sound
:* [script] refactored some aquatic animal scripts to use with land animals
* fixed shield collisions
:* [fixed] Workbench will fit in three tile space but a block on either side will not be able to be mined (1087)
* above head chat stays shorter
:* [fixed] tooltips appearing for unreachable objects (1079)
:* [modified][fixed] can't put crate in another crate now
:* [fixed] being able to use scripts from previous modded server
:* [fixed] not being able ride shark in water
:* [added] crate with building icons
:* [fixed] being able to turn warboat singlehandedly
:* [modified] builder doesnt get gold on spawn
:* [modified] builder inventory icon less ugly
:* [fixed] workbench taking mats but not building (for real now)
:* [added] anti-spam for building/buying too much stuff in the same place
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-753.13691/ Build 758] (17/May/2013) <span id="758"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/7379317943/build-80-released Build 80] (28/June/2011) <span id="80"></span>==
Changes from build 753 to 758:
Changes from build 71 to 80:
:* [modified] added custom frames for scrolls
:* [modified] pickup is dependent on mouse cursor distance to picked object
:* [modified] the highlighted object is the one that is gonna get picked up
:* [fixed] aim cursor not appearing when in gunner seat
:* [fixed] ballista aiming animation not showing when pressed fire
:* [fixed] ballista bolt sprite direction
:* [modifed] boats destroy doors and blocks easily
:* [added] greetings texts in Sandbox and Skirmish
:* [modified]  dinghy pickup offset
:* [fixed] not being able to fill bucket after 1 or 2 splashes (1099)
:* [fixed] selecting block too fast results in no selection (1106)
:* [added] crates use factory/scroll icon
:* [fixed][script] not being able to setframe of object if has no anims
:* [added] spawn immunity in TDM for 3 secs when on spawn
:* [fixed] crate collision lameness
:* [fixed] 1056 crate falls through most things
:* [script] new Rules hook "f32 onPlayerTakeDamage( CRules@ this, CPlayer@ victim, CPlayer@ attacker, f32 DamageScale )"
:* [modified] TDM: coins are given for damage
:* [modified] decreased arrow pack amount to 20
:* [fixed] losing inventory on class change in TDM
:* [modified] TDM time limit increased to 3 mins
:* [fixed] trader animation wrong when dead
:* [fixed] being able to get inside vehicle/bow that was carried
:* [fixed] able to buy from trader when he is dead
:* [fixed] space cancels building blob
:* [modified] sprite lighting to be black at night
:* [fixed] rcon %s crash
:* [fixed] builder anim overrides fire anim
:* [fixed] fire anim z offset
:* [added] working billboard layer for factory
:* [added] action3 [SPACE] eats food in inventory or hands
:* [fixed] satchel help apearing for all
:* [added] can press space to activate inventory objects (minikeg, eat food)
:* [added] shark riding
:* [added] scrolls go out of stock for 10 mins when bought
:* [modified] all TDM maps include trading shops
:* [modified] full power arrow doesn't knock shield down
:* [added] buying items from trading post for coins
:* [added] coins to HUD if available
:* [fixed] Seclevs don't work. (Only tested on solo!)
:* [modified] HUD in the bottom displays exact inventory items
:* [added] weapon items to TDM shop
:* [modified] trading post does not dissapear after being destroyed
:* [modifed] new revised TDM Ommadawn map
:* [modified] more red flash on hit
:* [fixed] no spawns on next map
* fixed network map load memory leak
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-753.13691/ Build 753] (12/May/2013) <span id="753"></span>===
* fixed more network memory usage
* changed camera so it is less sensitive close to player
* fixed auto_bots spamming lots of bots
* added archer bow & catapult progress bar
* “friendlydamage_modifier” in gamemode.cfg works as it should (multiplies friendly damage)
* remade arrow damage
** the faster the arrow the more damage it inflicts
** max velocity arrow always kills (unshielded)
* added half second draw arrow time for archer (jumping is suppressed while drawing)
* fixed arrow hits not registering against wall
* knight shield goes down after powerful hit (fast arrow, explosion)
* fixed random disconnecting on map restart
* fixed spawning on enemy respawn
* auto team balance shuffles only new players
* auto team balance doesn’t allow to change teams if teams are unbalanced
* modified no vote time to 5 minutes
* empty servers are kept alive on master
* gold is at least 7 blocks underground
* minimum_players_inteam set to 3
* warmup/break time (increased to 2.5 minutes)
* can’t build outpost or catapult until match started
* barrier set (at 1/3 to 2/3) of the map until match started
* tent has automatically placed bedrock beneath
* fixed outpost capturing bugs
* more rock parts/debris to pick up after collapse (and they stay longer)
* new wooden parts after destroyed wood structures (pickable)
* builder can’t give materials to knight or archer (only bombs and arrows)
* fixed scroll lock in chat box
* bomb block damage is based on distance (the farther the less damage)
* outposts and catapults slowly regenrate damage
* fixed background castle destruction exploit
* added gold bulion block [temporary]
* knight jump velocity is same as other classes
* rearranged block menu so castle wall and ladder are closest to mouse
* removed pilar castle background wall change
* added drawbridge
* arrows can destroy catapults and outposts
* new team emblems
* fixed crash on outpost destruction
* fixed spike stone collecting exploit
* resupply happens automatically on team tent (every 10 secs)
* during warm up time builder gets 100 wood and 100 stone in tent [temporary]
* player labels are a bit higher
* fixed knight gore machine bug
* fixed catapult creation displacement
* door requires just 40 wood now
* scoreboard sorted by kills instead of deaths
* map is restarted on server after 1 minute of being empty and only after match has started
* archer can’t collect arrows while charging bow
* archer can’t jump with fully charged bow
* remade catapults to work more as close siege weapons
** cost half (120 wood)
** deal twice more damage
** range is smaller (1 screen)
** arrows damage
* captured outpost restores health
* respawning on outpost being captured take 2 times longer
* builder jump smaller down when placing blocks
* fixed outpost not resupplying on change class
* fixed castle background not depleting materials when placed on ladder
* castle blocks placed on castle background can’t be placed if nothing below
Changes from build 752 to 753:
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/7021775216/build-71-released Build 71] (28/June/2011) <span id="71"></span>==
:* [added] priority pickups - (explosives > combat items > regular items > materials)
:* [added] support for cyclical item category pickup [/COLOR]
:* [modified] more red flash on hit
:* [fixed] no spawns on next map
:* [fixed] infinite resources when building doors, traps...
:* [fixed] knight bot AI
:* [fixed] infinite respawn on match start
Changes from build 70 to 71:
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build-752.13661/ Build 752] (11/May/2013) <span id="752"></span>===
* added new give/loot key [C]
Changes from build 748 to 752:
* picking arrows or rocks is done with harvest key [RMB] (right mouse)
* only archer can pickup arrows; only builder can pickup rocks
* added Mark Griefer option on scoreboard [TAB]
** available after 10 mins of game time
** if enough players mark a player he gets kicked
* outposts are capturable (stand on it; the more players the faster capture)
* outposts are 25% stronger (2 bombs)
* fixed network memory leak
* dead bodies don’t block digging
* fixed picking class in destroyed tent
* less hits to gib
* if [TAB] pressed scroeboard stays
* unbalanced team with more players spawns longer
* fixed admin menu kicking
* most bottom row of map cannot be digged/destroyed
* decreased player name length to 20 characters
* fixed block menu not appearing on tent
* console doesn’t scroll if text entered in prompt
* fixed vote server crash
* fixed giving materials not working sometimes
* fixed rcon player ping kick console spam
* fixed 0 time ban from admin
<span id="71_hotfix"></span>Hotfix:
:* [modified] knight slash is faster; smaller double slash window
:* [fixed] autoupdater failing to copy version.txt
:* [modified] catapult costs more
:* [fixed] Storages are shared between teams (1017)
:* [fixed] alt+f4 making screenshot
:* [dev] trying a fix for the box2d aabb
:* [added] boat sinking sound
:* [modified] archer stab plays stabs ound only if hit something
:* [fixed] annoying sound played when holding bomb and pressing action1
:* [fixed] light up sound played when firing normal arrow
:* [fixed] being able to modify scripts and join with them on server (1050)
:* [added] audio cues for bombs/kegs about to explode (hiss speeds up)
:* [modified] archer is slower while charging (.7 -> .6 factor)
:* [modified] run speed now scaled more when going backwards
:* [fixed] dead knights can still block attacks (shield hit now fails if blob is dead)
:* [modified] dynamic foreground every 10 ticks instead of 3
:* [fixed] default tdm time 2 minutes now
:* [modified] stabilized boats on surface movement
:* [fixed] !bot cmd working for everybody
* fixed Windows XP startup crashing
:There were a lot more changes between these two builds but there is no public record about it...
* fixed respawn counter crash
* fixed initializing text not appearing in console-XXX.txt
* game window automatically is set to smaller resolution if desktop is smaller
* added fail safe methods when video driver is not supported
===[https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/welcome-to-the-silent-beta.13309/ Build 748] (3/May/2013) <span id="748"></span>===
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/6983342996/build-70-released Build 70] (27/June/2011) <span id="70"></span>==
:* First Silent Beta release
Changes from build 67 to 70:
* fixed memory leaks on map creation/restart
* can’t vote on self
* player being voted on is marked with red circle
* added message to inform about banning during vote
* all votes are sent to rcon admin
* increased game start to 2 players on team
* added “restartmap_onlastplayer_disconnect” option to game rules (gamemode.cfg)
* decreased max player name characters to 27
* fixed player names having leading or trailing whitespaces
* fixed spikes not removing stone if placed on background
* fixed broken outpost working
* auto-balancing: if teams differ by 2 players can’t switch teams freely
* /kickid cmd is done by player id instead of index (/players views id’s)
* added Admin menu to main menu (for rcon logged players to easily kick, restart map)
* lowered default “nearspawn_multiplier” to 2.2
* bomb range is shorter
* maximum 1 bomb can be carried by Knight
* bomb always kills (unshielded) in close proximity
* gold is always buried at least 5 blocks underground
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/6869673343/build-67-released Build 67] (24/June/2011) <span id="67"></span>==
Changes from build 57 to 67:
* new default gamemode Capture the Flag
* construction require support if longer than 5 blocks
* added fully collapsible physical blocks
* added buildable outpost
* added HUD block menu (hold [F])
* change class button is now [E] on tent/outpost
* pressing [E] on team member gives 10 of each materials
* changed bomb throwing
**pressing [F] lights bomb
**press [F] again throws at default velocity
**to throw further you must add momentum from jumping 
* decreased sack/flag throw velocity but is affected by player velocity
* not drawing 0 amount label on objects
* fixed catapult/tent resource icon red
* fixed healing heart not adding to 3 hearts in knight
* fixed client changing health
* Knight respawns with 1 bomb
* fixed respawn timer
* dying near respawn results in longer respawn time (gamemode config variable “nearspawn_multiplier”)
* fixed server trying to delete client object which was never sent
* fixed local player globally banned issue
* fixed chat position after death
* fixed label appearing on tent
* added buildable outpost tent
* trees don’t appear on mountains
* own bomb hurts self
* server list is sorted by player count
* fixed catapult rocks making sounds on die
* fixed m_generator not being loaded
* script can now load from generator files eg. LoadMap(“Scripts/generator_ctf.cfg”);
**LoadMap(“”); - loads m_generator variable
**LoadMap(“Scripts/foobar.cfg”); - loads random generator map from config
**LoadMap(“Maps/foobar.png”); - loads map from png image
* generator changes:
**caves don’t appear under respawn
**materials appear in larger concentrations behind respawn
* improved gib graphics
* added spikes trap
* fixed sacks/flag collisions near tent
* fixed sack/flag throw velocity lag on throw
* fixed tents not being saved on client (with /savemap cmd)
* stuck player gibs
* fixed and optimized collisions
* removed bugged map name from servers list
* fixed tutorial text background
* trees regrow faster
* materials and construction blocks appear as icons + count on HUD
* sound listener center moved to player instead of center of screen
* fixed player label appearing twice on u_shownames set
* fixed crash when wrong generator file specified
* background castle block costs 3 stone
* added and fixed chat console transparency
* fixed ladder and castle back giving wrong resource number on destroy
* fixed chat bubble staying longer after Enter pressed
* builder doesn’t animate if can’t build at position
* fixed invisible body looting
* added “Looted” text for empty bodies
* team members can loot bombs again
* fixed HUD images stretching
* can’t join again own team
* fixed team menu disappearing when [BACKSPACE] pressed first time
* added floating amount of materials added or removed (on mine, loot or give)
* vote kicks can be casted only against one’s team members
* added “readme” information in vote menu
* rcon players are marked with x in players list
* added unlockable map editor
* own player label dissapears when mouse cursor close
* HUD dissapears on death
* trees drop faster
* fixed door issue being placed on tree stump
* fixed spawning removing background behind tent
* map resets after last player left
* slow arrors give half damage
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/6519817807/build-57-released Build 57] (14/June/2011) <span id="57"></span>==
Changes from build 51 to 57:
* fixed local player globally banned when bot banned
* my player is highlited in players list
* dead player collision radius is smaller
* build block cursor blink red if not enough material
* bomb now gibs people
* new death fall frame
* fixed ping kick not kicking
* bedrock layer lays on the bottom of each map
* modified bedrock look and amount
* bedrock bomb destroying leaves rocks
* bubble emote shows for 2 seconds after pressing key
* added mandatory vote kick typed reason
* vote caster displayed in vote box
* number of votes displayed
* vote dissapears if passes
* added radius of sight into earth
* fixed network errors and previous release lag
* added dirt block [experimental]
* added new config variable m_generator; specifies the map generator config file (default: “Scripts/generator.cfg”)
* knight destruction is 50% slower
* thick rock has its own destruction animation and takes longer to harvest
* thick rock takes 6 hits
* rock digging takes 5 hits
* ground digging takes 3 hits
* door needs 5 wood and 3 stone
* ladder needs 4 wood (10 in tree block)
* destroyed door gives 1 wood and 1 stone less
* trees are higher (more wood)
* sacks cannot go behind team tent
* cannot carry own team’s sack on to the enemy side of the map
* health is synced over network
* fixed sack team changed on client when picked up
* changed chat font
* increased small font size
* fixed mouse cursor stuck in menu
* if hit someone map isn’t hit
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/6319697429/build-51-released Build 51] (08/June/2011) <span id="51"></span>==
Changes from build 49 to 51:
* added Show Minimap option to video options (turning off minimap increases performance)
* pixel particles don’t show up if FPS drops below 20
* fixed minimap colors
* fixed grass tile appearing as dirt
* added knight shield down
* optimized netcode: not sending entities out of sight
* gold tile appears more distinct than stone
* fixed console kick not banning
* fixed rcon player possible to kick
* removed invalid net object not found messages
* fixed respawn queues not deleted on client
* global banning added
**if player gets banned twice in some period of time he gets global banned for a couple hours
* added new bedrock block (indestructible)
* trees don’t grow now in holes-
* added error message appears if game runs without Administrator privileges
* tweaked speed hack detection
* added s_system config variable to set sound system (for troubleshooting)
**(KAG/Base/Scripts/autoconfig.gm - global s_system =
**0 - autodetect (default)
***1 - DirectSound 8
***2 - DirectSound
***3 - Win MM
***4 - ALSA (Linux)
***5 - Core Audio (MacOSX)
***6 - No sound)
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/6258164507/build-49-released Build 49] (06/June/2011) <span id="49"></span>==
Changes from build 45 to 49:
* smaller cursors
* new archer cursors
* servers list is read from cache incase master is down
* your player has a name tag at all times
* name tags are drawn above player
* fixed end game crash reason
* added healing heart spawning randomly from killed player [experimental]
* ladders can be built anywhere against backgrounds
* anything can be built directly on a castle background wall
* build block cursor snaps to build position
* disabled map border fadeout
* casting another vote time increased to 10 minutes
* default vote kick ban time increased to 60 minutes
* if player being voted disconnects he is banned automatically
* rcon authorized player cannot be kicked
* added basic speedhack protection
* added hand cursor on block placement
* autoupdater does chmod +x on .sh script files
* players banned by IP and additional unique ID
* local server always disconnects if joining foreign server
* fixed map dimensions being too small
* added thick stone resource block (3x stone)
* fixed infinite ground background ladders
* added autorestarting functionality on new build release
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/6103786869/build-45-released Build 45] (02/June/2011) <span id="45"></span>==
Changes from build 40 to 45:
* local games do not register in server list
* menu is higher when items go under screen
* fixed missing tutorial display
* server list can now scroll
* fixed infinite rock catapult exploit
* can’t build or fire in break time (temporary fix for server crash)
* all objects are destroyed on server first (server crash on restart fix)
* optimized tile rendering speed by 10-20%
* optimized offscreen particle effects
* optimized too far sounds
* fixed generator crash
* default windowed mode
* added “chmod +x KAG” to dedicatedserver.sh
* fixed dead player floating up
* dead players fall off ladders
* fixed fall through map
* new cursors
* new resources graphics
* fixed crash after kick on client
* new title screen & menu colors
* master servers sends only servers with same build number
* tutorial poster runs automatically after game installation
* added icon for shortcuts
* knight has 1 heart more health [experimental]
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/5926193252/build-40-released Build 40] (29/May/2011) <span id="40"></span>==
Changes from build 39 to 40:
* catapult can change rotate according to thrower
* improved arrow collisions (from circle to line)
* default score limit is 20% of gold available on map
* fixed crash on precache (loading controls)
* fixed player dangling on server after kick
* fixed bow sound not stopping after death
* fixed catapult facing wrong direction for red team
* fixed knight shield
* fixed gold on map wrongly calculated
* fixed player sprite not updating when dead
* return of the ladder bubble
* mouse aim is farther (to match zoom out view)
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/5902729703/build-39-released Build 39] (28/May/2011) <span id="39"></span>==
Changes from build 32 to 39:
* game rules changed:
** victory condition: mine or collect 3/4 of the maps gold
** stash gold in sacks
** 3 sacks available on start
** steal sacks and bring them to your tent for score
* new map generation code:
** possible mountains and holes
** caves
** stone and gold are more likely to appear around caves and mountains
** gold appears more as gold veins
** trees don’t grow on tent
* added catapult
* new sack graphics
* new bomb & explosion graphics
* new emoticon bubble graphics
* tent does not fall down
* sack gold amount displayed on mouse hover
* player HUD is not visible now when score board is active
* increased knight radius of attack
* new castle back build sound
* tent hit pixels changed to black
* fixed invisible map bug
* can’t loot bombs from self & team players
* fixed knight not dying when bomb explodes in hand
* typing bubble appears when typing chat or in menu
* gold sacks & tent are drawn on minimap
* new stone tiles graphics
* added map generator config file (“Base/Scripts/generator.cfg”)
* when not enough resources build tile blinks on HUD
* on reload map, old map saved to “Maps/previous.png”
* particle die time randomized
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/5666473842/build-32-released Build 32] (20/May/2011) <span id="32"></span>==
Changes from build 30 to 32:
* added bombs for knight (hold & release [F] key)
* fixed sprite graphics glitch on older video cards
* louder bow pull sound
* increased precision of network object velocities
* fixed some map collision bugs
* fixed teleporting inside map
* optimized collision code
* fixed arrow map collisions
* added fast arrow springy sound hit
* added team emblem graphics on team pick
* resources on HUD are drawn in multiple rows now
* available blocks on HUD now drawn in lower part of screen
* fixed ladder placing not working sometimes
* fixed readme.txt not auto-updated
* added map restart command (\restartmap)
* added map load command (\loadmap [name])
* added map save command (\savemap [name])
* added server send message to all players (\msg [text])
* added vote map restart
* changed minimap colors
* dead not displayed on minimap
* can’t resupply in enemy tent, only change class
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/5603825941/build-30-released Build 30] (18/May/2011) <span id="30"></span>==
Changes from build 28 to 30:
* added kick voting (select in mainmenu [ESC], no [F11] yes [F12])
* added server kick command (kick [playername] [minutes])
* player respawns as last selected class
* sack on back is more visible
* added tent flag animation
* tent is now in front of players
* added variable descriptions in autoconfig.gm
* all doors placed vertically open when player touches
* player names forced to be unique
* fixed holes appearing after loading a map
* doors require 30 wood & 30 stone (previously 50 each)
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/5546900561/build-28-released Build 28] (16/May/2011) <span id="28"></span>==
Changes from build 24 to 28:
* zoom in/out keys work by tapping now
* zoom in/out by default is mouse wheel (previously left ctrl/shift)
* default view is dynamic; follows mouse cursor
* darker backgrounds
* health doesn’t decrease client-side (false hits not registered)
* minimap is more translucent
* players inside tent are immune
* fixed cursor displaying on other players
* fixed map generator getting stuck on small maps
* optimized sack network updates
* fixed not being able to connect again after failed connect
* changed HUD material graphics to tiles
* trees regrow faster
* hill height is independent from map height
* gold tile is more golden
* fixed empty tiles in ground background
* tweaked map generation code
* fixed actor behavior on map borders
* more shading on backgrounds
* distant sounds are louder
* health is restored on class switch
* archer digging is slower
* fixed machine gun archer exploit
* team is auto-assigned on join server
* fixed map not drawn entirely on smaller resolutions
* ladder wood usage increased from 2 to 3 (tree block = 10)
* team chat channel is more obvious now in chat window
* smoothed continuous building
* updates download automatically
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/5416737231/build-24-released Build 24] (12/May/2011) <span id="24"></span>==
Changes from build 22 to 24:
* added picking up old arrows
* start arrows increased to 10
* arrows can’t be fired immediately
* archer & knight can now dig in dirt
* fixed crash near body
* removed dynamic camera from archer
* added health display
* arrow are faster
* ground acceleration is higher
* destroying castle walls & doors takes twice the time
* fixed sack disappearing with dead carrier
* fixed not being able to pickup sack from dead carrier
* increased corpse time
==[http://devlog.kag2d.com/post/5356515027/king-arthurs-gold Build 22] (10/May/2011) <span id="22"></span>==
Changes from build 20 to 22:
* added builder animations
* modified chat bubbles
==Build 20 (8/May/2011) <span id="20"></span>==
Changes from build 17 to 20:
* smaller collision circle
* added handicap on respawn (5 arrows, 50 wood)
* fixed shield collisions (shield is much safer now)
* removed units left indicator in unlimited units gamemode
* fixed sacks dissapearing after player quit
* fixed archer & builder death frames
* fixed mouse hover nick labels
* fixed ladder building bugged sometimes
* changed suicide command to Change key + Pick up [F]+[E]
==Build 17 (6/May/2011) <span id="17"></span>==
* First official release

