Thick Rock

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Revision as of 08:27, 25 November 2011 by Wyeth (Talk | contribs)

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Thick Rock
Thickrockblock1.png Thickrockblock2.png
Breaking yields 36 RockItemMini.png (6 per hit)
Hits to break 6 hits, then becomes Rock 16px.png
(with 5 hits instead of 6)

Thick rock is one of the natural blocks. It can be mined by builders or knights, providing 4 stone per hit. After 6 hits, the block turns into slightly damaged rock, which yields 2 stone for up to only 5 hits (opposed to 6 hits if you mine a natural rock). The whole block of thick stone (including the slightly damaged rock) provides 34 stone (24 + 12 - 2).

Every hit will also gain you one coin.


Stone is one of the three main resources in the game. It is required to build some blocks and can be used by the Builder to construct various structures and tools.

Builders do automatically pick up Stone; whenever they walk over a pile of Stone it enters their inventory. Archers and Knights can also put Stone into their inventory, but it must be done manually (by picking up the Stone with [C] and putting it in the inventory with [F].

Stone is used as the primary ammo for Catapults. A player can load Stone into the Catapult from their inventory -- 100 Stone at a time.

If you're looking for the stone resource used by the builder, click here.

Update History

Undocumented changes

  • Thick Rock only yields 4 stone per hit. Thick rock and rock only make you gain 1 coin per hit.

Build 190

  • each hit at dirt stone gives 2 stone; thick stone 5; gold 2

[dirt stone" referring to basic rock, thick stone referring to thick rock]

Build 57

  • thick rock has its own destruction animation and takes longer to harvest
  • thick rock takes 6 hits

Build 49

  • added thick rock resource block (3x rock)
