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Plays the a sound file at the given position (position used to determine if it can be heard).

The first argument is the path to the sound file to play. The second is a Vec2f representing the position the sound's source is meant to be at.

This method is part of the Sound namespace so you need to prefix calls to it with 'Sound::'.

There are two variants, one of which will also accepts a volume and pitch as floats.

void Sound::Play(const string &soundFileName, Vec2f position)
void Sound::Play(const string &soundFileName, Vec2f position, f32 volume, f32 pitch)

Example from Entities/Characters/Scripts/

Sound::Play( "Sounds/thud.ogg", this.getPosition() );

Example from Entities/Vehicles/Scripts/

case Boat::turnaround:
  this.SetFacingLeft( !this.isFacingLeft() );
  if (this.isInWater())
    Sound::Play( "Sounds/SplashSlow.ogg", this.getPosition(), 1.0f, 0.7f );}