Latest revision as of 23:03, 26 November 2018


Steam release

Build 2760 (07/11/2018)

Changes from build 2731 to 2760:

  • Misc
[added] knight cursor charge sprite (thanks Andresian!)
[modified] extra no build 1 tile lower as result of #democracy vote (Wiki note - #democracy text/chat channel in the official Discord server)
[modified] dinghy cost (thanks Shy)
[added] registration time to player delta, so it's accessible on both server and client (thanks Furai/MM for bouncing ideas)
[added] Galen head (<3)
[removed] leftover debug print in votecore (thanks Potatobird for the report)
[added] chickens can be stored in inventory (thanks Blubahub)
  • Accolades
[added] accolade-alike badge rendering in scoreboard, based on registration time
[added] new accolades (thanks bunnie)
[added] blue_tiger head, updated homek head
[added] notes for adding accolades to cfg file
[fixed] a few inconsistencies in the accolade data file
[added] new accolades badges
[renamed] Medals_.png -> Badges.png
  • Maps
[modified] gamblersden map; smaller gambling area, less arrow-spam friendly
[removed] 4 ctf maps (thanks potatobird)
- monsterictf1
- monsterictf2
- punk123_cryingdemon
- ej_bluesunset
  • Modding
[modified] contributing help docs, a little extra info/formatting
[added] issues and pull request templates (thanks vik)
[added] code of conduct (thanks vik)
[added] scriptrender transform functions and backface cull functions
[updated] scriptrenderexample with screenspace example and docs for transform functions
[fixed] missing AK_EAT bind
[modified] time functions take/give signed int now (avoids overflow surprises)
[added] input-time versions of time_month/year/monthdate/yeardate
  • Translations
[added] steam store content file for translators (thanks Diprog for nagging)
[updated] russian translation (thanks Diprog)
Update steam_content_ru.txt
Russian: translated Steam content.
Russian: emotes, edits, removed duplicates.

