User talk:Shadlington
Pages to revisit:
getBlobsByName - Need to ask MM what it is for. Weirdness with the Get/get thing.
GetBlob & GetPlayingBlob & GetBlobByName & GetPlayingBlobsSize & GetBlobSize - No examples, possibly untested.
CreateGridMenu - What exactly is a Grid Menu?
MakeCoin - What is the significance of the coin style? No example - untested?
MakeAnimatedParticle - Double check argument meanings are right... Especially angle.
HasRequirements - Don't really get how its meant to work. Why does it look at 2 inventories (inventory one just uses 1 - what instances would require two? Seems like AddWorkshopTasksButtons in calls it with the inventory of the workshop and the inventory of the player), why does it always add requirements/return false if its not a blob type?
CInventory::canPutItem & CInventory::putInItem & CInventory::RemoveItems & CInventory::isInInventory - No examples, possibly untested.