Boat Shop

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Boat Shop
Construction cost 100 WoodMini.png + 50 GoldItemMini.png
Upgraded from Workshop
Function Create Ships

The Boat Shop is one of several types of workshops a player can upgrade an empty workshop into. It can be used by all classes to construct different type of boats. The successful upgrading generates a sound cue and adds a set of tools to the workshop.

How to Build and Use

To build, stand in front of a Workshop, press and hold [E], then choose the 'Boat Shop'.

To create an item, press [E], and select the item you wish to make. If the the object you want is greyed out, you do not have the required resources needed to create that item. You can check for which item you are missing by looking at your inventory and that of which is needed to create the object.


Image Item Name Use Price
DinghyMini.png Dinghy Fast Sea Travel 100 WoodMini.png+ 25Coin 16px.png
LongboatMini.png Longboat Fast Mobile Ship 200 WoodMini.png+ 50Coin 16px.png
WarboatMini.png Warboat Large Defensive Ship and Alternate Spawn 250Coin 16px.png