Build 2536 (28/04/2018)

Changes from build 2509 to 2536:

  • Maps
[fixed] maps folder name
[modified] TDM -3 maps, +1 map
  • Localisation
[added] support for votekick menu translation
[added] translation capability and a few minor fixes/improvements to spectator help
[added] placeholder translations to russian translation file for testing gamemode list translation + login window translation
[added] support for esc menu translation
[added] support for translating login window and gamemodes list in server browser
  • Misc
[modified] death zoom faster/less obnoxious with new interpolation
[added] highlighting for useful class items on [C]
[modified] Rename uncapped framerate option to capped framerate
[modified] Improve pickup priorities
[modified] AFK vote-kick renamed to non-participation (we already have automatic afk kick)
[fixed] climbing pass-through structures (such as enemy trapblocks)
[fixed] endless tth games due to teams not capping halls
[modified] properly handle ties in TTH (when neither teams cap a hall)
[fixed] climbing pass-through structures (such as enemy trapblocks)
[modified] slightly optimized pickup logic
[added] more precise pickups when hovering items
[modified] pickup doesn't depend on left/right player facing
[removed] "recently picked up" lists, which led to accidents/items "ignoring" pickups
[modified] reworked pickup priorities
[fixed] removing items from inventories didn't always call hooks properly, leading to incorrectly full inventories
[modified] clarified "All" -> "All Gamemodes" in server browser
[added] config version for updating any defaults in future
  • Modding
[added] net property fused mutator-accessors for micro-optimisation/convenience
full list: add_s8, sub_s8, add_s16, sub_s16, add_s32, sub_s32, add_u8, sub_u8, add_u16, sub_u16, add_u32, sub_u32, add_f32, sub_f32

Build 2509 (01/03/2018)

Changes from build 2416 to 2509:

  • 60FPS Related
[added] uncapped framerate interpolates frames, allowing >30fps (thanks and congrats Asu)
[modified] graphics flash updated on render, changed logic and new time param
[added] interpolation support to many rendered objects
[fixed] various script issues with >30fps
[added] fps diagnostic graph for inspecting render deltatimes /v_deltatime_diag
  • Modding Related
[added] getInterpolationFactor, getRenderDeltaTime, getRenderSmoothDeltaTime, getRenderExactDeltaTime, getRenderApproximateCorrectionFactor functions for enhanced >30fps support in scripts.
[added] CCamera::getInterpolationOffset() bind (for fixing edge-case flickery world->screenspace conversions)
[added] anim_timer to CParticle (thanks Vamist and Mazey for being insistent)
[added] console print with color (thanks Asu and Eluded)
[removed] tile noise variable (watch out tilemap modders)
  • Hosting Related
[added] config variable for customising ban length if a player leaves while frozen (default 30, no ban if set to 0)
[added] disable file sending logs by default, can be changed with g_verbosefilesending
[added] nolauncher option to the dedicatedserver.bat for windows
[modified] some hosting-related properties (port, slots, etc) are now constant at runtime and must be set in the config or command line arguments, to prevent abuse/price tier escalation at shared hosting.
  • Localisation related
[added] changes required for server browser translation
  • Optimisation
[modified] significantly improved client performance with a lot of blobs
[modified] <cmap:update> subtasks are more accurate
[modified] optimized lighting code
[modified] inlined cmap stuff for performance
[modified] optimised flood layers (fire, water)
[modified] optimised image files (thanks Terracraft)
  • Other
[fixed] soft-crash when disabling smooth shader
[fixed] tcpr calling hooks before connection authentication
[removed] many of the Engine namespace functions (thanks for the reminder TFlippy)
[fixed] gramatically incorrect noswears correction (thanks for the reminder Paralogia)
[fixed] irc button goes to thd channel (discord is majority now though)
[modified] bombs in inventory don't kill non-player objects (eg war boats, storages)
[modified] updated TDM, CTF mapcycle.cfg (thanks Panky, Ni, Map Team, Map Authors)
[removed] longboat challenge that caused crashes

Build 2416 (28/11/2017)

Changes from build 2409 to 2416:

[added] blobs inside an inventory skip their scripted doesCollideWithBlob checks and don't collide
[fixed] leak in minimap code + optimised minimap update on nextmap
[fixed] crash with small maps with the minimap on
[fixed] broken emoticon menu on nextmap if it was open
[added] g_forceresolution to deal with bad resolution detection (thanks asu)
[fixed] fade area above map on "closed"/"cave" maps was incorrectly transparent
[fixed] chests and spikes stopped loading from maps (thanks asu)
[added] emote names for custom bindings + new emotes "work"
[modified] some mote emote changes based on feedback - still work to do though!

Build 2409 (21/11/2017)

Changes from build 2388 to 2409:

  • Translations:
[added] (work in progress) menu translation ability
[added] AddGlobalMessageReplacement to handle serverside messages still needing translation clientside
[modified] significantly extended translation capability (Joint KAG dev and RU translation effort)
- see the RU translation json for the probably-most-up-to-date strings
[added] more RU translations (thanks Diprog + RU translation folks)
[added] more FR translations (thanks Asu)
[fixed] TTH TradeItem translation issues
[added] linux dedicated server is forced to EN locale with a warning if it was something different.
This means we can rely on translated strings from server still being in english for re-translation on client (eg descriptions).
  • Performance/Optimisation:
[modified] improved map loading performance (thanks Asu)
[removed] irrlicht enums no one uses/should use anyway (thanks Asu)
[removed] legacy map generation for smaller compiled size and fewer dependencies (thanks Asu)
  • Miscellaneous:
[added] material script and config refactor (thanks Fuzzle)
[added] new profiler (thanks asu)
[updated] cruxiat head
[modified] better/more consistent descriptions in some challenge missions
[modified] Similar matches are prioritized over soft matches (thanks Asu)
[fixed] precache and scripts force reload after disconnect (thanks MM)
[reverted] verra's change from last build (sorry Verra)
- people are suspicious of this change currently so we should run a week or two without it and see if the suspicions hold up.
[added] new emotes to spritesheet (can be used through config file only at this stage, treat these as unfinished and might vanish)
[updated] new discord link (thanks fuzzle, congrats discord folks)
  • Linux/OSX:
[fixed] linux DLC heads and main menu background issues (thanks Asu)
[modified] enabled SSE2 on mac and linux for performance (thanks Asu)
  • Modding Compatibility:
[important] map loading changes are likely to bite anyone with a custom map loader if it's based on BasePNGLoader.
Lowest effort fix would be getting the old BasePNGLoader from github, renaming it to OldPNGLoader and including it in your mod directly.
Better fix would be observing the changes that have been made and applying them to your own loader
PNGLoader::handlePixel's signature is the main change - contact Asu for help in discord if you need it!
Anyone only using customblocks.as should be unaffected though, as nothing has changed there.
[minor] new serialisation for TradeItem in TTH
If you use/abuse the TTH trading system this is something to be careful of
Check the changes to TradingCommon.as if you want the details.

Build 2388 (01/11/2017)

Changes from build 2374 to 2388:

  • Performance:
[modified] improved mechanisms performance
  • Game:
[modified] pickup priority tweaks, material stack pick-up priority (thanks tru0067)
[added] separate filled bucket to builder shop (costs 10 coin as well as the 10 wood)
[modified] builder and vehicle shop buttons re-arranged for neatness and no gaps
[modified] chat filter uses a config file (thanks asu)
[modified] platform HP decreased
  • Translation:
[modified] rewritten and edited almost all strings in Russian locale (gamemode, tut) (thanks Diprog, Basea, Voxez, Grey Guard)
[added] translation support to most script-side logic (thanks diprog)
[added] translation in client_addToChat & some net events (thanks asu)
[added] proper utf string conversion for cbutton and cgridmenu caption + automatic translation for rendering
[added] rules global message is automatically translated for rendering
  • Maps:
[fixed] Passfest map tent placement (thanks punk123)
  • Fixes:
[fixed] issue #37 on github, only add no build zone to solid tiles below the hall (prevents doorways from being 1 tile offset plus issues with invulnerable doors/traps/etc)
[fixed] KickAFK issue with chat (thanks fuzzle)
[fixed] tutorial and other challenges lighting
[fixed] tutorial mapcycle issue
[fixed] save the princess mode double first map
[fixed] bucket splash spam = laggy server (spammed buckets reduce their own splash counts on each hit) (thanks to discord folks for the report)
[fixed] linux DLC heads and main menu background (thanks asu)
[fixed] client_AddToChat unicode support (thanks asu)
[modified] entity lifetimes code cleaned up (thanks verra)
  • Modding:
[modified] descriptions.as - descriptions are separate variables rather than an array (thanks diprog), inside their own namespace
[added] costs.as - one-stop-shop for all costs with loading from-config and default values (thanks diprog)
[added] AddSectorOnTiles.as - rudimentary code for adding sectors over solid tiles, with boilerplate to help with adding sectors over other types of tile
[modified] overriding CGridButton size passed to AddButton no longer has minimum of icon size (ie can force bigger icon into smaller button) - default-sized buttons are still icon-sized)
[added] interface listing can dump constructor names (thanks asu)

Build 2374 (17/10/2017)

Changes from build 2367 to 2374:

  • Maps:
[modified] CTF mapcycle changes: (big thanks to the maps team!)
[added] Asu_DeadPlateau, Mcrifel_Fish, SJD360_Stampede, 8x_Pass_Fest, Skinney_Glitch, SJD360_Paradox, PUNK123_BlockCity
[removed] Cerbero's Rift, ffsff_ClassicWar2, ffsff_SecludedForest, ffsff_UnderhangPit2, Lavaguy678_Meadow, Mazey_Rioter, Potatobird_SharkRomance, Punk123_MemoryLane, Punk123_Hillo, Punk123_AntKing, Punk123_AlienFrogAssault, SJD360_Overdose2, an_obamanation_AlientAntAssault, Punk123_toothgrinderx2, 8x_Fest_Pass, 8x_BBiscuit, Trekobius_DragonsLair, Joiken_CTF2
  • Game:
[modified] [experimental] buckets start filled so they can be used for fire fighting
[modified] KickAFK moves kick-immune players to spectator if they are detected afk (thanks mazey)
  • Translations:
[added] WIP Russian translation (thanks diprog!)
  • Fixes and Tweaks:
[added] script interface dumps individual objects into Objects/ (thanks asu)
[fixed] incredibly long standing minimap bug
  • (rendered overlapping the top edge of the border, offset when fully viewed)
  • (this affected modders more than vanilla - thanks GoldenGuy for the tip off)
[modified] TheDirtySwine head changed to Cruxiat head at mutal request.
[modified] locale selection centred and extended to allow for longer locale labels if needed
[fixed] some "broken" heads in settings menu
[fixed] tips not showing properly (thanks asu)

Build 2311 (15/08/2017)

Changes from build 2303 to 2311:

[merged] PRs #14 and #15 from github; accepted community maps + mapcycle updates
[modified] fixed underground grass in 8x_grounds and ffsff_underhangpit2 maps
[fixed] CTF crashing after a bad map is loaded (still causes other huge problems of course)

Build 1013 (27/Jan/2014)

Changes from build 984 to 1013:

  • Knight Shield Stacking
This is now a physical thing - you need to actually jump onto the guy shielding you. It looks quite funny, like a frantic scramble to get over a wall. This should fix the people shield-flying over the red barrier as well, as they should not be able to jump on top of each other ;^)
  • TDM Spawns
TDM now works with multiple spawn markers. Players will randomly spawn at either of the possible spawns, for a more diverse TDM experience. We’re looking for some nice maps to add to the pool, drop them in the thread if you want them looked at :^)
  • Documentation work
There’s been more work done documenting the CBlob class at http://doc.kag2d.com/ - the docs there are almost complete, we’ll be covering the sprite class next. It’s a very slow and exhausting job, so hopefully someone is getting some use out of it! Please leave feedback on what you like, what you don’t, and what you’d like to see, we’re kind of shooting in the dark here.
  • Community Sourced Fixes
This build has two community sourced fixes and improvements, one from Verra expanding the timer.as functionality, and one from norill fixing mines “randomly” exploding your demolition shop. Thanks guys!
  • Misc Fixes
I’ve also fixed a few miscellaneous bugs, including the misleading join message, which used to read “<Nickname> has joined as <Username>” - it now shows the correct “<Username> has joined as <Nickname>”. Sorry to anyone accused of impersonating as a result of this, I know I have a few times!

