Archer Shop

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Revision as of 23:04, 18 November 2011 by Wyeth (Talk | contribs)

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The Arrow Workshop is one of the several workshops a builder can construct. It is made up of parts that will become the workshop once a 3x3 shape stands. Only after being in this shape the workshop will be usable by pressing the Use Key (per default: E). Both, it becoming usable and actually using it (to buy arrows in this case) will generate a sound cue.

Standing in front of the workshop is required to use it. A single arrow costs one coin. One keystroke will buy a stack of 10 arrows.


Image Name Building requires Goods Building shape
ArrowWorkshop.png Arrow Workshop 90 RockItemMini.png + 90 WoodMini.png 1ArrowMini.png = 1 Coin 16px.png

sells in stacks of 10



Image Block name Building of one block costs One block yields Hits to break
Arrowblock.png Arrows Workshop-part 10 RockItemMini.png + 10 WoodMini.png

Total: 90 RockItemMini.png + 90 WoodMini.png

On first hit: 8 RockItemMini.png + 10 WoodMini.png

On third hit: 2 RockItemMini.png

3 hits
