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The map is a 2D surface where gameplay takes place.Maps can be .kag or .png currently.

.PNG files

Map files are PNG files and they are stored in the "Maps"-directory. Every pixel in a map file corresponds to a particular item or block and is drawn in a specific color. Because of this pixel based mapping system, users are able to create a variety of maps using paint applications on their computer. While doing this it is advisable to use 24 bit depth PNG files, since especially different shades of green (Trees) will not be saved with the correct RGB values and thus not display correctly on the map.

There also is an ingame mapeditor which enables the user to create maps more easily. To gain access to the mapeditor you have to buy the "Premium edition" of KAG. You can save the maps in .PNG file by going Escape>Editor>Save Map.

Some blocktypes leave backgrounds while others won't, for example the dirt block leaves a dirt background after being destroyed, a teamdoor will leave "sky". Currently there is no way of changing this. Workshops can't be saved either for the time being (This also includes Workshops that have been placed on the map through the editor).

RGB Value HEX Item/Block Name
165,189,200 #a5bdc8 Sky
0,255,255 #00ffff Blue tent
0,235,235 #00ebeb Blue outpost
26,78,131 #1a4e83 Blue door
50,105,135 #326987 Blue drawbridge
50,100,115 #326473 Blue drawbridge placed on background dirt
255,0,0 #ff0000 Red tent
235,0,0 #eb0000 Red outpost
148,27,27 #941b1b Red door
135,105,50 #876932 Red drawbridge
115,100,50 #736432 Red drawbridge placed on background dirt
132,71,21 #844715 Dirt
59,20,6 #3b1406 Background dirt
43,21,9 #2b1509 Ladder
66,36,11 #42240b Ladder placed on background dirt
67,47,17 #432f11 Ladder placed on wall
69,57,17 #453911 Ladder placed on Wooden Back Wall
139,104,73 #8b6849 Rock
66,72,75 #42484b Thick Rock
45,52,45 #2d342d Bedrock
100,113,96 #647160 Castle Wall
49,52,18 #313412 Castle Back Wall
196,135,21 #C48715 Wooden Wall
85,42,17 #552A11 Wooden Back Wall
59,64,21 #3b4015 Rubble
180,42,17 #b42a11 Spikes
180,97,17 #b46111 Spikes placed on background dirt
180,42,94 #b42a5e Spikes placed on wall


X = 102 : Tree Stump,
X = 103 : Tree Trunk,
X = 104 : Tree Fork,
X = 105 : Tree Top,
X = 106 : Damaged Tree Trunk,
X = 254 : ?

100,155,13 #649b0d Grass
254,165,61 #fea53d Gold
213,196,9 #d5c409 Gold Bullion (blue team)
196,213,9 #c4d509 Gold Bullion (red team)
235,100,0 #eb6400 Catapult
200,30,30 #c81e1e Heart

.KAG files

Kag maps also can be saved as .kag files. This is a special file made for King Arthurs Gold. With the in-game editor and commands via consol you can summon different objects and blobs. Opening the consol and saving the map via the command "/savemap name" saves the map in .kag format. Later on you can use the command /loadmap "name" to open the .kag file map. Stuff like zombies, lanterns and catapults will be saved unlike it would be for .png format (in which that stuff is deleted).

Recently, two map creation tools have been developed by players. For more information please visit the links.

See also