Build 998 (11/Jan/2014)

Changes from build 984 to 998:

  • [fixed] soft file-matcher taking similar files from Mods instead of Base
  • [scripting][modified] sounds and textures aren't loaded randomly with filematcher by default
  • [scripting][added] Sprite.PlayRandomSound(filename) for loading random sounds
  • [fixed] crashrpt not attaching logs
  • [added] last script calls to crashrpt
  • [fixed] death cam being too sudden and jerky (Verra's updated PlayerCamera.as)

Build 980 (23/Dec/2013)

Changes from build 977 to 980:

  • [added] lavalordtdm2 map
  • [added] security_banflags and security_strictflags to autoconfig, determines what global user flags to ban per server. defaults to griefing, abuse and impersonation for banflags (ie flags that expire) and hacking for strictflags (zero tolerance)
  • [script][added] void CNet::checkPlayerBanflags( const string &in username, const string &in banflags, const string &in strictflags ) for checking ban flags from the API
  • [added] Christmas Hats
  • [added] u_shownames is default now (show all team names without needing hover)
  • [fixed] hover names relying on ismod rather than seclevs
  • [added] name_mouseover_spectator seclev (on for all default seclevs by default)
  • [fixed] spawning on team change (thanks Norill)
  • [modified] 40% votes required for a conclusive votekick
  • [removed] builder "stunlock" when building with enemies nearby
  • [fixed] unfortunate greg scribble
  • [added] show team names option to GUI
  • [added] show minimap button to settings

Build 977 (20/Dec/2013)

Changes from build 963 to 977:

  • [fixed] can't rebind some keys ("black hole" keys on keyboard, particularly R, sorry Ej)
  • [added] clear which keys aren't used any more
  • [added] class icons to scoreboard
  • [script][added] CBlob::SetScoreboardVars(texture, frame, framesize) and CBlob::UnsetScoreboardVars()
  • [added] scripts documentation start (see KAG/Docs/index.html)
  • [modified] doors won't collapse after becoming "stable"
  • [added] added name/username sections to scoreboard
  • [fixed] some console messages with () when same username as character name
  • [script][fixed] CPlayer::isMod() not taking into account red rcon admins
  • [script][added] seclev functions (check Manual/interface/Objects.txt for list)
  • [fixed] server browser game mode list having unaccesible items
  • [fixed] server browser game modes list having empty items
  • [added] seclev aware votekick
  • [added] Quick-Ban feature - hold B and tap F3 over a frozen player to quickly ban them for 24 hours. This is most useful in combination with quick-freeze (F3).
  • [added] new spectator camera (thanks Verra!)
  • [fixed] guard head not showing

Build 963 (06/Dec/2013)

Changes from build 954 to 963:

  • [fixed] saw button not always popping up
  • [modified] potential fix for bug #1213 Lines or "Strokes" in the water - vertex coordinates are offset a little to compensate for ugly scaling/rounding on some graphics cards
  • [fixed] 1303: +1 username bug removing "s" on names
  • [added] Ej "Rasmus" head, congrats
  • [fixed] mook heads are wrong
  • [modified] doors require adjacent solid tile or they collapse in 10 seconds (anti door spam)
  • [added] per-tile description of tiles in builder inventory
  • [modified] saw costs 100 stone as well as the wood cost
  • [added] keys cannot be overlapped and cannot use system keys (tab,chat,function,home)
  • [fixed] debug video recording not saving report after exitting game
  • [fixed] crash in map lighting
  • [fixed] cc_key being overwritten on game start

Build 954 (28/Nov/2013)

Changes from build 947 to 954:

  • [fixed] held non-constructed blocks protecting builder
  • [modified] ignore damage actually ignores all damage now
  • [removed] all old generator files to avoid confusion (+ they dont work)
  • [modified] updated existing tdm maps
  • [added] tdm map from extra/ , The Couldron
  • [added] Bleak Arena map
  • [added] Cramped Castle map
  • [added] MonsteriTDM1 and 2 maps (gratz)
  • [added] upgrade to CrashRpt 1402
  • [added] 30 sec video recording of crashes (run debug.bat on Windows)
  • [added] jackitch and contrary heads, congrats!
  • [modified] renamed 'modded' button to Non-Vanilla
  • [added] popup informing about non-vanilla disabled
  • [modified] Monsteri boat balance changes - longboat costs less for early rushing, warboat only costs (lots of) coin
  • [added] LavalordTDM1 map
  • [fixed] sounds still being calculated and played when volume is set to zero
  • [fixed] loadmap looking for strange files (should work more or less as expected now)
  • [modified] made it clear that loadbitmap shouldn't be used any more
  • [modified] water has nicer edge appearance now, imroves flooding and "waterfalls"
  • [added] pop wheels off catapult or ballista once it's in place
  • [removed] packing catapult into crate
  • [fixed] joining with scripts from previous server

Build 947 (21/Nov/2013)

Changes from build 939 to 947:

  • [modified] votekicking kicks for 30 minutes
  • [fixed] extra spawn immunity when changing class (now it's static spawn immune time, no extension)
  • [modified] RNG only on legolas shot for archers, do normal shots for accuracy.
  • [fixed] freeze continuously gibbing stuff
  • [script][added] void RemoveSectorsAtPosition( Vec2f position, const string& name, const u16 id ) for removing sectors only with specific id
  • [fixed] tree removes flag base no build zone
  • [fixed] too much coins on client (server_DropCoins could be run by client)
  • [dev] removed drop peer dbg msgs
  • [dev] additional move files works on steam only now
  • [modified] potential fix for "ghost" colliding arrows
  • [fixed] under raid war boats and ballistae included in spawn list
  • [dev] more fixes for arrows
  • [modified] flag base puts down bedrock underneath itself
  • [modified] all classes can arrow climb
  • [modified] arrow climb only when holding up, destroys arrows, gives extra jump
  • [modified] very slightly increased archer stun arrow range
  • [fixed] fire arrow not put out by water bomb/arrow
  • [fixed] Space flags (hopefully)
  • [modified] stomp doesn't stun or hurt the stomper
  • [added] boards layer to tunnel
  • [fixed] archer grapple staying attached through tunnel when attached to doors
  • [modified] if someone leaves while getting vote-kicked, they're banned for 30 minutes (as if they were successfully booted)

Build 939 (12/Nov/2013)

Changes from build 935 to 939:

  • [modified] FPS will be higher without uncapped framerate setting
  • [added] rcon admins have red name in players list
  • [fixed] LAN client not authed as admins on join
  • [fixed] kick not banning for 5 mins
  • [added] if you rejoin within 2 mins on a server your stats will be preserved
  • [added] username and character name to votekick menu
  • [fixed] crash when trying to launch solo mode with dedi server running in back
  • [modified] lifted default ping kick threshold
  • [fixed] saw graphical bugs
  • [modified] saw turns off after killing teammate
  • [removed] saw from world.png to prevent confusion
  • [modified] removed a bunch of enet debugging prints that were confusing people (like enet_blah_blah: 15195)
  • [modified] fixed a small leak and a big crash in the servers browser + that annoying deprecated image complaint on opening it
  • [modified] buckets don't stun (about time)
  • [modified] water bombs don't collide with team-mates
  • [script][added] water_stun hitter, use water if you want to put out fire but not stun
  • [added] removing redundant game files when launched from Steam
  • [fixed] being able to join server with client modified scripts
  • [modified] changed words in new Steam player window
  • [fixed] buzzing sounds on Mac/Linux
  • [fixed] saw not showing gib effect on client when teammate sawed
  • [added] confirmation dialogue to votekick
  • [fixed] script kicks not banning
  • [reverted] the last uncapped framerate change
  • [fixed] singleplayer scripts being cleared and not running
  • [modified] vote kick/nextmap has rudimentary anti-spam built in.
  • [removed] redundant sound effect on some sounds
  • [fixed] OSX/Linux crash on some sounds

Build 935 (8/Nov/2013)

Changes from build 932 to 935:

  • [modified] saw doesn't kill team mates (too annoying!)
  • [fixed] can't hit constructed rooms in CTF as builder.
  • [script][added] convenient builder_alwayshit_fragment array for partial name matches (eg "shop" for all shops)
  • [remove] far item destroy button
  • [removed] item arrows in workshops
  • [fixed] texts appearing in front of research menu
  • [modified] renamed peasant/migrant to worker wherever necessary
  • [fixed] crash in minimap on next map
  • [added] the much needed game mode tutorials for Capture the Flag and Take the Halls
  • [fixed] Necromancer not appearing at final map

Public Beta release

Build 932 (5/Nov/2013)

Changes from build 928 to 932:

  • [removed] old manual link from launcher
  • [removed] this is beta red text
  • [removed] console when launching with noconsole command (win32)
  • [added] afk kick reason
  • [modified] votes have possible inconclusive outcome
  • (did not pass, did not fail, no action taken)
  • [fixed] can't click on last row of heads
  • [fixed] player name under hearts on HUD
  • [modified] login/passwords aligned to left in edit boxes
  • [removed] box2d limiter spam
  • [fixed] being able to imposter devs
  • [fixed] old files moved to Base/old
  • [added] message when not logged on Steam
  • [added] console logs for Steam errors
  • [added] materials decay much faster on crowded servers
  • [modified] closing servers browser brings you back to multiplayer tab
  • [fixed] custom heads in singleplayer
  • [added] spawn mats in sandbox
  • [modified] chat and scoreboard colors to less eye bleeding
  • [fixed] kill feed being very long (sometimes)

Build 928 (1/Nov/2013)

Changes from build 926 to 928:

  • CTF Shops now keep their menu open - this is for quick buying, its a bit buggy in how it renders, but you can click multiple times to get multiple bombs now, enjoy!
  • Void Flag Fixed - no more void captures, naughty abusers.
  • Bashing Doors etc Fixed - No more bouncing off structures when shieldbashing.
  • Added Dwarf and Pirate heads - so you can be both kinds of gruff, hairy man, or strong independent woman ;^)
  • Fixed the HUD bug with the screen “freezing” on some computers - if you were plagued by that, enjoy!
  • Inaccesible steam fixes

Build 926 (31/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 921 to 926:

  • [added] 6 new heads + updated some past heads
  • [modified] rearranged heads
  • [added] debug message "box2d limiter breach" to check if this is the source of warping through things
  • [modified] box2d iteration count increased (may have been source of warping through things
  • [modified] kick delay is lower
  • [script][added] binds for void KickPlayer(CPlayer@ player) and void BanPlayer(CPlayer@ player, int time_seconds) with obvious effects (automatically takes seclevs into account)
  • [modified] map files updated by jackitch
  • [added] script exceptions don't halt the engine (debugger removed in release/test)
  • [script][removed] unsafe function config.saveFile(); - use config.saveFile(filename) instead (only saves to KAG/Cache)
  • [modified] clearer mod downloading messages and colors in console
  • [fixed] modded include file scripts not loading properly after download
  • [fixed] /Mods scripts not updating ever again (there's still an issue because they will only update in memory not in the files)
  • [script][added] scripted main menu items
  • [removed] hardcoded vote kick + next map stuff
  • [added] lots of features to the vote nextmap stuff
  • [fixed] builder can build on himself (thanks Verra)
  • [modified] builder must be inside building frame to build new shop
  • [added] some flags to shop for banning building any more things - wip for fixing double-shops
  • [modified] buildings destroy if they are overlapping each other too much
  • [added] can't double build from the same building frame
  • [modified] spawn shield protects from knockback and lasts a little longer (not instantly cancelled)
  • [modified] progress bar is hard-capped to at least one percent to help prevent rendering bugs
  • [added] JTG and Monsteri Sol Badguy twins unique, congrats
  • [added] allowed to change character name with /cl_name in console
  • [modified] more space for player names in scoreboard
  • [fixed] not spawning when username empty and clicked offline
  • [fixed] challenges not progressing on time end

Build 921 (25/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 919 to 921:

  • [added] turning saws on and off
  • [modified] pickup priotities have a few per-class modifiers and de-prioritise corpses a lot
  • [modified] boulders are 35 stone
  • [modified] warboat costs 130 coins, not 150
  • [removed] rayne_liquidate and rayne_flarellbridge1 from default ctf cycle
  • [modified] removed koujimap from default map cycle
  • [added] 2 "templar" heads, one bucket, one egghead, both definitely badass.
  • [added] MonsteriCTF3 map
  • [added] NewTortuga map
  • [added] catapult and ballista convert instantly when sat into
  • [modified] idle/still siege engines don't collide with you
  • [modified] siege engines need a bit more speed before they hurt you
  • [modified] updated felleres map
  • named Fellere_FourRivers.png
  • hopefully less stalemate
  • [fixed] catapult "steals" kills of people shot out of it
  • [fixed] map key binding not visible
  • [fixed] music volume slider not adjusting in real time
  • [fixed] some sound functions still doing processing with zero volume
  • [fixed] wrong menu song used (cut out too early)
  • [script][added] hasTileSolidBlobsNoPlatforms function to omit platforms
  • [fixed] can't build backwall over platforms
  • note, this works like building stone "over" wood, the platforms still prevent building "through" them
  • [added] crate changes team when picked up
  • [fixed] egg makes chomp chomp noise when not eaten
  • [updated] kag icons on windows
  • [fixed] big leak when music slider set to zero, and awful sound when turned up again

Build 919 (23/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 915 to 919:

