Difference between revisions of "Map"

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Line 82: Line 82:
| style="background-color: rgb(13,102,34); color: #fff" | 13,X,34
| style="background-color: rgb(13,102,34); color: #fff" | 13,X,34
| [[Tree]] X can be 102,103,104,105
| [[Tree]] X can be 102,103,104,105,254
| style="background-color: rgb(254,165,61)" | 254,165,61
| style="background-color: rgb(254,165,61)" | 254,165,61

Revision as of 11:28, 31 August 2011

The map is a 2D surface where gameplay takes place.

Map files are PNG files and they are stored in the "Maps"-directory. Every pixel in a map file corresponds to a particular item or block and is drawn in a specific color.

There also is an ingame mapeditor which enables the user to create maps more easily. To gain access to the mapeditor you have to donate some money to obtain an unlock key.

RGB value Item or block name
165,189,200 Sky
0,255,255 Blue tent
0,235,235 Blue outpost
26,78,131 Blue door
50,105,135 Blue drawbridge
50,100,115 Blue drawbridge placed on background dirt
255,0,0 Red tent
235,0,0 Redoutpost
148,27,27 Red door
135,105,50 Red drawbridge
115,100,50 Red drawbridge placed on background dirt
132,71,21 Dirt
59,20,6 Background dirt
43,21,9 Ladder
66,36,11 Ladder placed on background dirt
67,47,17 Ladder placed on wall
139,104,73 Rock
66,72,75 Thick rock
45,52,45 Bedrock
100,113,96 Stone
49,52,18 Wall
180,42,17 Spikes
180,97,17 Spikes placed on background dirt
180,42,94 Spikes placed on wall
13,X,34 Tree X can be 102,103,104,105,254
254,165,61 Gold
213,196,9 Gold bulion (blue team)
196,213,9 Gold bulion (red team)
235,100,0 Catapult
200,30,30 Heart

See also