  • [modified] JTG Map changes:
  • boulder lake map has fewer boulders
  • removed bison from newgetisburgmines map
  • [modified] rearranged ctf mapcycle a little
  • [fixed] crash on null pointer in blobplacement script
  • [modified] kaggen has caves and ruins
  • [fixed] flagbase is not tagged invincible (may be causing it to die by other means)
  • [fixed] kaggen generates trees overlapping ruins
  • [modified] updated fellere valley map
  • [fixed] a few missing default variables in gamemode.cfg - caused crash on omission
  • [modified] sandbox map is kaggen
  • [added] player light radius (set in gamemode.cfg as player_light_radius) returned - default 32, limit 255
  • [fixed] sound glitch on OSX when jumping
  • [added] fire extinguish sound
  • [added] player_light_intensity to gamemode.cfg - range 0 to 255 , default 128
  • [added] kaggen ruins can have wood in them
  • [added] sandbox again
  • [fixed] wierd line through the sky in fast graphics mode
  • [modified] keg gets a team when picked up -> no more keg slashed off your back by friendly knights
  • [modified] coins for building wood blocks decreased to 1
  • [modified] coins for building stone blocks and structures increased to 4
  • [fixed] moving spectator camera uses keybinds for move left right up down instead of hardcoded WASD
  • [modified] floating islands now "allowed" at map design time
  • [added] sandbox uses default png loader
  • [modified] warboat has +50% hp
  • [added] 3 new heads - horse head, diving helmet, alchemist head
  • [added] JTF_FirstBadlands map
  • [added] undercooked egg to quarters for 30c
  • [modified] chicken breeding parameters a little

Build 915 (18/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 912 to 915:

  • [fixed] excessive particle spam from catapult rock
  • [add] coin from killing/hurting siege and vehicles
  • [modified] builder gets coin from building almost everything (ladders and backwall left out)
  • [modified] extra coin for building workshops
  • [modified] standard coin decrease during warmup (/3, rounded down)
  • [added] 2 more JTG maps
  • [modified] catapult can resist 1 bomb arrow (just)
  • [fixed] crash in server
  • [fixed] minimap crash
  • [fixed] nasty loadmap minimap bug
  • [modified] water doesn't treat the bottom of the map as solid - allows waterfalls if you're into that
  • [fixed] dirt backwall going missing sometimes (particularly bad on client!)
  • [added] chat console keeps last channel when you press enter - means you can hit Y once, and then use enter to team chat in the thick of battle
  • [modified] door sprite shows orientation a little better
  • [modified] more cata rock optimisations ... this shouldn't be so hard
  • [added] even fewer particle iterations and better cache performance
  • [modified] rock is even more optimised, avoids a lot of logic on client

Build 912 (15/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 911 to 912:

  • [removed] hurt on collide etc from catapult rock
  • [modified] rock doesn't use collisions (wip)
  • [script][added] bind for Random::getSeed()
  • [script] major change to Vehicle scripts
  • [script] optimized vehicle script to use a structure isntead of properties
  • [fixed] fixed camera on gunner position
  • [modified] config files missing are warnings instead of errors
  • [fixed] chicken == flag mistake on JTG map
  • [modified] cata more effective on roof than wall, but doesn't "pierce" with normal rocks so much

Build 911 (15/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 909 to 911:

  • [modified] snatchmark map
  • [fixed] JTG_NewGetisburgMines map not loading properly
  • [fixed] fake techs in CTF not cleared on next map (note: requires adding UseFakeTechs.as to gamemodes where fake techs are used)
  • [added] updated monsteri ctf 2 map
  • [fixed] opening and closing door visually hiding the damage
  • [added] builder cant break door backwall before breaking the door
  • [added] Verrazano unique head (congrats)
  • [added] owl head, dovahkiin helmet, animu ninja head, ushanka, and dragon skull helmet
  • [modified] heads settings box has 6 heads per row instead of 5
  • [modified] catapult cost increased to 80c
  • [modified] bomb arrow one hit kills catapult
  • [modified] no coins on map restart/join game of CTF
  • [modified] particle iterations drastically reduced
  • [modified] maximum particle count reduced
  • [modified] tweak in tutorial
  • [modified] performance optimizations to lighting
  • [modified] some optimizations in scripts

Build 909 (13/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 907 to 909:

  • [added] bomb arrow is rocket launcher - low damage vs actor (2.5 hearts on direct hit), high damage on buildings and vehicles, and explodes on impact - can be used to bomb jump!
  • [fixed] double hitting from bomb arrow explosion
  • [added] drill is much more effective against constructed blocks (heats much slower for castle and wood)
  • [added] ladder has team (and sprite that shows it)
  • [fixed] runner can jump higher off ladders than ground
  • [fixed] scroll of midas (thanks norill)
  • [modified] scroll of midas affects thick stone too
  • [modified] tunnel costs 100 stone 50 wood (no gold)
  • [modified] 3 builder hits to break ladder
  • [modified] block placement is more tolerant
  • [modified] builder aim hitting tiles is "no bullcrap" - will be ported to block placement soon
  • [fixed] chickens breeding infinitely in one space
  • [added] spikes have team coloured layer so now you can tell what team they are on
  • [fixed] first sign in the tutorial not below the player
  • [added] water arrows are 20 coins, fire arrows are 30
  • [modified] water arrows come in stack of 2
  • [added] wip "fake tech" system - allows techs in rules without any research system in place
  • [modified] pickup radius is a bit smaller
  • [removed] restartmap_onlastplayer_disconnect cause it causes crashed (will return once issue is resolved)
  • [added] requirements support "not tech" so that you can prevent double-buying upgrades at different shops
  • [modified] rock spams fewer particles
  • [added] JTG_NewGetisburgMines map
  • [removed] monsteri map 2 from the cycle til it's fixed
  • [added] 3 new maps from community - Fellere_newValleyMap, Skinney_Crypt, Skinney_Typhoon
  • [added] cheaper fake rolling script for applicable objects (only rotates one sprite, does no matrix multiplication)
  • [added] cheaper fake rolling to boulder
  • [added] more expensive fake rolling script only runs on server (rotation deltas are synced anyway)
  • [added] chat colour is from team .cfg file
  • [added] team chat gets asterixes around it * team chat *
  • [modified] keg is 120 coins

Build 907 (11/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 904 to 907:

  • [added] zoom to cheat sheet
  • [removed] motion in fixed camera
  • [modified] keg doesn't take action 2 any more - allows shielding when holding keg.
  • [modified] only 50 coins and no carry over (by default) in CTF - see CTF_Trading.as for config options (should be moved to .cfg file tbh)
  • [added] both "rock" and "stone" are the same predefined gib
  • [added] warning for unknown "predefined" gibs
  • [added] dummy target practice to tutorials
  • [added] added chicken
  • [modified] tweaked parallax backgrounds
  • [modified] double slash is a bit easier to execute
  • [fixed] sign and fireplace in front of player
  • [added] mapcycle can use just directory instead of .cfg (sv_mapcycle = Maps/Challenge/Tutorials)
  • [added] new princess
  • [modified] archer cursor has one more frame (smoother animation) and a better indication of legolas shot ready
  • [modified] esc key icon is more legible (no overlapping glyphs)
  • [fixed] archer aiming cursor-arrow discrepancies
  • [modified] arrow launches slightly higher allowing to shoot easily over 1 block when standing next to it
  • [fixed] various fixes and improvements to tutorials
  • [fixed] typo in tutorials

Build 904 (8/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 899 to 904:

  • [fixed] not loading mod downloaded scripts (still some issues)
  • [modified] tweaks to princess mode
  • [modified] improved bot difficulty
  • [added] shinier title
  • [added] 3 level basics tutorial
  • [fixed] research being in hall in Challenges
  • [added] archer charge cursor

Build 899 (2/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 898 to 899:

  • [fixed] can build on open doors
  • [fixed] cant build on materials
  • [fixed] cant build on fired arrows
  • [modified] knight can dig gold
  • [modified] knight digging dirt stone takes same hits as digging constructed wood
  • [added] 6 stone from digging thick stone
  • [script][added] bind for CMap::isTileThickStone
  • [added] new sky gradient code - along with darker skyline overall for a little less "neon" and eye strain, and lighter night
  • [added] 15 minute day night cycle to default tth again
  • [fixed] archer rope sometimes renders off "to infinity"

Build 898 (1/Oct/2013)

Changes from build 893 to 898:

  • Kegs are more expensive in CTF but tear through structures doors, blocks, etc very effectively due to a few bugfixes there.
  • Fire spreads from doors and platform tiles. This means door cases around the flag are quite a bit less effective, at least with normal wood doors. Kegs are still the ultimate breaching solution though.
  • Knights take 3 hits to break wood tiles instead of 2. We’ll probably allow breaking other “natural” tiles as well, like gold and maybe thick stone, but with more hits and more feedback for each.
  • Archer bow rotates visually to give better indication of charge state. This should help with some of the difficulties people were/are having with the archer.
  • Fixed some camera bugs. There are still a few in, they’ll be fixed as soon as we can manage.
  • Added a ding when hitting something that cant be damaged. This still needs some more filtering added, there are a couple of outliers like seeds and hearts which still ding cheerfully with every hit. This will of course be patched soon.

Build 893 (27/Sep/2013)

Changes from build 890 to 893:

  • [added] automatic mod downloading on join server
  • [fixed] coin drop sounds
  • [script][added] MapFlags.as for convenient setting of tilemap flags from script
  • [fixed] wall run on doors and trap blocks
  • [fixed] archer continues to grapple after going through tunnel
  • [modified] smoothened the fixed camera very much
  • [fixed] bugs with flag base sector not being in the right place (doesn't vanish completely any more, but gets much smaller to prevent "flag cases" from being really hard to break)
  • [fixed] doors and trap doors wall running
  • [fixed] idle server pausing broken

Build 890 (24/Sep/2013)

Changes from build 886 to 890:

  • [modified] more cache friendly particle update
  • [added] blob gibs have random timeout - means they vanish in sequence rather than all at once.
  • [added] new base png loader from jackitch
  • [added] some sync to coins drop
  • [fixed] minimap outlines
  • [modified] minimap uses 100% same code for creation and per tile update - fixes consistency issues
  • [modified] water and fire are overlayed on map, not 100% alpha
  • [fixed] water and fire minimap sync on net
  • [fixed] terms of use being tricky
  • [fixed] config files not saving properly (helps reduction broken)
  • [added] further optimizations for helps
  • [added] blinks for helps when they happen
  • [modified] knights can destroy all wood blocks
  • [modified] knight can chop through wood door faster
  • [modified] spikes are destructible by knight
  • [modified] a bit more aggressive beginner mooks
  • [added] reintroduced grain from grain plant as edible food
  • [modified] more respawn time in Princess mode
  • [added] princess mode: on next map you start as previous class
  • [modified] archer AI sometimes stops when retreating
  • [modified] polished the trap level in princess more
  • [fixed] last level of princess mode not appearing
  • [fixed] chat text on hover being unreadable
  • [added] more damage from catapult to stone doors
  • [fixed] fire arrows not showing in air
  • [fixed] camera scrolling when mouse of window
  • [added] kills and scores to challenge
  • [fixed] time highscores formatting in challenges
  • [fixed] slam dunk to saw captures (lol)
  • [added] archer grapple help icon
  • [fixed] fire arrow teleporting to 0,0 on client when hit door
  • [modified] tweaks to improve netcode
  • [fixed] competetive button not pressed from start
  • [added] chomp sound to shark
  • [fixed] password appearing way below browser
  • [added] fire arrow burn time is 5 secs
  • [added] ctf flag returns faster near teamies
  • [added] catapult rocks die from too much smashing
  • [fixed] archer can always get arrows from tent, even if he dies during resupply time
  • [fixed] archer "drops" an arrow at end of legolas
  • [fixed] wierd flag doesn't capture bug
  • [modified] new community maps
  • [added] 7 new heads
  • [fixed] can select invisible heads
  • [fixed] princess03 map having wrongly placed end
  • [fixed] possibly the osx collapse crash
  • [modified] reduced fall damage by half
  • [modified] lowered wave respawn in TTH to 8
  • [added][server] sv_gamemode = TTH switches to WAR automatically
  • [added] specific crate unpack help
  • [added] help message for help messages :p
  • [removed] competetitive/cooperative buttons from servers browser
  • [added] sorting by player count as default in servers browser

Build 886 (20/Sep/2013)

Changes from build 878 to 886:

  • CTF Mode
Obviously this is the big one. Capture the enemy’s flag, take it to one of yours, do that till the enemy is out of flags. Simple stuff. Lots of fun.
  • Coin Operated Workshops
Another big one that I know a lot of classic veterans have been holding out for - CTF sees the return of plinky plonky coins and all the bombs your money can buy. The coin gathering mechanics have changed slightly, but it’s more of the same.
  • KAGGen Map Generator
This was actually done as a demo of a procedural map, but turned out fun enough to include in the CTF map cycle. We’ll be adding more to the creatively-named KAGGen as time goes by, but for now it’s easy to configure, quick, and gives a good example of how to build a map with just code.
  • New Wall Run Controls
This new, easy to perform maneuver lets you get around terrain with much less frustration, while not giving builders as much of a headache and still leaving a lot of room for creative parkour. If you find yourself missing the easy (if counter-intuitive) notch running from classic, you’ll probably like the wall run.

Build 878 (13/Sep/2013)

Changes from build 872 to 878:

  • [modified] set default map cycle to mini challenges for Challenge
  • [modified] out of box config settings are that of Challenges
  • [fixed] unable to cap hall in Challenges
  • [fixed] server browser to use Challenges as coop
  • [removed] archer cam and slightly faster arrow
  • [fixed] arrows sticking to ceiling on Amarok
  • [dev] fixed various issues with loading non-default maps on network
  • [fixed] out of date menuhelp.png
  • [modified] grapple appearance
  • [fixed] builder building on self and teleporting
  • [added] grappling hook help
  • [added] button for Challenges in Solo menu
  • [modified] tweaks to princess mode meta
  • [modified] adjusted arrow speeds (slightly faster mid-pull; even faster load)
  • [added] default suicide icon for kill feed
  • [added] killing bots adds to scores
  • [added] /BaseJeep - an example of a full KAG modification

Build 872 (5/Sep/2013)

Changes from build 870 to 872:

  • [removed] dinghy damage (again, hopefully correct)
  • [re-added] minimap (but wont show for maps smaller than 128 width)
  • [fixed] archer camera twitching on triple arrow shot
  • [modified] some significant delta sending changes/improvements/fixes
  • [modified] smoothed and fixed singelplayer issues
  • [modified] projectiles don't use box2d bullet physics
  • [fixed] camera not set in the middle on join game
  • [fixed] snapping when team member near edge of map
  • [removed] post processing with uncapped framerate (and fixed related bugs)
  • [added] smooth mouse scroll for spectator + swapping team mates RMB/LMB
  • [fixed] bots not doing anything unless they see enemy
  • [fixed] difficult bots double slashing badly
  • [fixed by Furai] typo in console logs when receiving server's list
  • [fixed] builder can't break own workbench

Build 870 (2/Sep/2013)

Changes from build 869 to 870:

  • [fixed] cannot "hit" map blobs with hitinfos
  • [fixed] knight can hit through doors, boats
  • [fixed] archer "jammed" shoot for a while after spawn
  • [fixed] type mismatch in vehicleconvert (spam in console property type wrong)

Build 869 (2/Sep/2013)

Changes from build 866 to 869:

  • [fixed] archer can grapple into red barrier
  • [added][script] red barrier makes a map sector for blobs to read
  • [fixed] knight (and others) hitting through tiles
  • [fixed] archer stays in air when structure/tree collapsed
  • [fixed] gibs load wrong sounds
  • [added] sound file not found warning
  • [modified] archer charge times (a bit faster, but longer ready time)
  • [modified] archer doesn't decharge before legolas shot
  • [fixed] sparkly layer left over when someone dies with an overcharge left
  • [removed] voyager.png from TTH mapcycle by popular demand - maybe it'll be back with changes later.

Build 866 (30/Aug/2013)

Changes from build 847 to 866:

  • Archer changes:
  • Legolas shot, grapple hook, more fragile health among others! Pew pew, swing swing. It’s a whole new feel for the class, and it’s just getting started. We’ll continue tweaking and hopefully adding a bit of power after its had some more thorough public testing!
  • Boat changes:
  • No more bashing team-mates with stolen boats before they convert! Dinghies don’t crush stuff! All sorts of good things.
  • Hall Changes:
  • Halls can be flooded to turn them neutral again! We’re working on a way to work units into the mix, but it didn’t stand up to testing so at the moment it’s turned off.
  • Princess Mode:
  • Currently in a half-finished port between the old huge huge map and the new level format there are some bugs (scores dont save or display properly properly) and some annoying map layout issues that will be fixed asap. Fortunately once the bugs there are ironed out the co-op challenge mode will be ready to rock in multiplayer!
  • Death camera:
  • Also currently work in progress, MM didn’t quite complete it before he left :^( very sorry to those stuck looking at trees over the weekend! We’ll be evaluating weather to keep some form of this or not in the next few days, it will need a lot of changes if it’s to keep though.
  • Drill Changes:
  • Doesn’t work particularly well under water, cools a bit slower, still doesn’t heat up when actually digging materials. This is to encourage using it for breaching and gathering instead of digging under the map for 20 hours in waist high water.
  • Walljump Changes:
  • You can now wall run vertically for quite some distance, and only jump if you aren’t pressing towards the wall. This means overhangs are mandatory on any wall you dont want people getting over, and means getting out of pits and over ledges is much simpler. We’re considering making this a hold jump option (and will be toning down the height you can make with it).
  • Server Browser Changes:
  • The server browser has been pre-emptively split into co-coperative and competitive tabs that sort on gamemode. This will be more relevant once the challenge multiplayer is released.
  • Starter changes:
  • The starter now looks nicer and doesn’t have an inside-out twitter feed.

Build 847 (13/Aug/2013)

Changes from build 844 to 847:

  • [fixed] vaulting is broken
  • [modified] archer fletches 2 arrows from trees etc
  • [modified] moved warboat to its own folder in boats
  • [removed] satchel
  • [fixed] knight can cut tiles he shouldn't be able to
  • [modified] background image for installer
  • [modified] kag.ico has updated knight in it
  • [modified] bombs and water bombs change team when picked up - so you can toss bombs back and damage enemies
  • [fixed] getting out of water
  • [modified] changed jump anims a little
  • [modified] a bunch of war maps have more bedrock now as temp measure vs extremeterrain erosion
  • [modified] updated PNG loader to include everything again (thanks jackitch)
  • [modified] boats make much more damage when hitting enemies from all angles
  • [added] attached vehicles convert too on capture
  • [fixed] archer climbing trees newly grown trees on network
  • [modified] easier to get out of water against wall
  • [added] shield sliding (point mouse down and use shield while dropping at high speed)
  • [added] visual indicator of vehicle capture
  • [added] logs can be used as catapult ammo against infantry
  • [removed] debug mode from regular players
  • [fixed] crates not unpacking in water and on boats
  • [fixed] autoupdate_ignore_custom.cfg (1231)
  • [fixed] able to log into someone elses account on a shared PC (1232)
  • [fixed] mine goes through doors
  • [added] shark chomp anim
  • [added] getDistanceTo(CBlob@ other) in CBlob

Build 844 (9/Aug/2013)

Changes from build 840 to 844:

  • [fixed] trampoline not bouncing objects online
  • [fixed] server crash for real now
  • [fixed] possible to cross red barrier in vehicle
  • [fixed] chat colors in console
  • [fixed] hitinfos missing some times, need to optimise a lot though
  • [modified] trees no longer hurt players when they fall on them
  • [modified] trees hit ground earlier to prevent logs jammed in walls etc.
  • [added] tags for things that block knight attacks instead of some obscure check - fixed #1096
  • [modified] knights can break dirt without having cursor too close
  • [modified] back ladder zone on warboat is visible
  • [fixed] knight can attack through doors/traps
  • [modified] fixed water not going to the edge of the map
  • [modified] satchel sprite to be less like bread, needs complete overhaul
  • [added] behind when attached script for blobs to appear behind parent when attached
  • [modified] bomb, satchel, keg appear behind character at shoulder (like classic)
  • [modified] keg fuse is easier to see
  • [added] autoupdate_ignore_custom.cfg to default installation
  • [modified] water bomb behind when attached too
  • [added] more smoke effects when stone and wood destructed
  • [modified] pick spawn menu is in lower part of screen
  • [modified] pick spawn menu vanishes after clicking
  • [fixed] server LAG warnings not appearing in console
  • [modified] trampolines are much better for construction and still allow big jumps, might need TDM maps etc modified though.
  • [modified] trampolines have controlled height - press down for less bounce up for more.
  • [fixed] annoying knight bombs changing when you still have some of the currently selected one
  • [modified] chatcommon can summon scrolls with names that have spaces
  • [fixed] incorrectly handled non-truncated links from twitter - launcher bug

Build 840 (6/Aug/2013)

Changes from build 837 to 840:

  • [fixed] trader material exchange
  • [modiifed] boats more reliably destruct doors
  • [fixed] spectator chat not being gray
  • [modified] blademire ridge has smaller distances between halls and is less jagged
  • [modified] more map tweaks and shortening
  • [modified] most maps have shorter water and distance to halls
  • [modified] shark and bison regens a bit longer
  • [added] EarthMoving WAR map
  • [modified] jungle map has lower halls, is smaller, has 2 underground halls (total 5)
  • [added] new map Voyager to WAR mapcycle
  • [added] first team hall added on WAR map has research
  • [fixed] reverted knight animation optimisation stuff, hopefully fixed "stuck" wallsliding anim
  • [fixed] infinite walljumping while shieldgliding
  • [modified] dinghy can be picked up when not on map if it's out of the water
  • [modified] cant pickup dinghy with someone in it
  • [modified] cant pickup dinghy unless its touching the map (ie at side of lake or on ground)
  • [modified] warboat ladder area now visible on sprite
  • [fixed] boulder breaking bedrock/other natural tiles
  • [modified] cant climb on held ladders (too many issues)

Build 837 (3/Aug/2013)

Changes from build 836 to 837:

  • [fixed] flooding in murkshire hills
  • [modified] autoupdate occurs before reading the news
  • [modified] knight super slash throws like regular slash
  • [modified] knight movement with sword is less slow (fixed old code)
  • [modified] double slash movement less restricted - allows lots of parkour
  • [modified] archers slightly faster while drawing arrow (0.7 slow instead of 0.6)
  • [removed] almost all slowness in air
  • [fixed] infinite walljumping

Build 836 (2/Aug/2013)

Changes from build 835 to 836:

  • [modified] increase bomb tech time and decreased pyro tech time
  • [modified] boats now have specific icons in minimap
  • [fixed] boat sprite goes skew when turning around and probably more related bugs
  • [fixed] fall damage and sounds
  • [fixed] stomping
  • [fixed] other issues because of getVelocity() fix in scripts
  • [added] keg explodes on impact when lit and launched from cata
  • [modified] lowered warmup mats a bit
  • [fixed] other builders not auto-picking dropped builder mats
  • [removed] trading mats for gold in TTH
  • [modified] boats dont collide with mats
  • [modified] faster decaying
  • LOTS of optimizations in scripts, physics and network code performance.

Build 835 (1/Aug/2013)

Changes from build 834 to 835:

  • [modified] necromancer orbs more dangerous
  • [modified] challenge level bugs fixed
  • [fixed] arrow does only 0.5 damage or sometimes none, and sometimes misses shield
  • [added] special case ignore parent facing code for layers that shouldn’t turn when parent sprite turns
  • [fixed] arrow turns wrong way when shot blob turns around
  • [modified] stun from arrows only when they’re full charge (less flinch from weak arrows)
  • [fixed] cata rocks doing piss weak damage
  • [fixed] workbench expiring in 2 seconds
  • [modified] trees dont clip tilemap so much (or at least look nicer while doing it, and provide more places to hide)
  • [fixed] walljump fumbling
  • [fixed] building spikes in no build zone
  • [script] fixed crash in sprite onTick when blob had an error
  • [modified] faster hall capture in single
  • [modified] hopefully better boat collisions
  • [added] easier access to warboat rear
  • [fixed] bomb destroying bedrock
  • [added] camera centers to middle ofmap on map change
  • [modified] reshuffled default map cycle
  • [fixed] unable to pack catapult
  • [modified] can’t pack catapult with ppl inside of it
  • [fixed] drill sound in inventory

Build 834 (31/Jul/2013)

Changes from build 830 to 834:

  • [fixed] twitter feed messages ignoring escapes like '
  • [fixed] spikes stacking
  • [fixed] saw animation
  • [fixed] mounted bow cant shoot backwards on vehicle
  • [modified] arrows smash into smaller gibs rather than big wood ones
  • [fixed] gib randomisation sucks
  • [fixed] mounted bow jitter in 2 high spaces
  • [fixed] saw rotation inconsistencies
  • [added] way funnier princess name >:^)
  • [modified] warboat hp buffed +50%
  • [modified] bombs can go through 1x1 holes again
  • [fixed] water bombs collide with people again
  • [fixed] bombs dont go through shielded enemies now (makes it easier to bombjump enemy bombs reactively)
  • [modified] single player section quite a bit, necromancer section is a little harder but more straightforward
  • [fixed] support issues when building on doors
  • [fixed] trap blocks not destructing when fallen on trap blocks
  • [added] trap block gibs
  • [fixed] flying when suicide
  • [removed] put in backpack help text
  • [fixed] help texts wrapping counter and showing again after some time
  • [fixed] can’t destroy blocks where ladder is
  • [fixed] ladder water leak
  • [fixed] not being able to destroy block under ladder
  • [modified] hall class change and factory buttons are unavaiable unless you are inside the room
  • [fixed] can access hall inventory as other team
  • [modified] hall buttons except research dont work from outside (so you can still vote when far away)
  • [modified] stronger longboat
  • [added] saw scroll to trader
  • [fixed] door collapses sometimes not happening
  • [fixed] spikes invisible bug
  • [modified] spikes more visible when retracted
  • [modified] spikes do 0.5 damage
  • [modified] spikes auto-restab (dont get trapped in spike pit)
  • [modified] spikes have delay on their stab
  • [modified] challenge map some more

Build 830 (27/Jul/2013)

  • First Public Beta release (build 830 made public)

Silent Beta release

Build 830 (27/Jul/2013)

Changes from build 827 to 830:

  • [fixed] game mode wierdness in browser
  • [fixed] player chat not appearing when dead
  • [fixed] chat text overlapping to the right
  • [modified] ATTACK/DEFEND signs disappear after 10 secs after respawn
  • [fixed] knight shield not going down from mounted bow
  • [modified] bread to be a burger (graphic was too similar to satchel)
  • [fixed] stuff falling our of corpses
  • [modified] keg can't be put into inventory
  • [script] added shape.checkCollisionsAgain to check collisions once again - fixes corpses sticking and boulder traps not falling
  • [modified] more burgers
  • [added] knights can damage doors and platforms
  • [modified] wooden doors are a bit more resistant to bombs
  • [modified] new players join in nearest hall not at edge
  • [modified] improved knight dirt digging
  • [added] knight can destroy broken/cracked wood tiles
  • [modified] builder hitting is 200x better
  • [fixed] vehicle name always appearing when riding it
  • [fixed] anims getting frozen on (removed wallsliding anims)
  • [script][fixed] blob.setVelocity( blob.getVelocity() );
  • [fixed] drill can drill no build zone
  • [fixed] "minty" tears caused by wrong team specified for emote bubble sprite
  • [modified] saw has team colour
  • [added] saw is only pickable from underneath if you are enemy

Build 827 (24/Jul/2013)

Changes from build 825 to 827:

  • [modified] renamed WAR to Take The Halls
  • [modified] halls take twice as long to capture
  • [added] very frequent supplies shipment during warmup
  • [modified] increased warmup to 4 mins
  • [added] game mode and server name display on join game
  • [removed] collision with platforms for boats
  • [fixed] trader buy help
  • [fixed] hall pick menu staying after team change
  • [fixed] menu windows title position
  • [fixed] modded and passworded buttons appearance in server browser
  • [removed] buggy migrant screaming
  • [fixed] 2 same types of help messages appearing
  • [modified] trader isn't invincible when not on post
  • [modified] can't build under trading post
  • [added] Q button to help image

Build 825 (22/Jul/2013)

Changes from build 813 to 825:

  • DRM single player
  • lots of scripts optimizations to increase server performance
  • improved spikes collision
  • possible to avoid spikes retracting when moving very very slowly
  • trap blocks open trap blocks above them - eg. can build ceiling traps with boulder
  • fixed platforms and materials taking jab/slash damage
  • new help image in ESC menu
  • lots of tweaks to help messages (F1)
  • minimap dissapears on mouse hover
  • trader is invincible (just a temporary solution)
  • bison AI fixed a lot (he still jumps insanely though)
  • added health bars to shark and bison
  • boulder crushes when on top of player

Build 813 (10/Jul/2013)

Changes from build 808 to 813:

  • can pick spawn point while waiting for respawn
  • fixed twitter feed in launcher
  • it says "no spawns available" available instead of "respawning in..." when no halls
  • fixed archer arrow selection
  • added fire emoticon
  • fixed duplicating wood on workshop build

Build 808 (5/Jul/2013)

Changes from build 806 to 808:

  • [modified] factory can have tech set by anyone (really annoying when you're knight and builder didn't finish the job)
  • [fixed] a few issues with bomb arrow stick
  • [fixed] pause in menu in singleplayer
  • [fixed] not able to build backwall on some objects
  • [added] bomb arrows stick in visually
  • [added] archer can detach bomb arrow with knife
  • [fixed] bomb arrow hitting bomb resets bomb timer
  • [modified] bomb only collides with shielding enemy knights, less "OMG" acciental griefing
  • [modified] can carry less ammo - especially for special ammos (spam/ammo hog reduction).
  • [added] Arcrave's bombjumping
  • [fixed] hilarious/idiot scoreboard getting frozen on screen then bugged gone forever
  • [fixed] mine doesn't collide with door
  • [removed] underwater sound effects (lags for some ppl)
  • [added] keg explosion is thicker and meatier
  • [added] keg explosion dominates even stone doors
  • [modified] drill is more expensive and less durable
  • [modified] trap is a bit more expensive
  • [fixed] vehicles unpacking in the air
  • [modified] crises map a little
  • [fixed] knight firing bomb when something in hands and Space pressed
  • [modified] picking up bomb will set that for knight
  • [dev] tweaks to pickup
  • [fixed] warboat mast climbing
  • [added] corpses don't collide with arrows and dont interfer with building
  • [modified] tweaked priority pickups
  • [dev] cursors back in videorecording mode
  • [fixed] possible bug for workshops not producing on client
  • [added] scroll of carnage and drought to trader
  • [fixed] scroll with drill not working in hall
  • [fixed] hall helps overlapping GUI
  • [removed] factories from GUI
  • [added] missing derp and note emoticons
  • [modified] hall underwater captures fast
  • [added] bomb doesn't damage dirt tiles as much
  • [fixed] accidental archer
  • [fixed] dead migrant wasn't replaced until it gibs or decays (also known as lazy human resources department)
  • [modified] way ballista collides with map (no more warping through)
  • [fixed] red barrier after game end
  • [added] bomb kills you if it goes off in your pocket

Build 806 (3/Jul/2013)

Changes from build 800 to 806:

  • Red square
  • The fabled red square of yore is back to give some much needed breathing time at the start of matches. We know this will dampen the spirit of a few rushers, but we think most will agree that the game ending in the first 30 seconds due to a stray knight capturing the first hall is pretty annoying.​
  • Support is back
  • Hooray!​
  • Michal mentioned some changes to it so I'm not really sure what the skybridging situation will be, I'm sure it'll be better than wood tiles all the way across the sky though.​
  • We're looking into a system based on the thickness of the building as well, but it didn't get finished for tonight.​
  • Ballista changes
  • Ballista bolts do less damage now. Their collision with terrain is kinda janky, that will be fixed soon.​
  • Explosive bolts are more like a shaped charge than a mini keg.​
  • We're thinking about making them stationary when firing, so they'd either be a packed mobile spawnpoint or an unpacked spawn and artillery unit​
  • Spikes changes
  • Spikes will only retract if they're built on stone blocks. They're also more expensive. This should make them more of an asset and less of something you want to FILL THE FIELDS with, as well as much more expensive to maintain away from the base.​
  • Tech tree overhaul
  • Two separate branches with a few choices for simpler voting and display and less unpredictable meta​
  • Random weighting upon match start so the same items dont happen every single game - voting overrides this weighting so you still have control over what you research.​
  • Minimap Tweaks
  • Dead guys dont show up on the minimap.​
  • Out of screen halls have some special behaviour so you can see if its under raid.​
  • Out of screen unimportant entities dont stick to the edge of the minimap.​
  • Ballistae and War boats have a little flag icon on minimap. We might make specific icons for all vehicles in the future, for now just knowing where spawns are is important.​
  • Scripting API for the minimap stuff has got some more options now​
  • War boat tweaks
  • The inside of the warboat has a ladder now so you can get over the thing with 30 tries.​
  • Pointing animations and taunts
  • The pointing animations when performing emotes are back, with a slight twist​
  • The builder has flex taunts instead of points, so you can flex while you flex (or 2525).​
  • Archer has a pointing anim with a bit of camp flair. I think this will annoy some people, but I also think those people take themselves too seriously.​
  • Knight point anims are largely unchanged so you can still spin your sword right round baby right round.​
  • Misc Fixes and Tweaks
  • The game should have fewer script crashes, and a few minor gameplay things have happened.​
  • Something to note is a bomb in your pocket will now (rightly) kill you instead of helping you reach new heights. Be advised.​

Build 800 (28/Jun/2013)

Changes from build 781 to 800:

  • [fixed] vehicle layers do a wild flip the first frame after turning around
  • [modified] ballista is rather huge
  • [modified] ballista bolt sprite less ugly
  • [added] flag to ballista (same as war boat)
  • [added] ballista is spawn and change class
  • [modified] archer and arrow sprites - work in progress, will need tweaks :)
  • [fixed] migrant cant open door
  • [fixed] knight picks up burning satchel (hilarious bug)
  • [modified] moved crate up in pickup priority
  • [fixed] warboat missing from factory on some occasions and magic scroll in there
  • [fixed] arrows not colliding with mines
  • [modified] cheaper dinghy
  • [modified] first tech takes time
  • [modified] a bit faster mounted bow
  • [modified] menus close by default click outside window
  • [modified] drill can drill everything except team stuff
  • [modified] heart fall out probability is 3/4
  • [modified] if player has food/bread his heart doesn't fall out
  • [added] re-packing catapult into crate
  • [fixed] some research paths not searched
  • [modified] water doesn't stun team players
  • [fixed] annoying sound when someone else tries to build in no build zone
  • [fixed] research didn't care if it repeated items that weren't voted on.
  • [modified] satchel and fire arrows don't burn stuff near team buildings and doors
  • [modified] removed redundant scrolls from trader and rearranged a bit
  • [fixed] archer controls cancelling shots when they shouldn't
  • [modified] reduced burn time for players (not other objects)
  • [modified] tech tree
  • [added] clearer path indication in research
  • [added] hall capture point / spawn / class change / migrant dorm
  • [modified] added minimap / moved chat console
  • [added] neutral capturable hall
  • [fixed] fishy flipping being buggy/stupid (was annoying me)
  • [added] hall has storage and research
  • [modified] builder builds workshops not buildings
  • [added] new war hud
  • [added] water and fire to minimap
  • [modiifed] smoother catapult movement
  • [fixed] halls not sorted in hud
  • [fixed] research techs not working for items
  • [modified] chat console to the right
  • [modified] cata and ballista stronger
  • [fixed] arrows going thru cata and ballista
  • [fixed] hall taking damage
  • [modified] taking stuff out of inv goes into inv
  • [added] fade out on hover chat
  • [modified] enemies are visible on HUD unless hidden in darkness
  • [modified] enemy players dont appear on HUD
  • [modified] look of hover player text
  • [fixed] reusing scroll
  • [added] working hall capture win condition
  • [script] new onBlobChangeTeam onBlobDie rules hook
  • [fixed] scripts with errors having error even after recompiling on client
  • [added] hall gives spawn mats
  • [fixed] capture hall team change sync
  • [modified] better vehicle capture
  • [modified] ballista doesn't show change class near another spawn
  • [dev] neutral stuff doesn't show on minimap
  • [dev] M key is a toggle for minimap
  • [added] using team storage resources is explained in workbench
  • [modified] spawn time and shipment time are multiplied by player counts (less players - faster)
  • [added] inventory shows full sign
  • [modified] materials can stack
  • [dev] adjusted HUD to work with mat stacks
  • [modified] arrows destroy ladders
  • [modified] support requirement is practically removed
  • [modified] ladders are stronger
  • [fixed] door not opening bug?
  • [modified] mounted bow arrows are fast but desintegrate fast
  • [modified] mounted bow arrows knock knight shields
  • [modified] moved boulder into workbench
  • [added] retracting spike traps (!!!)
  • [added] hover message for stuff added to inventory and kills (thanks Splittingred)
  • [added] hall workers
  • [disabled] migrant collisions
  • [disabled] migrant brain
  • [added] factory powered by claimed migrants
  • [added] hall spawns migrants inside self
  • [added] migrants work in factories and are passed between factories when one is destroyed
  • [added] minimap appearance setup function for use in onInit
  • [added] MinimapIcons.png
  • [modified] minimap rendering system
  • [added] default icon for runner
  • [added] icon for hall
  • [fixed] offset issue in hud
  • [removed] all lame drowning stuff
  • [modified] bison is more aggressive
  • [modified] bison and shark regen slower
  • [added] not picking any block will remove build mode
  • [added] help lines for building
  • [added] if can't build on blob or sector it shows
  • [modified] builder help lines show only when pressed button
  • [added] saws destroy other saws (fixes multiple saws together causing crashes)
  • [added] migrants flee from factories and are properly "disowned" by their factories
  • [added] peasant says "hellow" on moving to factory - super important
  • [added] peasant decays when outside owner building and not static
  • [added] new hall capturing based on time + GUI for it
  • [fixed] migrants go completely awry when scared out of a factory
  • [fixed] annoying sound and red area shown when building back walls
  • [modified] teamless migrants don't do anything
  • [modified] converted migrants calm down
  • [fixed] factory startingproduction sound when no tech picked
  • [removed] builder cycling blocks with F
  • [fixed] starting with backwall as builder
  • [removed] stacking gold in trading shop
  • [fixed] spikes retracting on teamy
  • [dev] some build block req text fixes
  • [removed] migrant minimap icon
  • [fixed] migrants + saw = bad news, a bit of a hack though
  • [fixed] migrant forever stun
  • [fixed] migrant respawn too early - requires migrant to be calm for 10s
  • [fixed] migrants dont go back to factories after being spooked
  • [fixed] "this vel" spam in arrow
  • [added] WIP better help texts
  • [fixed] bugs in migrants updating at hall fix (order of operations...)
  • [added] migrant random facing
  • [fixed] potential divide by zero crash in juxta hud
  • [added] work to migrants to make them actually die instead of exploding to spontaneous meat
  • [fixed] migrant corpses count as "able workers"
  • [fixed] needs checking: worker-workshop double-claim issue
  • [modified] trampoline starts unpacked
  • [added] return of the kill log
  • [modified] on spawn you only get ammo if already made in workshop
  • [fixed] hall radius check being on some stupid gigantic distance
  • [removed] a lot of hall update logic on client
  • [added] neutral hall converts instantly
  • [fixed] cannot capture hall cause of migrants
  • [fixed] spawning in halls
  • [added] light to all buildings
  • [added] more self damage from bomb arrows
  • [added] health bar to vehicles
  • [modified] shipments only bring wood
  • [fixed] fix for large width blobs on client
  • [fixed] ammo not taken from factories on warboat
  • [added] better explanation of research
  • [fixed] migrants pickable when static/in hall
  • [fixed] migrants taking too long to go static or respawn (now 1 second)
  • [modified] improvements to tech tree + added temp bakery for healing / mil supplies = bomb + arrow
  • [added] migrants are scared of animals
  • [added] new nicer help msgs
  • [fixed] trampoline is 1px above ground
  • [modified] migrant will still show dead anim if frozen
  • [added] simple ATTACK/DEFEND tasks on Hall
  • [fixed] can't place block on workshop roof
  • [fixed] can get by tunnel to raided hall
  • [fixed] research notifications
  • [fixed] neon player board
  • [modified] drill fits in inventory
  • [modified] tweaks to tech tree
  • [modified] drill does NOT get hot when drilling stone or gold veins (allows collecting mats quickly)
  • [added] extended no build zone for the hall floor
  • [fixed] neutral hall researching
  • [modified] hovering on researched item doesn't highlight it

Build 781 (11/Jun/2013)

Changes from build 780 to 781:

  • [fixed] player spawning elsewhere than at edge on join game
  • [modified] keg doesn't blast downwards
  • [fixed] ladder eating away mats when placing background wall
  • [added] time threshold for team balance (to prevent poor MM playing as builder from being balanced)
  • [modified] migrants won't spawn when there is a raid
  • [modified] dorm has twice less health
  • [modified] drowning doesn't force you down until the very very end; you can swim longer without speed penalty; dying is faster
  • [added] fire extinguish sounds for fire arrow extinguished
  • [modified] fire arrows bounce off shield
  • [added] knight can protect themselves from fire with shield
  • [fixed] can't unpack crate on no build zones
  • [added] cycling knight bombs with tapping F
  • [added] cycling building blocks with tapping F
  • [added] archer arrow cycling with F
  • [modified] bomb arrows deflect from shields
  • [removed] arrows sticking in shield
  • [modified] swapped barracks and military supplies tech
  • [modified] factory requires 1 dorm to work
  • [modified] mine can't be picked up by enemies; priming time lower
  • [fixed] dinghy, barracks tech requirement description
  • [fixed] sandbox fixed scrolls and research
  • [dev] better ladder fly bug hack fix
  • [added] fire anim to dorm
  • [added] female migrant
  • [fixed] fly ladder bug (hack)

Build 780 (10/Jun/2013)

Changes from build 762 to 780:

  • Dorms
  • are built for a migrant / worker to live in them. Migrants are now basically a resource which factories work on. One factory requires 2 dorms with migrants in them. Dorms are also spawns. So if you build a dorm on the frontline, somebody can spawn inside it. It has a limit to the number of spawns however, so you must build more for more people to spawn in the area. Dorms also heal like quarters in classic.
  • Research
  • there is one research room per-team. Defend it at all costs. Use [E] to vote on the techs you want to get. Not all of them will be research so make smart decisions! The progression of the tree is a WORK IN PROGRESS! It might change.
  • Factory
  • doesn't require scroll, it just needs tech unlocked in Research Room.
  • Trading posts
  • still remain on the map. You can still buy tech scrolls for gold and put them in research room. This is a secondary route you can take if your team didn't research a certain technology. Prices are much higher, but there is an additional possibility of exchanging wood/stone for gold
  • Warboat
  • is now a moving base. you can spawn in them and change class.
  • Win condition
  • a team loses if their population (migrants + players) goes down to zero and the enemy takes their land. You can see the population counter on HUD and "UNDER ATTACK" when they are on your land.

And many more changes for which there's no public changelog.

Build 762 (24/May/2013)

Changes from build 758 to 762:

  • [fixed] splashes not happening sometimes
  • [added] fast fatigue and drowning in water
  • [added] possibility to save drowners (touch->grab->bring to safety)
  • [modified] slower dinghy
  • [added] not modded servers filter is on by default (for noobs)
  • [added] modded server filtering
  • [modified] defaulted file reloader vars are 0 by default (test if this affects performance)
  • [fixed] dubstep longboat
  • [modified] boat hit stuff force / also doesn't hit materials
  • [modified] improved water splash effects
  • [fixed] workbench anti-spam bugs
  • [fixed][script] some warnings in WAR.as and TDM.as
  • [fixed] 0001118: Take Stuff Out Of Storage From Far Away
  • [fixed] 0001121: Game Crash when going from one crate to the other while holding C
  • [script] scripts cannot get any engine dead or net killed objects
  • [fixed] get inside icon not appearing on empty crate
  • [fixed] boat hitting and hurting team players
  • [fixed] beep playing for all when anti-spam in workbench
  • [fixed] stone technology not being team based
  • [fixed] shark being a feather and flying away on boat hit
  • [fixed] cake not having cake icon
  • [modified] warmiddleisland map to have a proper big middle island
  • [modified] WAR spawn times increase if killed near map edge
  • [modified] WAR spawn times increase if all barracks destroyed
  • [fixed] trader menus appearing empty sometimes on map change
  • [added] stone construction technology scroll for building stone stuff
  • [fixed] empty strings going into chat/console history
  • [fixed] Siege Weaponry can be detached from boats (1105)
  • [modified] kegs and bombs bounce less so they dont suck when throwing at a wall
  • [fixed] admin collapse messages
  • [fixed] drill not assigning kills to owner
  • [fixed] buttons of destroyed objects still remaining (1049)
  • [fixed] able to team kill with boulders and dinghies
  • [fixed] archers can't make arrows out of trees in certain positions (1091)
  • [modified] less range for archer stab, slightly faster
  • [fixed] When scrolling down the disclaimer, the text will stop at "NO WARRANTY" (1110)
  • [fixed] Trap blocks do not stop light (1113)
  • [fixed] can ride shark while being in crate (1116)
  • [fixed] warboat water sounds and splashes
  • [added] knight sword attack distance is dependent on speed and direction of jab/slash
  • [modified] can steer shark a bit while riding him
  • [added] riding shark onto surface will result in picking the shark in hands
  • [added] action2 (RMB) cancels archer arrow charge
  • [fixed] vehicle bullets not counting as player kills
  • [added] bison
  • [script] refactored some aquatic animal scripts to use with land animals
  • [fixed] Workbench will fit in three tile space but a block on either side will not be able to be mined (1087)
  • [fixed] tooltips appearing for unreachable objects (1079)
  • [modified][fixed] can't put crate in another crate now
  • [fixed] being able to use scripts from previous modded server
  • [fixed] not being able ride shark in water
  • [added] crate with building icons
  • [fixed] being able to turn warboat singlehandedly
  • [modified] builder doesnt get gold on spawn
  • [modified] builder inventory icon less ugly
  • [fixed] workbench taking mats but not building (for real now)
  • [added] anti-spam for building/buying too much stuff in the same place

Build 758 (17/May/2013)

Changes from build 753 to 758:

  • [modified] added custom frames for scrolls
  • [modified] pickup is dependent on mouse cursor distance to picked object
  • [modified] the highlighted object is the one that is gonna get picked up
  • [fixed] aim cursor not appearing when in gunner seat
  • [fixed] ballista aiming animation not showing when pressed fire
  • [fixed] ballista bolt sprite direction
  • [modifed] boats destroy doors and blocks easily
  • [added] greetings texts in Sandbox and Skirmish
  • [modified] dinghy pickup offset
  • [fixed] not being able to fill bucket after 1 or 2 splashes (1099)
  • [fixed] selecting block too fast results in no selection (1106)
  • [added] crates use factory/scroll icon
  • [fixed][script] not being able to setframe of object if has no anims
  • [added] spawn immunity in TDM for 3 secs when on spawn
  • [fixed] crate collision lameness
  • [fixed] 1056 crate falls through most things
  • [script] new Rules hook "f32 onPlayerTakeDamage( CRules@ this, CPlayer@ victim, CPlayer@ attacker, f32 DamageScale )"
  • [modified] TDM: coins are given for damage
  • [modified] decreased arrow pack amount to 20
  • [fixed] losing inventory on class change in TDM
  • [modified] TDM time limit increased to 3 mins
  • [fixed] trader animation wrong when dead
  • [fixed] being able to get inside vehicle/bow that was carried
  • [fixed] able to buy from trader when he is dead
  • [fixed] space cancels building blob
  • [modified] sprite lighting to be black at night
  • [fixed] rcon %s crash
  • [fixed] builder anim overrides fire anim
  • [fixed] fire anim z offset
  • [added] working billboard layer for factory
  • [added] action3 [SPACE] eats food in inventory or hands
  • [fixed] satchel help apearing for all
  • [added] can press space to activate inventory objects (minikeg, eat food)
  • [added] shark riding
  • [added] scrolls go out of stock for 10 mins when bought
  • [modified] all TDM maps include trading shops
  • [modified] full power arrow doesn't knock shield down
  • [added] buying items from trading post for coins
  • [added] coins to HUD if available
  • [fixed] Seclevs don't work. (Only tested on solo!)
  • [modified] HUD in the bottom displays exact inventory items
  • [added] weapon items to TDM shop
  • [modified] trading post does not dissapear after being destroyed
  • [modifed] new revised TDM Ommadawn map
  • [modified] more red flash on hit
  • [fixed] no spawns on next map

Build 753 (12/May/2013)

Changes from build 752 to 753:

  • [added] priority pickups - (explosives > combat items > regular items > materials)
  • [added] support for cyclical item category pickup [/COLOR]
  • [modified] more red flash on hit
  • [fixed] no spawns on next map
  • [fixed] infinite resources when building doors, traps...
  • [fixed] knight bot AI
  • [fixed] infinite respawn on match start

Build 752 (11/May/2013)

Changes from build 748 to 752:

  • [modified] knight slash is faster; smaller double slash window
  • [fixed] autoupdater failing to copy version.txt
  • [modified] catapult costs more
  • [fixed] Storages are shared between teams (1017)
  • [fixed] alt+f4 making screenshot
  • [dev] trying a fix for the box2d aabb
  • [added] boat sinking sound
  • [modified] archer stab plays stabs ound only if hit something
  • [fixed] annoying sound played when holding bomb and pressing action1
  • [fixed] light up sound played when firing normal arrow
  • [fixed] being able to modify scripts and join with them on server (1050)
  • [added] audio cues for bombs/kegs about to explode (hiss speeds up)
  • [modified] archer is slower while charging (.7 -> .6 factor)
  • [modified] run speed now scaled more when going backwards
  • [fixed] dead knights can still block attacks (shield hit now fails if blob is dead)
  • [modified] dynamic foreground every 10 ticks instead of 3
  • [fixed] default tdm time 2 minutes now
  • [modified] stabilized boats on surface movement
  • [fixed] !bot cmd working for everybody
There were a lot more changes between these two builds but there is no public record about it...

Build 748 (3/May/2013)

  • First Silent Beta release